Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 106: Mother earth beast


"Don't run, come back!" Fan Wei shouted to stop him for the first time, but she still took a step slower, and saw Mr. Feng Shui running farther and farther with the flashlight, and the little light spot jumped in the air, just above Mr. Feng Shui. When I was about to run to the exit, accompanied by a wailing, I saw the flashlight flying out of the sky, drawing a line in the air.

An arc, and finally fell to the ground without any response.

Everyone hadn't seen how Mr. Feng Shui was killed from beginning to end, but the faint light of the flashlight in the distance indicated that Mr. Feng Shui was already ill-fated.

With the deathly silence around, Fan Wei was the first to recover from the shock, and shouted at Ling Shu and Brother Tiger in a low voice: "Don't be stunned, just come over and help if you don't want to die!"

Ling Shu took the lead to react, grabbing the steel bars and working hard together, until the'male' joined by Brother Hu, Shimen finally slowly rose.

When Shimen was about 20 centimeters above the ground, enough to climb over, Fan Wei immediately felt the weight on her hands increase, and at the same time Ling Shu's roar sounded: "Smelly man, you are too shameless!"

When Fan Wei reacted, only one foot of Brother Tiger was still exposed, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye. Brother Hu actually sold Fan Wei and Ling Shu without even thinking about it!

The weight of Shimen was not something that the two women Fan Wei and Ling Shu could sustain. Although they were very unwilling, Shimen fell down in the end.

Fan Wei and Ling Shu sat paralyzed in front of the stone gate panting, and kept shining their flashlights around. No one spoke. It may be that the two of them are in despair at the moment.

It is basically unrealistic to want to return to the original path, and Shimen's weight cannot be shaken by two women. At this moment, Fan Wei and Ling Shu are undoubtedly caught in a dilemma where there are wolves before and tigers behind.

Can't escape, can't fight, death is uncertain. Apart from desperately waiting for the worst result, there seems to be no other choice. Time is stretched at this moment, and every second is extremely long. A person appeared in front of Fan Wei with black hair, black eyes, stern cheeks, and deep eyes. He waved to Fan Wei, and Fan Wei tried his entire body.

With strength, he raised his hand and wanted to hold him together. The moment he touched, he disappeared without a trace, like a flower in a mirror reflecting on the surface of the water.

I heard people say that when people are on the verge of death, they will have hallucinations in front of them, seeing the person they want to see most.

Is he going to die here? Fan Wei was desperate, but the corners of her mouth were raised, because at this moment, the answer that belonged to Fan Wei had appeared. The person she most wanted to see was Duan Lin. She loved him so much that she no longer escaped, no longer doubted, everything is already It is clearly printed on Fan Wei's heart.

As long as you realize this, it is not too late. At least at the end of life, Fan Wei can experience true love, which is enough.

If everything can be done again, Fan Wei will regret that she has not embraced the person she loves harder, and has not admitted her heart earlier.

Fan Wei's hand dropped slowly, just quietly looking at the phantom not far away, the man who made Fan Wei's heart beat, and let Fan Wei's soul linger.

"Fan Wei! Fan Wei!"

With bursts of calls ringing in her ears, Fan Wei glanced weakly at Ling Shu next to her, and found that she was looking at herself very anxiously.

"Fan Wei, the knives are on the neck, what are you still in a daze? Hurry up and think of a way to get us out of this ghost place!" Ling Shu had already turned the grass and frightened the snake, angering the'devil' hidden in the darkness, shaking Fan Wei shouted loudly on the shoulder. "Give up, we are doomed to die here." Fan Wei did not ignite the slightest fighting spirit, and even the most basic desire to survive has been lost. In other words, from Fan Wei learned that Duan Lin exhausted all his strength for himself, from the legendary invincible, the high red demon became a

A common man, Fan Wei's heart is already dead for the most part.

In this world, any woman can watch her man getting better and better, but no woman wants to see her man getting worse.

The vitality of a woman's heart is directly proportional to her love.

Apply a line from an advertisement: "He’s good, I’m good..."

Now Fan Wei's him is not good, and everything is damaged. If the heart is contagious, then Fan Wei is already dying, even hopeless. Ling Shu frowned, stared at Fan Wei for a while, then looked at the Yulong Ring in Fan Wei's hand. After a short silence, he made a disdainful voice: "It doesn't matter whether there is a Yulong Ring, I really Yes, you are not worthy of my deep friendship. Mother-in-law is a good person, I am

Sincerely respect her, as for you, ha ha, goodbye! "

After speaking, Ling Shu ignored Fan Wei and threw Fan Wei, who was exhausted physically and mentally and had lost the consciousness of survival, beside Shimen, and ran towards the exit.

After only seven or eight steps, Ling Shu seemed to be hit by something, flew out more than two meters away, and fell heavily to the ground.

The flashlight fell to the ground, and a faint light shone on a body.

This is a four-legged behemoth with black hair and blood-red eyes.


This was Fan Wei's first thought when he saw this guy's true face.

The size of the black monster is equivalent to a small calf, with a sharp beak and a big head, and two big ears that look like a fan. The most shocking thing is the tail behind it, which is two meters long! There is no hair on the tail, and it is covered with dark yellow horny things. Fan Wei can't help but feel nauseous.

It was not until the two white Sensen front teeth were found in the monster's mouth that Fan Wei's head finally popped up with a substantive name'Mouse'!

That's right, this is a huge mouse, weighing at least two hundred catties! Two red eyes, the size of cherries, shone a terrifying light in the darkness.

The small house mouse is enough to scare most women's courage. The mouse, which is comparable to a calf, not only subverted Fan Wei's three views, but also ruthlessly impacted Fan Wei's psychological endurance limit.

Under Fan Wei's horrified gaze, the giant mouse had a half-mutilated body in his mouth. Fan Wei recognized it at a glance. It was the corpse of Mr. Feng Shui!


With a crisp sound, Mr. Feng Shui's head was chewed to pieces by a giant mouse like a peanut! The white brains mixed with bright red blood constantly flowed out of the giant mouse's mouth, dripping to the ground, and Fan Wei, who was watching, almost vomited out on the spot.

At the same time, a terrifying name "Mother Earth" appeared in Fan Wei's mind! Fan Wei once saw the record of the "Mother Earth" in the ancient books of the Sanqing Dynasty, a terrifying species that hides in the ground and feeds on human corpses! (End of this chapter)