Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 124: Dream butterfly descendants


Fan Wei made a'please' gesture, and asked you to continue performing, believing you to count me as a driver. Zuo Yu was not in a hurry, and his voice was calm and powerful: "Everything in the world has a nemesis, even Zhou Mengdie. As long as he chokes his throat, even if he can't be forced to submit, he can at least make Zhou Mengdie cast a rat and get enough of his life in the world. This is what Duan Lin has always wanted to teach you

Collar, a word'asymmetric'. "

"Asymmetry?" Fan Wei finally got some interest.

Zuo Yu nodded heavily: "That's right, although Duan Lin's skins inherited the power of his soul, they are still very weak. But facing an enemy several times or even dozens of times stronger, they can still achieve a evenly matched situation. , This is'asymmetry'."

Seeing that Fan Wei still seemed to understand, Zuo Yu simply cited a simple and powerful example. Since the emergence of mankind, war has always existed. On the surface, a small country faces a big country, and once a war occurs, it is 100% defeated. But this is not the case. Many small countries are fully capable of competing with big countries. Because of the big'human rights' issue, no country dares to

Launch a'total war'. Small countries only need to make all-out efforts to develop weapons that are conducive to local warfare, and they can contain or even tie the big countries.

Just like some small countries, fully develop the air force, as long as the air force is strong enough to gain an advantage in air combat, it will be enough to make some big powers cast a bully.

The same is true for Zhou Mengdie, Fan Wei has to do very simple, not simply to die, or to compete with Zhou Mengdie for strength. But to find a way to make Zhou Mengdie have the strength to make it impossible.

"Do you have a way?" Fan Wei asked, looking at Zuo Yu.

The corner of Zuo Yu's mouth outlines a mysterious arc, his eyes fell on Duan Lin who was unconscious, and he said deeply: "In fact, Duan Lin has already prepared everything for you."

"Duan Lin?" Fan Wei froze for a moment, and looked down at Duan Lin, who was already in a coma, with incredible expressions in his eyes.

With Duan Lin's current state, let alone Zhou Mengdie, I am afraid that there is no way to get Zuo Yu. As if perceiving the distrust in Fan Wei’s eyes, Zuo Yu said straightforwardly: “Duan Lin is already in a coma, and Zhou Mengdie is about to come out of the coffin. Even if Duan Lin prepares his trump cards, he will not be able to use it in time. Therefore, I am here only to give Just remind you to help you find this hole card.


"What's the benefit of doing this for you?" Fan Wei frowned, always feeling that Zuo Yu's'do not play cards according to the routine' made Fan Wei very guilty.

Zuo Yu shrugged: "My goal is to defeat Duan Lin. If Duan Lin is killed by Zhou Mengdie, wouldn't my goal be gone?" Speaking of this, Zuo Yu added: "If you think this reason is not convincing enough Power, then I will give you another reason."

Zuo Yu took a deep breath, stared at Fan Wei's eyes, and said every word: "It's not just the four fierce faces, I'm also interested in you!"

"Me?" Fan Wei clenched her fists subconsciously, and said nervously: "What on earth am I worthy of your interest?"

There is something in Zuo Yu's words: "You should treat yourself as a piece of wool jade. At first glance, it is a stubborn stone. As long as you peel off the skin, the hidden gems are all priceless gems!" At this point, Zuo Yu recovered again. In a comfortable posture, leaning on the back of the chair, he said with emotion: "In front of the four evil aspects, I am like an ant. I know this well. However, as long as you have not been captured by the four evil aspects, you cannot deny me. There is still a chance. People, always have dreams

Want to exist, otherwise it is different from salted fish. "

Fan Wei sneered: "Remember, you are not a human being."

"But you can't deny that I am safer than most people." Zuo Yu's mouth was very powerful, and he argued hard for reasons.

Fan Wei didn't say a word, it was regarded as acquiescence to Zuo Yu's self-defense.

Now that the words have been said to the point, Fan Wei has no reason to refuse, and straightforwardly said: "Let's talk about it, what is this trump card?"

Zuo Yu narrowed his eyes, and after a few seconds of silence, he said every word: "A person, as long as you find this person and keep him firmly by your side, you won't win, at least not lose for the time being."


Zuo Yu's eyes flashed brightly: "Listen well, I will only say once, this person's name is Johnny!"

"What?" Hearing the name, Fan Wei was stunned, and after a few seconds she burst into laughter: "Your joke is too ridiculous, Johnny? Wouldn't it be the crazy dog Johnny? ?"

"Yes, it's him!" Zuo Yu insisted.

The smile on Fan Wei's face grew stronger: "No wonder your nickname is'deceiver'. It really is a lie. You can't believe a single punctuation mark!"

"How do you say?" Zuo Yu raised an eyebrow, willing to hear the details. Fan Wei lost a smile on her face and snorted coldly: "If I don’t know Johnny, I might really be bluffed by you. The crazy dog Johnny, Yu Zhan’s apparent friend, went deep into the cemetery with us before. Bao, he was almost killed by the Silver Coffin Zombie. Maybe he is a lunatic with a bottom line, but still

The old cannot change the fact that he is a lunatic. Now you actually tell me that a madman has become my life-saving straw. Are you funny? "

After hearing Fan Wei's words, Zuo Yu didn't move at all, but his voice became firmer: "If you have already met Johnny, then there is only one explanation. This is another part of Duan Lin's plan."

"Don't push everything to Duan Lin!" Fan Wei said in a bad mood. Zuo Yu shook his head again and again: "You don't understand! What Duan Lin is best at is planning and arranging plans, step by step, seeming to make a move, but in fact, there are so many changes in a move! As far as I know, Johnny is not mysterious. The man in the door, if he covets the treasure in the tomb in the war, he can be a powerful person,

Or is there an alliance between Xuanmen and Johnny? What are the benefits of alliance with Johnny? "

This is exactly what Fan Wei wondered. In theory, it was enough for Yu Zhan to form an alliance with the dead Tiger Brother. Apart from some'skills', Johnny seemed to have no advantage at all, or in other words, no value.

Johnny appeared in the tomb, and there was inevitably the suspicion of being'superfluous'.

Is it true that Johnny Duan Lin deliberately used a trick to lead him

Seeing Fan Wei fell silent, Zuo Yu immediately hit the iron while it was hot.

"The reason why Johnny is a means to contain Zhou Mengdie is because he has a mysterious identity that is unknown, even he himself does not know."

"What status?" Zuo Yu took a deep breath and said with emotion: "He is the thirteenth-generation great-great-grandson of Zhou Mengdie! The Zhou Mengdie family suffered a catastrophe, not all of them died. One of the tribe members went out to visit relatives and escaped!" (End of this chapter)