Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 12: Lin Xi's corpse changed


It turned out that the pupil of Chi Yan has been asleep for a long time, and he knows nothing about social progress and the changes of the times. For Fan Wei, something that is not unusual for Fan Wei is shocked by the eyes of the pupil of Chi Yan.

After Fan Wei gave a few brief introductions, he ignored the pupils of Chi Yan, and after rushing to the school, after identifying with the security, he went straight to the complex.

In the early hours of the morning, the campus was very quiet and there were few lights. Fan Wei walked to the complex in the dark. The door was not locked. He didn't know which Ma Daha forgot to lock the door when he left.

In order to avoid alarming the security, Fan Wei did not dare to turn on the lights and searched one by one with the help of the faint moonlight outside the window. The locked door was skipped, and only the room with the unlocked door was searched. The speed was also very fast, and it was found after 20 minutes. The second floor.

Almost just as Fan Wei stepped onto the second floor, a crisp sound came from the far side of the corridor.

Fan Wei was overjoyed, and hurriedly followed the voice to search for it, and stopped at the door of the biological laboratory.

With a light push, it didn't lock the door, and glanced at the dark laboratory. Fan Wei was unconsciously a little hairy, but still boldly called out softly, "Lin Xi, are you there? I'm Fan Wei. "

"Ding Dong..."

A crisp sound came from the northwest corner of the laboratory. Fan Wei took a closer look and saw a dark object squatting next to the test bench, distinguishing from the outline, it should be a woman.

"Lin Xi..."

Fan Wei called out softly, and walked over boldly. As the distance got closer, Fan Wei determined that the dark shadow was Lin Xi. She was crouching on the ground with her back to herself, constantly making a'crunching' sound, as if she was eating something.

"Lin Xi, don't be afraid, I'll still help you." Fan Wei tried to make her voice soft, and gently put her palm on Lin Xi's shoulder.

Lin Xi concentrated on eating, his body stiffened, and after a few seconds of silence, he slowly turned around.

With eyes facing each other, Fan Wei felt like her heart had been severely grabbed, almost asphyxiated. The cold sweat instantly soaked his back, and the hand placed on Lin Xi's shoulder also unconsciously shook.

Lin Xi, who was squatting on the ground, had a bluish-purple face, and his two pale eyes were staring at Fan Wei. There was a cage in front of her, which contained the white mice used in the experiment, while Lin Xi was holding a tuft in each of his hands. The reason why it is a tuft, because those little white mice have been bitten to blood.

Lin Xi's mouth screamed'crunchy', and blood and hair continued to flow from the corners of Lin Xi's mouth. The corners of the two mouths were raised, and the mouth almost turned into a semicircle, forming a smirk that made Fan Wei's hair creepy.

"Lin..." Fan Wei was so startled that she couldn't speak, even Lin Xi's name could not be called.

Under Fan Wei's horrified gaze, Lin Xi let go of both hands, and the corpses of the mice were scattered on the ground.

She bounced from the ground like a spring, and directly threw the unsuspecting Fan Wei to the ground. Her two thighs clamped Fan Wei's waist tightly, and her hands were holding Fan Wei's hair. With a big mouth at Fan Wei's neck, he bit down.

The unprecedented fear caused Fan Wei's brain to go blank, and he even forgot to resist.

Just when Fan Wei was about to splash five steps of blood, Lin Xi's mouth came to a halt, and his teeth were less than two centimeters from Fan Wei's skin, but it was hard to get close anymore.

Under Fan Wei's unbelievable gaze, Lin Xi seemed to be carried directly into the air by a huge force, and slammed heavily on the experimental platform nearby.


With a loud noise, the sturdy test bench made of composite panels was directly broken into two pieces.

One of Lin Xi's arm was broken, but she didn't care, squatting on the ground and screaming low, like a beast.

Fan Wei looked up in a panic and found Duan Lin standing beside him, looking at Lin Xi with indifference.

Duan Lin is here to save himself!

Fan Wei's mood was very complicated, and she didn't know if she should be grateful or guilty.

I had always blamed Duan Lin, but seeing that Duan Lin was about to kill Lin Xi, Fan Wei grabbed Duan Lin's trench coat for the first time.

Duan Lin glanced down at Fan Wei and said coldly: "This is the end of the matter, are you going to stop me?"

Fan Wei bit her lip and apologized: "I'm sorry, but Lin Xi became like this because of me. As long as there is a chance, I can't give up."

"Opportunity?" Duan Lin's eyes were cold and ruthless, and he was not angry with himself: "Do you think this walking corpse has a chance?"

"It was said by the pupil of the red flame." Fan Wei hurriedly added.

Duan Lin snorted coldly: "If she is not dead, there is still a chance, but she has already died, and even Da Luo Jinxian can't save it. Now she is just a walking corpse, a bloodthirsty beast. And this beast has it. Infectious diseases can infect other people and must be eliminated!"

During the conversation, Fan Wei finally learned that it was not Duan Lin who had killed Lin Xi, but the toxin infected with Lin Xi, because people can only transform after death. The moment Lin Xi opened her eyes, she was already dead.

Looking at Lin Xi, who was already beyond recognition, Fan Wei's heart was like a drop of blood. All of this happened because of herself, but she couldn't do anything.

The hand holding Duan Lin's windbreaker slowly loosened, Duan Lin did not hesitate for a moment, and reached Lin Xi in one step.

When Lin Xi pounced on Duan Lin, Duan Lin grabbed Lin Xi's neck, and his five fingers contracted inwards. With a muffled groan, Lin Xi's neck was directly chopped off, and his head fell to the ground. Rolling down in front of Fan Wei. Lin Xi's limbs also lost strength and drooped naturally.

There was no drop of blood flowing out of a different part of his body, which proved that Lin Xi had been dead for a long time, and even the blood in his body had already condensed.

Looking at Lin Xi's head, Fan Wei couldn't help it anymore, tears burst into her eyes: "Sorry, I hurt you, I'm sorry..."

If Fan Wei hadn't violated the family motto and hadn't taken the group photo, none of this would have happened. Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.

Thousands of remorse is meaningless at the moment.

The next person to be transformed into a corpse was himself, and instead of fearing, Fan Wei laughed in relief.

However, when Fan Wei reached out and touched the purple thread on her neck, she found that the purple thread had disappeared. He pulled off the collar and looked down. Even the purple thread on her chest was gone!

Fan Wei was shocked for a long time, and said blankly: "Why disappeared?"

The voice of the pupil of the red flame sounded: "You and the main palace are integrated, and there is no corpse poison, not enough to hang on."

Fan Wei suddenly realized that Duan Lin had been helping herself from the beginning, but she didn't realize it, and instead regarded him as an uncommon enemy.

Fan Wei looked at Duan Lin in a dull manner, and complained: "Why do you want to save me? I am not worthy. It is because of me that so many people have died."

"I'm just doing what I should do." Duan Lin said lightly. (End of this chapter)