Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 150: Unexpected dark horse


The tunic, headed by him, exclaimed: "One of the three innate, mighty heaven?"

Among the people present, there were also people who knew this brawny man, even Zuo Yu, who was next to Fan Wei, knew the brawny man, and said, "I didn't expect this guy to be in the prison in Fenglou." It turned out that the majestic sky is the law. No., one of the three congenitals, naturally means that besides this mighty heaven, there are two other people, and the three of them are righteous brothers. Mighty Tian’s real name is “Lu Xiao”, and the southerners are the same “Tong Tong” who worship the wolf, and are famous in the Profound Gate.

Quite big.

In addition to his exquisite profound arts, it is also because his strength is quite amazing, and he is a well-known villain, and his shots are quite fierce, let alone ordinary people, even people in the profound sect are afraid to avoid him when they encounter him. Too much.

The headed Chinese tunic suit smiled and said, "Senior Mighty Heaven, you... why are you here?"

Although the age of the tunic is much older than the mighty man, it is a pity that in terms of the time of entry, the tunic can only be willing to call the other party senior.

Mighty Tian walked out of the auditorium and came to the tunic suit, relying on his height advantage, condescendingly, looking down on the tunic suit rather domineeringly: "Where do I go, do I need to talk to a junior of you?"

The tunic's face turned dark, but he could only continue to laugh: "Hehe, what the predecessor said. Just now I reached an agreement with the owner of the prison phoenix building, and he will pay tens of millions of rewards for taking care of these people. It is not as good as the help of the predecessors, this How do we split the reward?"

Zuo Yu whispered: "The strength of this mighty sky is not bad, if he intervenes, I'm afraid it won't be good."

But at this moment, an unexpected scene happened. The mighty Tian Lu Xiao actually raised a bear-claw-like slap, slapped it heavily on the face of the tunic suit, slapped it down, and directly smacked the tunic suit.

The three companions in the tunic suit were taken aback for a moment, but they did not dare to attack easily. Obviously, they knew very well in their hearts that even if the four of them worked together, they might not have been able to fight Lu Xiao.

Lu Xiao stared at the tunic suit and tweeted: "Say what you just said again!"

The Chinese tunic suit was stunned for a few seconds, and looked at Lu Xiao with a puzzled expression: "Senior, what are you doing?"

Lu Xiao did not answer, and slapped his backhand again: "I want you to say it again!"

Everything that Lu Xiao showed can be described as a bully, the kind of existence that usually hides. Lu Xiao’s tunic suit was cleaned up by Lu Xiao. He was aggrieved and complained: "Senior, I don’t know where I offended you. If you are like this, I will not accept it."

"Not convinced?" Lu Xiao's eyes stared like cow bells, and his slap turned into fists: "Then I will fight you until today!" The words fell, and under everyone's attention, Lu Xiao's tunic suit was beaten on the face with a fist. In the end, for a minute, the thin Chinese tunic suit was brutally and inhumanely fucked by Lu Xiao. When Lu Xiao stopped, the tunic suit had been beaten to death. And during the whole process, those three companions

He didn't mean to offer assistance at all.

When Lu Xiao's gaze fell on another person in the profound door, the person in the profound door hurriedly clasped his fists: "Senior, all that reward goes to you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Xiao kicked the person in the profound door on the chest, and directly kicked him upside down.

"Is this guy crazy? Why is he hitting someone for no reason?"

"Today I have seen what a bully is."

"Hehe, I'm afraid you don't know Mighty Sky, his bully behavior is not one day or two days. Ordinary people and people in the Profound Clan are often bullied by him."

"If you feel uncomfortable, you should go and trouble him. Mighty Heaven is not just a member of the Profound Gate. With the skill, twenty or thirty people can't get close to him."

"Fuck, is it so fierce? It looks like this guy has the capital to pretend to be X!"

Amidst the people’s discussion, the young suit man in the suit men’s trio took a step forward and yelled to Lu Xiao: "Brother, since those guys are not useful, it’s up to you, I Mentioned 20 million to you and took care of that woman!"

As soon as this statement came out, Lu Xiao's ferocious eyes fell on the young man in a suit immediately: "What the hell did you say?"

The young man in a suit was shocked, not knowing where he was wrong, and looked at Lu Xiao in a daze, "What's the matter?"

Almost as soon as the young man in the suit fell, Lu Xiao walked straight towards the young man in the suit. The black-clothed youths around immediately tried to stop Lu Xiao, but in the next second, a dozen young men fell. It turned out that the two evil spirits who had been driven away were summoned back.

And the one who called back the evil spirit was Lu Xiao, because he kept chanting words. Lu Xiao** came to the young man in the suit, grabbed the collar of the young man in the suit, and yelled: "You prisoner Fenglou is also a good place for fun. Lao Tzu has always been too lazy to care about you trash. But Today, you fucking dare to be disrespectful to us, I’m today

I will tear you apart! "

"Look at the subject?" Not to mention a trio of men in suits, even those guests watching the excitement can't help but exclaim.

Fan Wei was naturally the most surprised. She stared at the bully Lu Xiao, never dreaming that this unreasonable local rogue turned out to be a lost believer of Tianyun View!

Under Fan Wei's stunned gaze, the young man in a suit was lifted into the air by Lu Xiao, and then hit the ground heavily.

Just for a moment, the young man in a suit has already lost half his life, half alive.

At this moment, the goatee and the host's faces were as pale as paper. They looked at Lu Xiao, and then at Duan Lin in front of Fan Wei. Suddenly they finally realized why there are so many powerful monsters around Fan Wei. Unfortunately, it is too late to apologize.

After taking care of the young man in a suit, Lu Xiao turned to Fan Wei and knelt down on one knee, shouting: "Below, one of the three innate natures, mighty heaven. As a fringe boy of Tianyun Guan, I should meet Master Guanzhu. It should have been. It’s really inconvenient to give a five-body bow to the ground. Please watch the Lord’s atonement."

After that, under everyone's stunned gaze, Lu Xiao knocked his head towards Fan Wei without hesitation, banging, feeling the floor trembling.

When Lu Xiao straightened up, his gaze fell on the remaining two profound doors.

The people in the two profound doors were stunned for a moment, and then knelt to the ground like crazy, and kept kowtow at Fan Wei, begging for mercy while kowtow.

"Unexpectedly, it was the Master of Heavenly Clouds who came to visit, who had eyes but didn't know Mount Tai, and invited the Lord to have a lot of them, and let us as a fart." For a moment, the whole hall was deadly silent, and almost all eyes were concentrated. On Fan Wei's body. (End of this chapter)