Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 145: The three males gathered


If the sky is dark, survive in the dark. If it is dangerous to make a sound, keep silent. If you feel powerless to shine, then curl up against the corner of the wall.

But don't get used to the darkness, just defend the darkness, and don't be proud of your own struggling. Don't mock people who are braver than yourself. We can be humble to dust, but we can't twist into maggots.

It is not a man that Fan Wei wants to oppose, nor the world, but the shameful shackles and injustice rules of the game that make the soul humiliating!

"We had grudges before?" The Machinist looked at Fan Wei and asked blankly.

Fan Wei shook her head: "No enmity."

"Then there are grievances recently?"

"No complaint!" Fan Wei blurted out.

The look in the machine girl's eyes became more puzzled: "Then why plant the blame on me?"

Seeing the lack of fighting spirit and even lifeless eyes of the mechanical lady, Fan Wei is very ironclad: "Since you have already admitted your fate, why bother to live a darker life?"

The Mechanic didn't speak any more, she lowered her head silently, waiting for the more cruel reality to arrive.

Fan Wei looked at the time. There was still half an hour before the blood moon came. At this time, the door of the room was pushed open and three men in suits walked in. In addition, four young men in black followed behind him. Of the three men in suits, Fan Wei only knows one, who was the host of the Johnny gold and silver jewelry auction before. The remaining two men in suits, one in his sixties, have a black and white goatee. The other is very young, at most twenty-five or sixteen years old, wearing a pair of yellow sunglasses


Seeing the two guests lying on the ground, he looked at the mechanical lady lying on the ground with scars and motionless. The host seemed to realize something, and finally fell on the unyielding Fan Wei.

"If I didn't guess wrong, it was not the mechanical lady who resisted these two guests, but you, right?" The host was relieved and said: "I said, I have been trained to become a golden retriever's mechanical lady. How could it be an old problem?" The three words'Golden Retriever' are quite harsh. Fan Wei took a deep breath, staring at the men in front of him, and said every word: "In other words, the mechanical lady is not the only one who suffers from these humiliations. Woman? Let’s talk about it, besides her, how many more women are trapped here like cattle by you

"Yeah." "The young man in suit next to him laughed and said, "Sister, what's your situation?" Isn't it because you watched too many movies and think of yourself as Wonder Woman? Let me advise you, this is the Prisoner’s Phoenix Tower, regardless of your status outside, when you enter the Prisoner’s Phoenix Tower, it’s a dragon and a tiger lying down.

It is best not to push your head, it is easy to touch your head. "

The man in a goatee suit on the other side sighed, "This is the Prisoner's Phoenix Tower. As the name suggests, it's normal to have a few'phoenix' prisoners."

Fan Wei nodded and glanced at the time on the phone again. It was twenty-eight minutes before the blood moon descended.

The host raised his eyebrows slightly: "Always look at the phone, why? In a hurry?"

"It's really in a hurry, but I think it should be enough." After saying that, Fan Wei put her mobile phone away, and her cold and sharp gaze swept across the faces of all the men, calmly and forcefully: "If you treat Fengfeng Tower as a prisoner If you have a lawless umbrella, then you have miscalculated."

The host shrugged and said disapprovingly: "So, what can you do as a woman?"

Fan Wei paused and said: "Since the life and dignity of the prisoner Fenglou are so worthless, then it is reasonable for the guilty to pay the due price, right?"

As soon as he said this, almost all the men laughed. But the mechanical lady on the side said solemnly: "It turns out that you put the blame on me to attract them to show up. You are really crazy. This is the prison phoenix building."

"Why is it the Prisoner Phoenix Tower, not the Prisoner Dragon Tower?" Fan Wei asked, looking at the mechanical lady.

The mechanical lady sighed: "This is how the world is."

"Then there is no need for existence in this world."

"Hahaha..." The young man in a suit smiled and leaned forward and backward: "I have seen many people who are not ashamed, but today, you woman has opened my eyes to me. Are you not afraid to blow the ground out of the hole?"

The man in the goatee suit spurned: "There is no appearance of a woman at all! A woman should have the four virtues! Wait a while, the old man has to discipline her well, let her know what a woman's duty is!"

The host's patience has also worn out, and he waved his hand impatiently: "Catch her up."

When the voice fell, the four young men in black immediately rushed into the room, but they stopped before Fan Wei's presence.

In the shadow behind Fan Wei, a figure appeared in the flash, turning from darkness to reality, who else could be except Duan Lin.

Duan Lin's cold eyes, with infinite power, instantly calmed the four young men in black: "Apologize to your ancestors and ancestors for me. I'm sorry to let them die."

The four young men were dumbfounded.

At the same time, the most surprised is naturally the mechanical lady. Her gaze was originally directed at Fan Wei, looking at Duan Lin who appeared out of thin air, her eyes were full of shock.

Maybe the Mechanic lives in a dark world, but because of the wicked entrenched, she doesn't seem to know that there is something darker than the wicked in this world, ghost!

Of course, judging from the eyes of the mechanical lady, she did not associate Duan Lin with the ghost, but was completely confused with nothing.

At this moment, another voice rang from Fan Wei's other side, with murderous aura in the exaggeration, a typical honey-belly sword.

"Hehehe, this is interesting. A bunch of bugs are also trying to challenge the most untouchable woman in the world. It is shameful to have dreams, but unrealistic dreams are shameful."

Along with the smirk and disdain, another black figure emerged from Fan Wei's side, it turned out to be Zuo Yu!

"Why are you here?" Fan Wei was taken aback, dumbfounded.

Zuo Yu raised his mouth and said excitedly: "I said that my goal is to defeat Duan Lin. Note that it is Duan Lin in his heyday, not Duan Lin now. So, in order to prevent my goal from failing, I naturally want to First help Duan Lin deal with powerful enemies."

"You are such a lunatic!" Fan Wei said angrily.

Zuo Yu smiled lightly: "You are not the first to say this to me, and you won't be the last." Just as the three men in suits frowned, the door behind them made a slight creak. 'sound. Following the voice, Li Saisi stood at the door, the door was closed, and the corner of his mouth raised: "This woman is an important factor in my success. Anyone who endangers her is my mortal enemy." (End of this chapter)