Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 170: Duan Lin's heart is full


Under Fan Wei's startled gaze, the housekeeper whispered: "The master said, let you go back to Tingtao Pavilion before dark. He is waiting for you in Tingtao Pavilion."

As soon as the steward finished speaking, the voice of the pupil of the red flame rang, decisively and solemnly: "You can't go back! If you go back, Duan Lin will definitely kill you without hesitation!"

"No! I don't believe it!" Fan Wei gritted her teeth and said: "I don't believe that my beloved man, the man who protects me desperately, will really kill me like Zhou Mengdie said! I don't believe in fate, don't believe in heaven, and more Do not believe Zhou Mengdie!"

While Fan Wei was arguing with Chi Yan's pupil, the boss looked at the butler in surprise: "Who are you? How come you are here?"

The housekeeper smiled slightly: "I am the housekeeper of Tingtaoge, come here to welcome the young lady back."

The big guy frowned: "I'm asking you, how did you appear here without my consent?"

The butler suddenly realized, stroking his chest and bowing, and put on a very apologetic posture: "Sorry, I killed everyone who blocked me."

"What?" The big man was dumbfounded, and looked at the housekeeper incredulously: "How is this possible?" The housekeeper disagreed, and Yun Danfeng said softly, "When a human stepped on it, more than tens of thousands of ants would be crushed to death? And I killed a few ants, why is it surprising?" When this was said, the housekeeper suddenly remembered something and added: "By the way, you brought the lady here without asking the master.

The owner is very unhappy, so..."

After the words fell, the butler had already reached the boss like an arrow from the string, and his right hand was like a knife, directly piercing the boss' chest.

Everything happened without warning. Seeing that the boss was about to die on the spot, the butler suddenly stopped, as if receiving some kind of order, stepped back two steps, put down the deadly palm, and rushed up. The guy saluted: "It's rude."

The butler’s “polite” is almost pathological. Even in the face of the enemy, it is also polite and respectful. It is precisely because of this that many people facing the butler can easily relax their vigilance or be wiped out in unaware consternation. , Or die with hatred.

As for why the butler suddenly stopped, no one at the scene knew.

The housekeeper made a please gesture to Fan Wei: "Miss, please come back with me."

Fan Wei did not hesitate, and followed the housekeeper to go out, but Ling Shu grabbed Fan Wei's shoulder and said with a shrewd look: "Fan Wei, I think you'd better think about it again. I feel that the housekeeper is different from before. "

Even Ling Shu was aware of this, showing how obvious the housekeeper's changes were. It was not just Ling Shu who discouraged Fan Wei, but also Liu Xin, and even the'outsider' Yu Zhan suggested that Fan Wei refuse. But Fan Wei did not listen to anyone's words, because Fan Wei would never doubt Duan Lin, even if all the evidence points to Duan Lin is dangerous, Fan Wei is willing to give up

Try it yourself.

Fan Wei just didn't want to admit that for a long time and Duan Lin had experienced so many deep bonds accumulated by the separation of life and death, they would collapse so easily in front of Zhou Mengdie.

No one can stop Fan Wei's decision, but when Liu Xin and Ling Shu proposed to go back with Fan Wei, Fan Wei refused.

No matter what the outcome of this incident is, Fan Wei wants to face it in person.

Half an hour later, Fan Wei had appeared in Tingtao Pavilion alone. Tingtao Pavilion is still the Tingtao Pavilion, but the atmosphere inside seems to have undergone a subtle change. It is very quiet, and it is a kind of stillness that can penetrate people.

After the housekeeper took Fan Wei back to Tingtao Pavilion, he disappeared, as if he would just leave Fan Wei here and ignore it. In the past, the housekeeper would never dare to treat the "Miss" in his mouth like this. In this way, the word "Miss" has already existed in name only.

Even so, Fan Wei still didn't want to believe that Duan Lin would attack him.

Fan Wei even had an almost dreamy idea in his mind, that is, Duan Lin, relying on his powerful ability, successfully escaped from Zhou Mengdie's clutches, and returned here to give Fan Wei a surprise.

Time passed by, ten minutes passed, Duan Lin still didn't mean to show up. Knowing that Duan Lin was in the Tingtao Pavilion, Fan Wei felt a little fear when he looked at the stairs close at hand.

The fear itself shocked Fan Wei, because she was shocked to find that she had once again feared the name Duan Lin. Just when Fan Wei was already sitting on pins and needles, footsteps finally came upstairs, followed the sound and looked at Duan Lin who was standing at the top of the stairs. For a moment, Fan Wei's heart was extremely joyful. Because Duan Lin, who appeared in front of Fan Wei at this moment, was almost intact.

At least no injuries can be seen from the outside.

What's the comparison in the world, the surprise that the injury of a loved one is completely healed

Fan Wei hurriedly stood up with a surprise smile on her face. Just when she wanted to rush up to check Duan Lin's situation carefully, Duan Lin took the lead.

"From your eyes, I can feel your introverted shrewdness. You should know that it is very dangerous to come back. Why do you want to come back?"

The success of Duan Lin’s words stopped Fan Wei’s pace abruptly. Fan Wei’s smile on her face was a bit stiff, but she still smiled forcefully: "Duan Lin, this is Tingtao Pavilion, why is it dangerous? What are you talking about? Duan Lin gave out a sneer as soon as this statement came out: "Do you think you can fool my eyes? The fear emanating from your bones can't be hidden. Having fear in your heart means that you feel that there is danger here, knowing that you know the mountains. If you have a tiger, you should go to the tiger mountain

Say you are stupid? "

Fan Wei's fist slowly clenched, and the smile on her face was completely lost. His eyes met, and the man who was cold to outsiders and gentle to himself seemed to have completely disappeared.

Duan Lin, who appeared in front of him at this moment, was already different.

But Fan Wei was still unwilling and didn't want to be appointed just like that.

Fan Wei took a deep breath, tried all her strength, and forced a smile: "Why do you talk to me in a prisoner's tone?"

Duan Lin's expression remained unchanged, cold and arrogant, as if Fan Wei saw him for the first time.

He is like a high king, staring at the ants under his feet indifferently, and he doesn't even bother to show up such a look of contempt.

Those eyes, as cold as a bright moon, and arrogant as a lion, were extinguishing Fan Wei's fiery heart. Under Fan Wei's gaze, Duan Lin finally answered the question: "What gives you the courage to let you stand and talk to me?" (End of this chapter)