Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 10: The pupil of the red flame


In the blink of an eye, Lin Xi had already run away without a trace.

She was obviously dead, how could she move so quickly? And... how did her look become so scary? Where is the delicate Lin Xi in my mind

In shock, Fan Wei slowly raised her head to look at Duan Lin, and found that Duan Lin's face was blue, and the anger in his eyes was fierce.

This time, Fan Wei really angered Duan Lin!

It was a kind of fear that Fan Wei had never experienced before, the most primitive tremor in human hearts.

Duan Lin shook his leg, shook Fan Wei's hand away, grabbed Fan Wei by the neckline, and dragged her up from the ground.

Just when Fan Wei thought he was going to be killed, Duan Lin moved his lips slightly, and said every word: "Women's benevolence! Your momentary kindness, do you know how many people will be killed!"

"What do you mean?" Fan Wei looked at Duan Lin blankly.

Duan Lin let go, and Fan Wei slumped directly on the ground.

Condescendingly, Duan Lin’s eyes were full of hatred for iron but not steel: “Memory can bring beauty and danger. Photos and videos are the carriers of memory. When you see these things, memory It can’t be erased anymore, and those parasitic in the memory will be awakened! I won’t tell you what I’m doing or let you see this scene. It’s just to avoid this moment.”

Fan Wei looked at Duan Lin blankly. At this moment, Fan Wei realized that the anger in Duan Lin's eyes was not hatred, but unwilling annoyance.

However, Fan Wei didn't know what Duan Lin meant.

At this moment, Duan Lin frowned and walked quickly to the window, looking at the night sky in the distance, his voice was extremely serious: "Everything fell short, he woke up."

Almost as soon as Duan Lin's voice fell, a dazzling lightning burst in the clouds, accompanied by a deafening thunder roar, a few seconds later, the pouring rain drenched the entire city.

"Who is he...?" Fan Wei stammered.

Duan Lin slowly turned around, his face grim: "Those of your friends are the bait he released. When you see the corpse, his goal is achieved."

"Corpse?" Fan Wei was stunned again, feeling that his brain was not enough.

Duan Lin took a deep breath: "I didn't want to do this, don't blame me."

"What are you going to do?"

Before Fan Wei could react, Duan Lin had arrived in front of him. He took Fan Wei's hand and stroked his palm with his fingers. A bloody mouth of ten centimeters long appeared, and blood spurted out. In the next second, Duan Lin opened Fan Wei's mouth and forced Fan Wei to drink his blood.

Flustered, fearful, puzzled.

At this moment, an unprecedented pain burst in Fan Wei's stomach. The feeling was like swallowing fiery coal, burning flesh and blood from within.

With a scream, Fan Wei slumped to the ground, clutching his stomach and couldn't stop rolling.

The pain that was enough to drive people mad eroded every nerve of Fan Wei, and her consciousness dissipated at an astonishing speed. In just a few seconds, Fan Wei was unconscious and passed out directly.

In the chaotic thoughts, Fan Wei found that one eye was watching herself.

It was a huge eyeball, the black pupil was very small, disproportionate to the eyeball, while the white of the eye was a blood red, with a few dark bloodshots, irregularly connecting the pupil and the white of the eye.

Eyeballs stared straight at Fan Wei. After a short period of astonishment, Fan Wei suddenly remembered that this eyeball was the one Duan Lin asked himself to eat!

'Three eyes are facing each other', a sharp female voice sounds.

"That guy Duan Lin was kicked in the head by a donkey. He actually handed me over to a weak guy like you. Quickly say, do you have a leg with Duan Lin!"

There was chaos all around, and after confirming that the sound came from his eyes, Fan Wei was so startled that he couldn't even speak.

The sharp female voice sounded again: "Cut, is it a dumb?"

In the contempt of the eyeballs, Fan Wei finally plucked up the courage and stammered: "What are you...?"

"So you can talk." The contempt in the voice of the eyeballs is not reduced: "The identity of the palace is not something that ants like you can inquire."

"Are you the pupil of Chi Yan?" Fan Wei vaguely remembered Duan Lin's words.

Eyeballs snorted: "Cut, you know the identity of this palace, but you can understand it. After all, the name of this palace is shocking all over the world, and everyone knows that everyone knows it. It's not surprising that you, an ant, know this palace. ."

Fan Wei felt depressed. He had seen someone who was narcissistic, had never seen someone so narcissistic, not to mention it was just an eyeball.

Realizing that the eyeball was in his body, and that the terrible pain just now was caused by it, Fan Wei suddenly became interested and curious: "Why do you call yourself this palace? It's strange."

"What's weird!" The eyeballs were upset: "This palace is the emperor of the Great Zhou, the queen of the world!"

Queen? Fan Wei admitted that he had watched several palace battle dramas. It was the first time that a queen had met such a ostentatious queen who was not angry, dignified and noble.

Fan Wei wondered: "Doesn't the queen all have to learn court etiquette, elegant and dignified?"

"You, you, you... Don't talk nonsense! I said that I am a queen and I am a queen!" His eyes stammered, and his tone was quite nervous.

Fan Wei was amused for a while, did not delve into it, and continued to ask: "Then why do you only have one eye?"

"That's because the heart of this palace is the world. After death, the soul will not die, and it will fight the evil spirits and protect the people. How can it... hey."

"Did you lose?" Fan Wei asked without hesitation, and said with emotion: "Then you are too miserable, only one eye is left."

The eyeballs snorted quite proudly: "So what? Duan Lin didn't expect me to protect you."

"Protect me?" Fan Wei was stunned, and said: "Duan Lin didn't come to kill me?"

"Kill you? A joke, although Duan Lin has a weird temper, but he wants you to die during the third watch, you definitely won't survive the fifth watch."

Fan Wei's heart was complicated, and her unshakable enemy turned into a person to protect herself. It happened so suddenly that Fan Wei couldn't accept it at all for a while. But after another thought, Duan Lin has never suffered any substantial harm since he appeared, although he was exposed to severe danger.

Is it true that you have misunderstood Duan Lin

Just when Fan Wei Chen thought, the voice of the eyeball sounded again: "The ugly words are in the front, Little Rune Girl, you are not qualified to tell the palace, don't expect the palace to help you."

Fan Wei was already a little accustomed to the arrogant personality of the eyeballs, and asked cautiously: "Before Duan Lin said that someone was awakened, what is that person?"

The eyeballs were suddenly silent.

"Why, even you are afraid of him?" Fan Wei was surprised.

"Who... Who said I was afraid of him!" (End of this chapter)