Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 100: I love it when I die


Two fists are hard to get a fourth foot. When everyone in the world becomes an enemy, even those who are as strong as Duan Lin will eventually be defeated. If even Duan Lin failed in this storm, where would Fan Wei have the courage to face it all

Yu Zhan's ridicule is not unreasonable.

But Fan Wei was not reconciled, and didn't want to give up. At least he would never give up until Duan Lin said "I love you"!

Fan Wei took a deep breath, stared at Duan Lin, and said every word: "You have been asking me if I believe you. Now it's my turn to ask you, do you believe me?" His eyes met, Fan Wei There was determination in his eyes. After a few seconds of silence, Duan Lin said weakly: "We have been apart for several days. I did not expect to appear in front of you again in this way. I am no longer the powerful red. I'm a devil, what's worthy of your insistence

What? "

As soon as this remark came out, Fan Wei was taken aback for a moment, and then became angry: "Asshole!"

With a roar, Duan Lin frowned.

Fan Wei clenched his fist, gritted his teeth and said: "Do you think I like your power? It's your status? I... I love you!"

"Love?" Duan Lin smiled bitterly and shook his head: "As a devil in red, I can't have the ability to get love. Today, I am deceived by a dog, and love is just the stars in the sky, full of extravagant hopes. That's it."

Fan Wei's heart hurts, but now she can't fall, she can only endure the severe pain: "As long as you work hard and don't give up, extravagant hopes will become dreams, dreams will become ambitions, and ambitions will become reality. You cheer me up, even I didn't give up. What reason do you have to give up!"

Duan Lin slowly raised his head, looked at Fan Wei, and said bitterly: "We will never be together."

"If the ending is really like this, I won't force it!" Fan Wei stared at Duan Lin, saying every word: "At least we have worked hard, and we have no regrets if we lose!"

Duan Lin just looked at Fan Wei quietly and stopped talking.

At this moment, Yu Zhan's sneer interrupted the conversation between Fan Wei and Duan Lin. "Duan Lin thought he was invincible, but he beat the eagle all his life and was pecked blind by the little house sparrow. A group of ground ruffians defeated him. I thought there was no one more arrogant than Duan Lin in this world. After seeing you I just realized that it really did." At this point, Yu Zhan pulled out from his leg.

He took the dagger and laughed crazily: "I will first dig out all of Duan Lin's internal organs, store them in glassware, and then use you as bait to lure those zombies out. Even if I tell you this, what can you do?"

To be honest, now Fan Wei really can't stop Yuzhan.

But Fan Wei absolutely didn't believe that she would die in the hands of the warrior!

Under Yu Zhan's gaze, Fan Wei took a deep breath and said every word: "Is that boyfriend dead?"

Mentioning that'boyfriend walking corpse' Yu Zhan's face suddenly turned aside, and he shouted, "Don't fucking mention that beast to me! Sooner or later, I will use more venomous methods to torture it, just like I tortured its female. Like a friend!"

Sure enough, the boyfriend was not dead. Fan Wei raised her mouth and sneered: "Walking corpses certainly have love too. It sees you torturing its love to death with its own eyes. It will never let you go. It will definitely chase you to the end of the world." Speaking of this. , Fan Wei glanced at Ling Shu’s slightly trembling Qifeng bracelet, and put it to death.

Housheng said: "If there is no accident, it has already come."

"What?" Yu Zhan was taken aback for a moment. Before he could react, the big iron gate on the construction site made a loud and deafening noise.

The iron gate hit by the huge force was crumbling, and when the second impact occurred, the big iron gate crashed down.

Under the night, under the shining of searchlights, the boyfriend's walking corpse stood at the gate of the construction site impressively, his mouth was constantly blowing black, his two eyes fixed on the battle.

Although the power of the walking corpse is great, it is absolutely unable to shake the big iron door. Two impacts knocked down the iron door, which is enough to prove that the boyfriend's walking corpse has produced some changes! After looking closely, Fan Wei was surprised to find that the body of her boyfriend's walking corpse was covered with weird'human tissue'. Half of the rotten body covered her boyfriend's body like a walking corpse, and at the same time, on the back of her boyfriend's walking corpse, a third arm was stretched out. Fan Wei recognized at a glance, this arm belongs to

Zombies in the copper coffin!

At first, Li Saisi only took away the blood and bone marrow of the copper coffin zombie, and discarded the rest in Tianyunguan. Could it be that the boyfriend's walking corpse merged with the remaining copper coffin zombies

At least at the moment, it seems that the strength of the boyfriend's walking corpse is at least equivalent to the original iron coffin zombie!

A flash of excitement flashed in Fan Wei's eyes, and she sneered at Yu Zhan: "Now, do you dare to laugh at the end of good and evil?"

Yu Zhan ignored Fan Wei, turned his one eye quickly, and muttered to himself, in shock: "How is this possible? I obviously threw him away, and he couldn't sense my breath at such a distance. No! It is definitely not me who attracted him here!"

At this moment, the voice of the pupil of Chi Yan rang in Fan Wei's mind, sighing: "What a seed of infatuation."

Fan Wei didn't think there was anything wrong with the term "Seed of Infatuation". The problem was what the pupil of Chi Yan said next.

"I would rather die to guard, it really smells like Duan Lin."

"Guardian? Isn't it revenge?" Fan Wei was surprised, and asked quickly: "Is it because I have always misunderstood my boyfriend's walking dead?"

The pupil of Chi Yan asked back: "Remember the walking corpse of his girlfriend who was tortured by Yu Zhan, the photo in the wallet?"

"Of course I remember!" This is exactly what Fan Wei used to determine the identity of her boyfriend as a walking dead.

The pupil of the red flame said with emotion: "That photo is a composite, not a real group photo. It is certain that the tortured female walking corpse was only a crush on her boyfriend's walking corpse during her lifetime. And the person her boyfriend's true love is actually There are other people."


"It's far in the sky and close in front of you."

Hearing the words of the pupil of the red flame, Fan Wei subconsciously turned and looked at Ling Shu beside her, and found her face very calm. But in this critical situation, as long as it is a normal person, she should be nervous. Her composure is obviously a pretense!

It seemed that he felt Fan Wei's gaze. Ling Shu quickly glanced at his head, avoiding Fan Wei's eyes with a guilty conscience, and indifferently said, "What do you see me doing?" Ling Shu's reaction was enough to explain the problem. Wei finally understood why Ling Shu could survive in the Lin Yu Mansion, where the walking corpses were flooded, and why he could hide in the fighting gym unharmed. It turned out that there was a man who was silently guarding her even when he died! (End of this chapter)