Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 15: Sleep with ghosts


The corpse poison was caused by that'mysterious man'.

According to the introduction in the ancient book of Sanqing, Fan Wei couldn't help but pop up a terrible word'zombie' in her mind!

The ghosts that once existed only in film and television works suddenly became real things. Thinking of the characteristics of blue-faced fangs and bloodthirsty, Fan Wei's nervous palms sweated. Moreover, the fact is in front of us, this terrible zombie came because of himself!

Just as Fan Wei was panicking, a cell phone ringing interrupted Fan Wei's thoughts.

When I picked it up, it turned out to be a guide again.

Not daring to neglect, he hurriedly connected the phone, and there was a serious voice from the instructor: "Fan Wei, there is a temporary notice from above that we are going to rebuild the complex. You need to know the situation before rebuilding. You come to the school tomorrow afternoon. "

"Why did you find me?" Fan Wei was puzzled.

"The school monitor showed that you were the last to enter the complex, and this is what the leader meant. You can come here. Don’t worry, I’ve already asked you about it. At most, it’s the police who interrogated you to find out. It's just the situation." The instructor said to let Fan Wei not worry, but his tone was a little serious, fools could hear it, and the things in it were not that simple.

Fan Wei wanted to ask a few more questions, but unfortunately the instructor had already hung up.

"If I were you, I wouldn't go." A voice came from behind, and after turning around, Duan Lin didn't know when he would be back.

He leaned on the window sill, folded his hands on his chest, and looked at Fan Wei calmly.

Facing Duan Lin again, Fan Wei finally recovered a little, and her mood fluctuated again.

Fan Wei pretended to be calm and said, "This is what the instructor meant, and it is very likely that the police summoned me. If I don't go..."

Before Fan Wei finished speaking, Duan Lin interrupted coldly: "The police summons you to go to the police station, not the school. Do you know how much effort I had to take to bring you back from there? Well, the scars are forgotten. pain?"

Upon hearing this, Fan Wei suddenly lost his temper and whispered: "Then I won't go."

Duan Lin's solemn eyes calmed slightly, and he took out something from his arms and threw it towards Fan Wei without warning.

Fan Wei caught it in a hurry and looked down. It turned out to be a small and exquisite thermos. The lid was unscrewed, and the fragrance was fragrant, and it was filled with dark yellow sex.

"What is this?" Fan Wei wondered.

"Black chicken soup, for blood." Duan Lin replied lightly, lay down and closed his eyes: "I'm a little tired, don't disturb me."

The scent of black-bone chicken soup returned to her nasal cavity. Fan Wei had never smelled such a fragrant chicken soup in her life. Seeing Duan Lin who had fallen asleep, Fan Wei had mixed feelings.

It turns out that he left for the black chicken soup...

Cold outside and hot inside, that's the kind of person I'm talking about.

Moving and warmth spread in his heart, Fan Wei couldn't hold back, and said thank you softly.

Duan Lin didn't open his eyes, and said coldly: "I said, don't bother me!"

Although Duan Lin's tone was very impatient, and what he said was a bit hurtful, Fan Wei's heart was warmer. He was clearly under the same roof with evil spirits, but there was no sense of fear. On the contrary, I feel that this devil in red, who is cold on the surface, but actually careful in heart, has valuable advantages that are not easy to detect.

Drinking a drop of black chicken soup, Fan Wei curled up on the other side of the bed, listening to Duan Lin's faint breathing, Fan Wei unexpectedly felt an unprecedented peace.

Surrounded by evil spirits, it seems that it is not as terrible as the legendary...

Counting Duan Lin's breathing, he fell asleep unknowingly.

In the dream, Fan Wei came to the school, as if an invisible force guided Fan Wei into the complex.


There was a loud noise and the door of the complex was closed. Fan Wei was taken aback. After panicking, he found that the corridor was filled with thick black smoke.

At first, I thought there was a fire, so I looked for the source of fire everywhere and pushed open a plain gate. Fan Wei was stunned.

In a small room, there were densely packed corpses. Fan Wei wanted to escape, but her legs couldn't move. At this time, a corpse attracted Fan Wei's attention. It was the corpse of a woman. Upon closer inspection, the clothes were somewhat familiar. , Looked at her cheek again, Fan Wei couldn't help taking a breath, the female corpse was clearly himself!

The strong sense of fear directly scared Fan Wei awake.

Opening his eyes, the sky was already bright, Duan Lin had long since disappeared, and Fan Wei was lying in her arms alone, dripping with cold sweat.

Thinking back to the nightmare of last night, Fan Wei's heartbeat couldn't help speeding up.

Was it because I was frightened in the complex building and caused a psychological shadow

Looking at the empty bedside, Fan Wei couldn't help sighing. It would be great if Duan Lin was there, even if he always refuses others thousands of miles away, but as long as he is there, Fan Wei can feel an endless sense of security.

Jingle Bell…

The sudden ringing of the phone's ringtone made Fan Wei frightened and flicked. Fan Wei couldn't help but shook her head and smiled bitterly. She has become a frightened bird.

I picked up my mobile phone and saw that it was the instructor's phone.

Last night, Duan Lin had promised not to go to school, so Fan Wei simply did not answer the phone.

I got out of bed and took a shower, rinsed off the sticky sweat on my body, had lunch, and when I was about to take a lunch break, there was a rapid knock on the door.

Opening the door, Fan Wei couldn't help but sighed inwardly.

The instructor stared at Fan Wei with a gloomy expression, and said in a bad mood: "I knew you didn't answer the phone on purpose!"

"Guide, I really can't go to school, I..."

Before Fan Wei finished speaking, a coughing sound came from the instructor, and then a middle-aged man in a police uniform appeared in front of Fan Wei.

"Classmates, please assist us in the investigation."

Seeing the policeman, Fan Wei suddenly felt a natural sense of fear. When he subconsciously looked at the guide, he found that the guide put on an expression of "cannot help".

"Uncle Police, can I not go?" Fan Wei asked unwillingly.

The policeman smiled: "Refused to assist in the investigation, obstructed the collection of evidence, fined, and administrative detention on the 15th."

Fan Wei felt guilty and whispered: "Assisting in the investigation is an obligation, not mandatory. I have the right to refuse, right?"

The police still greeted each other with a smile, but Fan Wei couldn't help feeling cold when he said: "Then I will officially call you orally."

The police's attitude was very firm, and Fan Wei could only bite the bullet and agreed.

As long as he rushed back before dark, Duan Lin shouldn't blame himself, and in broad daylight, coupled with the police by his side, there shouldn't be any danger.

"Your school is a place of right and wrong. If you change to the local palace, you will not go back to death." The voice of the pupil of Chi Yan sounded in his mind.

Fan Wei sighed and said helplessly: "The police have come to the door, I can't resist the law, right?" (End of this chapter)