Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 127: The temperament has changed drastically


Duan Lin avoids the important and deliberately ignores Fan Wei's problem. But what Duan Lin said, and the magnitude of his changes, almost caught Fan Wei by surprise.

what happened? Duan Lin had been injured before, and everything was the same after waking up. Why is there an earth-shaking change after waking up this time

Just as Fan Wei was confused, the voice of the pupil of the red flame rang in his mind: "If there is no accident, the damage caused this time has caused Duan Lin to lose some important memories."

"Amnesia?" "Yes!" Chi Yan Zhitong's voice is determined: "Duan Lin's strength is directly related to his soul power. The smaller the soul power, Duan Lin will be weakened in all aspects. This time , Even this palace can clearly feel the change of Duan Lin. First of all, his strength, now I am afraid that he is weak

He doesn't even have the low-level ability to "possess". He now has nothing but soul. Second, he has lost some memories, only remembering that you are a very important person to him, but forgetting the rules he once set. For example..."

"Like what?"

The pupil of Chi Yan laughed, not knowing whether it was gloating, or congratulating Fan Wei: "For example, Duan Lin would never show kindness to you before, let alone get too close to you. Now, you Only the last layer of window paper is left in the room."

Fan Wei knew that that layer of window paper was the three words'I love you'. Fan Wei considers herself a pragmatic person, but she seems very selfish about the word love. The seemingly dispensable phrase'I love you' has become Fan Wei's dream, and even a somewhat stunned pursuit. Fan Wei didn’t understand, she had everything, so why couldn’t she say a word

Even if I changed to any woman, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to figure it out.

In order to confirm this conjecture, Fan Wei asked the pupil of Chi Yan, and the reply from the pupil of Chi Yan was quite simple and neat.

"Since you are in love, you must have no reservations. Love is inherently selfish."

It may be because of the same women. In terms of love, Fan Wei and Chi Yan Zhitong have maintained a united front.

Of course, those three words are important, but Duan Lin's changes at the moment are undoubtedly a precious surprise for Fan Wei. This dream-like beauty, if it can last forever, and finally go hand in hand towards the sunset, even without those three words, maybe it doesn't matter.

Life is not easy. It is necessary to live in the moment, but also to do it and cherish it.

Fan Wei was soft in Duan Lin's arms, enjoying this precious moment. When Fan Wei was intoxicated, Duan Lin suddenly let go.

Could it be that the dream is broken

Under Fan Wei's puzzled eyes, Duan Lin frowned slightly: "What have you experienced? Why are you so weak?"

It turned out that she was worried about herself, and Fan Wei was delighted. In order to avoid Duan Lin's worries, Fan Wei did not tell him that he had spent time with Zuo Yu before, but casually found an excuse, saying that he was not familiar with Yulong Ring and made mistakes in his operation and wasted a lot of unnecessary energy.

Duan Lin breathed a sigh of relief, grabbed Fan Wei's hand, pulled Fan Wei up from the sofa, and walked upstairs with Fan Wei.

"Where to go?" Fan Wei was a little flattered, after all, before that, except for the first floor, the rest of the place was Fan Wei's forbidden area.

"Come with me." Duan Lin did not answer, but said in a gentle and undoubted voice. Even if it changed the way of getting along, Duan Lin's personality has not changed at all, which undoubtedly created a beautiful feeling that is both real and illusory for Fan Wei.

Already used to Duan Lin's domineering personality, if Duan Lin suddenly becomes gentle like water, perhaps Fan Wei will not adapt.

Passing through the second floor, went straight to the third floor, and the moment he opened the room, a strong smell of formalin hit his face.

This is Fan Wei's second visit to Duan Lin's room, and the feeling of being in Duan Lin's room is still strong. Fan Wei could not stop his stomach from seeing the various human tissues soaked in the potion.

After entering the room, Duan Lin let go of Fan Wei and walked to the medicine cabinet not far away alone, looking for something.

"Why do you put so many disgusting things in the room?" Fan Wei frowned slightly and asked softly.

Duan Lin replied without raising his head: "Is it disgusting? I don't think, at least for people who know medicine, these are very common things." Having said that, but guarding these human tissues, Fan Wei still stopped. Unstoppable hairy. Inadvertently, Fan Wei's gaze fell on a display cabinet not far away, and those bodies still existed. When she saw the body of the'old classmate', Fan Wei couldn't help but sighed, and quickly asked: "Why do you put me together

Where is the body of learning? "

Duan Lin wrote lightly: "Medical value." A good medical value can almost become the most perfect standard answer. Fan Wei couldn't help but sigh. It is clear that Duan Lin is not a human being, but he trusts'science' more than most human beings. It’s like she’s not a woman, but she knows high heels better than a woman. You will feel a little offensive.

Not a class.

Duan Lin didn't give Fan Wei too much time to'visit'. Soon he returned to Fan Wei with a small medicine bottle and stuffed the small medicine bottle into Fan Wei's hand.

"What's this?" Fan Wei questioned looking at the small size of his thumb with a small red drug bottle in it.

"It can help you regain your energy." Duan Lin blurted out.

On the contrary, Fan Wei found it even more bizarre. She was a highly educated intellectual. She had watched some science and education films on TV. She had never heard of potions that could restore'energy'. Moreover, the definition of the word'energy' itself is very metaphysical. Touching Duan Lin's firm eyes, Fan Wei had to take the red syrup with suspicion. A few seconds later, accompanied by a warm stream of warm air swirling around his stomach, Fan Wei's wilting spirit was really lifted. The cloudy vision gradually became clear, and then the dizzy brain became clear.

I woke up a lot, and most importantly, the tired and weak limbs began to become stronger.

Fan Wei was shocked by the heavens and said unbelievably: "What kind of potion is this? It has such a magical effect."

Duan Lin didn't want to answer, but after Fan Wei's repeated questioning, he said it.

"It's blood."

"What? Essence?" Fan Wei couldn't help but stunned.

Essence and blood are not literal "essence" blood, but a term in metaphysics. The blood of a man is the first drop of blood squeezed out from the index finger of his left hand. The blood of a woman is the menstruation of the virgin body. According to the theory of metaphysics, the essence of blood contains human yang and auspicious qi, which can drive away yin and ward off evil spirits. People in the profound sect with Taoism can even kill demons and demons with essence and blood. (End of this chapter)