Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 162: It was a complete failure


Give him back to me, give me back...

With his head dizzy and dizzy, Fan Wei can't even scream, only an unwilling struggle in his heart. Zhou Mengdie did not leave. On the contrary, she never planned to leave. Instead, she threw Duan Lin and Johnny into the room where Liu Xin had suffered before, closed the door, and then returned to the center of the hall. Under Fan Wei's weak gaze, Zhou Mengdie snapped his fingers, and a group of walking corpses looked like puppets.

In general, they rushed into the hall, began to remove the chairs in the auditorium, and began to renovate the hall in an orderly manner.

Surprisingly, Zhou Mengdie had already regarded Prisoner Fenglou as her site.

As for the surviving Fan Wei, Liu Xin, and Yu Zhan, it has been difficult to arouse Zhou Mengdie's interest. In the end, she just waved her hand, sent a group of walking corpses, and involuntarily threw Fan Wei and others out of the hall.

Yu Zhan's desire to survive is very strong, even if he has already stepped into the ghost gate with one foot and his body is incomplete, he still gritted his teeth and crawled out little by little, really can't beat Xiaoqiang.

Under the influence of Zhou Mengdie's toxin, Fan Wei was already unable to move. Liu Xin carried Fan Wei on his back and left the Prisoner Fenglou without looking back.

Before leaving the prison phoenix building completely, Fan Wei fainted. In the darkness, the memories of the past continued to play in Fan Wei's mind. In the past, Duan Lin's desperate guardianship, even when Fan Wei was born, the fierce battles between Duan Lin and the other four fierce faces appeared in front of Fan Wei like a marquee. Looking at Duan Lin's decisive face, firm eyes

, Fan Wei not only did not yearn for the slightest, but heartache.

It was Fan Wei who turned Duan Lin from a high above death to a prisoner.

It was also Fan Wei, who destroyed all of Duan Lin's arrogance and majesty, and became a loser who was trampled by others.

Fan Wei vowed not to cry anymore, but her heart was already sorrowful. The more it was, the more Fan Wei felt that she was useless. What kind of shit, Tianyun watched the Lord, in the end, facing the powerful Zhou Mengdie, he immediately showed his true shape and became a little person who could do nothing.

In this way, in the vortex of sadness and despair, I don't know how long it has passed. When Fan Wei finally woke up, it was already noon the next day.

The dazzling sunlight shone on Fan Wei's body through the window, but it couldn't solve Fan Wei's sadness and mist.

After a brief astonishment, a familiar voice rang in my ear: "You are awake."

Following the voice and turning his head to look over, Fan Wei found Liu Xin who had been sitting next to him without saying a word.

Withdrawing his gaze and looking at the familiar ceiling, Fan Wei, who has not yet come out of her grief, said in doubt: "How do you know to bring me back to Tingtao Pavilion?"

Liu Xin shook his head: "When I left the prison phoenix building, there was nowhere to go, and then a man who claimed to be a housekeeper appeared."

It turned out that Fan Wei felt bitter again, even though Duan Lin had already become a prisoner, his power still continued to play a role. But he, like a parasite, asked Duan Lin insatiably greedily, and had never dedicated even the smallest amount of valuable power.

Before Fan Wei naively thought that Liu Xin could be redeemed, now who can come to redeem Fan Wei himself

As if perceiving the negativity in Fan Wei's eyes, Liu Xin sighed lightly: "Before you were in the Prisoner Fenglou, you were so majestic and so powerful, how come you seemed to have changed so quickly."

Fan Wei's face was hot: "Women are fickle." Liu Xin shrugged: "Not only women, but people are fickle. Just like me, I have lost hope in life. But at this moment, it is rekindled. I gained confidence. In this way, I am also fickle." At this point, Liu Xin looked at Fan Wei and asked, "Before this, I never knew

It turns out that love can be so heartbreaking. "

As soon as this topic was mentioned, Fan Wei's heart went dark, as if she had fallen into a vortex of despair that would never come out.

Love is a difficult problem that will never be solved. No one in this world dares to claim to be able to solve this problem perfectly. Those who are trapped in love are equal. Whether it is a prince or general, a strong or powerful person, or a beggar and a villain, as long as they have a relationship with the word love, they seem to be stuck in mud, unable to extricate themselves, and end up in a sad and sad end. It's not that love is too dangerous, but

Too many people think of love too beautifully.

Like a rose, it is delicate and beautiful, but it is full of thorns.

Affection, the word is easy to write, such as drunken utterance. Difficulty, as if ascending to heaven and killing the king.

Liu Xin rekindled hope for life, but what about Fan Wei? The picture of the beloved being taken away by the enemy is still vivid. In addition to despair and the chagrin of weakness and incompetence, who can help Fan Wei ignite confidence and fighting spirit

Looking at Liu Xin's eyes that had returned to color, Fan Wei sighed, "If our identities were exchanged, what would you do?"

Liu Xin shook his head: "I don't think we need to exchange at all."

"How do you say?" "Because our situation is the same, Prison Phoenix Tower is too strong for me, so strong that I don't dare to resist. But when you show up, you help me defeat the demons and regain confidence. And now, Zhou Mengdie to you is like the prisoner phoenix building in my heart, and it is so powerful that it makes you afraid.

When no one can help you, then you are the only one left to help yourself. "At this point, Liu Xin looked at Fan Wei's eyes with respect: "I haven't said thank you yet." "

Liu Xin stood up and bowed deeply to Fan Wei: "Please accept my late thanks."

"I'm so thankful, I'm also a loser myself." Fan Wei said blankly.

Liu Xin shook her head firmly and solemnly said: "Sister Wei, don't get me wrong, I am not thanking you for myself, but for Johnny."

"Johnny?" Fan Wei looked at Liu Xin suspiciously, not understanding what she meant.

Under Fan Wei's puzzled eyes, Liu Xin took a deep breath: "Thank you for saving Johnny."

Fan Wei became more confused, looking at Liu Xin like an idiot: "When did I say I would save Johnny?" Liu Xin's eyes were firm: "Although we just met, I can feel that you are a Those who swear not to give up until you reach your goal. I can also feel your love for Brother Lin. No matter how depressed or even desperate you are now, you will not ignore Brother Lin. When you decide to go to camp

When saving Brother Lin, he would naturally rescue Johnny along the way. So, I thank you in advance, and there is nothing wrong with it. "

Fan Wei looked at Liu Xin blankly, was silent for several minutes, and finally sighed silently in her heart. Fan Wei knew how strong sadness and despair were, only she knew it, but no matter how strong it was, it was not a reason for her to give up. (End of this chapter)