Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 152: reborn


How powerful is this? Just speaking in an equal tone is already an insult.

The host’s face was pale, and his eyes were dead. Obviously, at this point, he finally understood the gap between himself and Fan Wei. The woman in front of him not only possesses an identity that is beyond imagination, but also has a similarity to this kind of position. The great strength of matching.

It has nothing to do with women, but pure strength and weakness.

At least when facing a strong person with absolute strength, who cares whether the opponent is a man or a woman? It's like the ant doesn't care whether it is a man or a woman who tramples him to death. Prisoner Fenglou is a typical example of the oppression of women in this world, and the three men in suits are the executioners of the Prisoner Fenglou. If there is no end to what happened today, there will surely be more girls like mechanical girls in the future. When Fan Wei raised her head to look at Duan Lin, Duan Lin also understood and made Fan Wei a tacit understanding.

There is no need for much verbal communication with Duan Lin at all, and a look in his eyes will understand.

Duan Lin walked straight to the trio of men in suits, and finally stopped in front of the men in goatee suits. The man in a goatee suit is the oldest of the three and has the deepest prejudice against women. Duan Lin didn't give the goatee any chance to open his mouth. He grabbed the goatee by the throat. As soon as he pressed his fingers, his cervical spine was pinched and the trachea was severely injured. As soon as his hand was loosened, the goatee fell to the ground.

Although he did not die immediately, his death was only a matter of time.

This scene has long left the host and the young man in a suit like ashes. Although there are countless guests around, there are still many black thugs who used to be a tiger in the past. Unfortunately, at this moment, the two of them are very clear that their aura is exhausted, and there is nothing. People can save them.

The young man in a suit crawled and ran backwards, trying to escape. Unfortunately, when he ran to the hall gate, he immediately froze in place, and then his body became violent.

"What's up with him?"

"Could it be that the goat is a lunatic?"

"Weird, it's so weird!"

There was a lot of discussion. Ordinary people just thought it was weird that the young man in a suit suddenly got fucked, and the scene that the people in the Xuanmen saw was another matter.

The evil spirit that had been lurking around to protect Duan Lin had already been possessed by the young man in the suit at this moment.

There are also several ways to possess the body, which is different from attaching to Amy before. At this moment, the evil spirit got directly into the body of the man in the suit. Strong yin and resentment have a huge impact on ordinary people, while the influence of evil spirits on the soul of the suit man is irreversible.

Perhaps most possessions cannot directly kill the host, but it is still very easy to turn the opponent into an idiot or a paralyzed vegetative.

After all, once a person's soul is wounded, it is simply impossible to heal it.

Even Duan Lin couldn't change this point, otherwise he would not be as weak as he is today.

Under the dumbfounded gaze of everyone, the young man in a suit finally fell to the ground after having sex for a few times. He didn't pass out immediately, but was foaming continuously in his mouth and became a useless person.

In the blink of an eye, there was only one host left in the trio of men in suits. The host couldn't stop swallowing, because of tension, his hands clenched into fists. The two legs were shaking uncontrollably, his eyes didn't know where to land, sometimes they glanced at Fan Wei and sometimes wandered around. From all indications, the host has been frightened, not directly weakened

On the ground, incontinence is already not easy.

Among the three masters of the Prison Phoenix Tower, the host has the highest status, and leaving him as one in the end is considered intentional.

Duan Lin didn't give the host immediately, but turned and glanced at Fan Wei, as if waiting for Fan Wei's final outburst.

Fan Wei finally stood up slowly, in full view, Fan Wei rushed to the host with enough fingers and motioned for him to come. The host took a deep breath. Due to Fan Wei’s pressure, he did not dare to hesitate at all. He stepped forward and walked towards Fan Wei. The distance between the two of them was about 20 meters. Twenty meters, the host walked for more than a minute, and finally was less than two meters away from Fan Wei

The place stopped, sweat has already soaked the host’s clothes.

"So... girl, if you can let me go, I'd rather give you the entire prison phoenix building." The host stammered. Obviously, he still has a glimmer of hope for life and feels that money can help him buy it. Return to life.

Unfortunately, the host incorrectly estimated Fan Wei's love for money.

Fan Wei also loves money, or in other words, in this world, no one has any hatred with money. Even those dreamy people who talk about "Poetry and the distance, pastoral" all day long, can't leave money all the time. To put it ugly, in today's world, it is hard to move without money. However, Fan Wei's love for money only stays at the most basic needs. For money, Fan Wei is not as fanatical as Ling Shu, and not as shameless as Yu Zhan. Even in Fan Wei's opinion, there are too many things that are more valuable than money in this world. Take Duan Lin who is close at hand

, Even if Jinshan Yinshan is worthless.

Facing the host's almost whimsical pleading, Fan Wei couldn't help but let out a sneer, ignored him, and glanced at the mechanical lady next to her.

"This is your last chance. Let me see your bottom line as a person, and let me see if you are worthy of me taking you out of here."

Facing Fan Wei's almost questioning words, the Machinist looked at Fan Wei and then at the host in front of her, she couldn't help but hesitate. Fan Wei is like a god sent by God, appearing in the life of the mechanical lady without warning, acting as a living bodhisattva who rescues suffering and giving the mechanical lady the hope of dignity. Dignity is something more difficult to obtain than life, so that Mechanic always feels like living in a dream


The Mechanic was afraid that the dream would suddenly break, she opened her eyes and found that nothing had changed, and even greeted her with a more terrifying reality nightmare.

At the time of hesitation, the mechanical lady touched Fan Wei's eyes, so real and majestic eyes, like a shot of strong heart, slammed into the mechanical lady's heart. The mechanical lady gritted her teeth, plucked up the courage, and looked at the host squarely for the first time. Almost from the birth of Mechano to the present, the host has been a nightmare, like a demon that can never be looked up. He sentenced Mechano’s life to death, and his dignity was trampled to pieces.

Unbearable. At least until then, Mechanic had absolutely no courage to face this man. (End of this chapter)