Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 174: The final fusion


When he said these words, the pupils of the red flames were firm, as if Zhou Mengdie would really do that.

It is undeniable that a woman's heart is difficult to walk in, but once a man breaks into it, it is difficult to easily forget, especially the first man in life.

How many women can't help but think of the face of their first love even if they have been separated for more than ten years or even decades, even if they have married and established a career, even if they have a full house, a happy life, and boring sleepless nights.

How many women have left a place deep in their hearts that can never be shaken to hold the first man who blooms in his life, even if he is just passing by in a hurry, but brings him endless happiness

Some people always like to say that women are'cheap'. In a sense, this is not wrong. It is precisely because of this kind of "bad" women that they are emotional, and they are different from men. It is also because of this kind of "cheap" that women can persevere and guard every relationship more sincerely.

If there is no such "cheap", the world or love may not be much better.

The pupil of Chi Yan was right, even after experiencing all this, he was slandered by Duan Lin, hurt by him, and even died. There is still a place in Fan Wei's heart for Duan Lin.

Thinking of the words said by the pupil of the red flame, Fan Wei's heart would still hurt if it happened.

Unfortunately, this is the end of the matter, and it seems that there is no chance to do it again. Even if he comes back, Fan Wei is facing one of the most powerful aspects, the most serious aspect of illness. If there is a chance of winning, then the chance of winning must be infinitely close to zero.

"I lost..." Fan Wei was weak. Although she didn't want to admit it, she was not reconciled, but she had to face the reality.

The pupil of the red flame snorted coldly, hating iron for not being a steel road: "You haven't completely died yet, so you surrendered so easily."

"It has nothing to do with death. Even if I have ten thousand lives, I am afraid I will be killed by Zhou Mengdie? Although a big man said that quantity is also quality. But the problem is that no matter how many people there are, it is impossible to interact with the earth. On par." Fan Wei said bitterly and weakly.

Having been in contact with Duan Lin for a long time, Fan Wei is also more or less interested in some scientific knowledge, because knowledge can always play a role in unexpected places. Just like Duan Linzhen is really turning knowledge into a sharp edge to deal with powerful enemies. There are seven billion people in the world, which sounds like an astronomical number, but letting everyone stand close to each other, the area is only more than 1,000 square kilometers, only half the size of Taihu Lake. If everyone were stacked in cones, the final height would only be 788 meters. Bi Xian

The tallest building is 40 meters short, not even some ordinary mountain heights.

Such a huge'quantity' is nothing compared to some humble'quality'.

The difference between Fan Wei and Zhou Mengdie is probably the difference between the quality of a person and the quality of Taishan.

Ants can gnaw on elephants. The problem is that there is only one ant, and the elephant loses a piece of hair at random, which may crush the brave ant to death.

The pupil of Chi Yan did not answer Fan Wei immediately, and time passed slowly, just when Fan Wei thought that pupil of Chi Yan had given up persuasion, and Fan Wei himself was ready to meet his own'ultimate death', pupil of Chi Yan The voice rang at the last minute.

"If you are just afraid of the difference between pure power, then it's easier to handle."

"Easy to handle?" Fan Wei couldn't help laughing when she heard this. These two words were like the biggest cowhide in the world.

Facing Fan Wei’s strong questioning rhetoric, the pupil of Chi Yan said solemnly: “Although I can’t instantly smooth the gap between you and Zhou Mengdie, I can help you close the gap as much as possible, provided that you can Endure this torture and pain."

Fan Wei smiled bitterly: "What kind of torture do you think can be worse than my current situation?"

The pupil of Chi Yan said with a solemn voice: "That only means that you have little knowledge, and you are suffering at level 30. Please understand?"

Fan Wei's thinking paused. What is certain is that the level of 30 pain is absolutely not terrifying the eternal loneliness that Fan Wei experienced just now. But as the voice of the pupil of the red flame sounded, this loneliness was also broken. Once completely dead, then loneliness does not exist. So, the most terrifying and most difficult break in this world

Grinding is the process of'near death towards complete death'.

Then it can be concluded that the second hardest torture is the 30th level of pain.

Because he is very familiar with Tingtaoge Steward, Fan Wei understands the pain of level 30 too much. It is precisely because of his understanding that he has a heart of awe.

But at this moment, Fan Wei hesitated. The first point is whether you have the courage to face the 30th level of pain. The second point is whether Duan Lin is worthy of going back and helping him.

In the end, the'small piece' in Fan Wei's heart defeated the'big piece'.

In Fan Wei's memory, there are not only Duan Lin's crimes, but also his guardianship.

Fan Wei died because of Duan Lin, and in order to protect Fan Wei, Duan Lin silently fought with the enemy in ambush, and finally turned from the fierceness of death to an ordinary ghost, which is more important

If it is said that he died once, it would be regarded as a return of Duan Lin's kindness. So the decision to help Duan Lin this time was just because Fan Wei wanted to protect the only small piece of goodness left in his heart.

Fan Wei took a deep breath and agreed to the suggestion of the pupil of the red flame. It has nothing to do with courage and kindness, and there is no fighting spirit and determination at this moment. Just like caring for the beautiful little flower in my heart, I gently stretched out my palm, even if I knew I would be stung by a bee, I wouldn't take my hand back.

According to the pupil of the red flame, enhancing Fan Wei's strength and making Fan Wei'wake up' are actually the same thing, and they all need to be'fused' with the pupil of the red flame. The previous fusion was only on the spiritual level, this time the fusion is substantial, the fusion of the two souls. In other words, once successful, the pupil of the red flame will completely disappear, and the power of the pupil of the red flame will be completely used by Fan Wei. Because the pupil of the red flame is already dead

, Only the soul is left, and Fan Wei still'has not completely died'. The fusion between the yin and yang is considered a rebirth in a certain sense, and it must experience 30 levels of painful torture.

"Why?" Fan Wei asked at the last minute.

"What and why?" The pupil of Chi Yan was a little strange.

Fan Wei was completely puzzled: "Once you merge, you will disappear completely. Why do you want to help Duan Lin when you fight everything?"

The pupil of Chi Yan laughed: "Actually, it has nothing to do with Duan Lin and you, it's just unwilling."

"Not reconciled?" "Like watching a TV series, I can't see a satisfactory ending, I'm not reconciled!" (End of this chapter)