Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 176: The distress of life and death


In order to be able to be with the pupil of Chi Yan Zhi, the lover of the pupil of the red flame had to attempt to rebel, frame Zhongliang, and killed Zhou Mengdie's family. Tortured and insulted Zhou Mengdie, with a terrible hatred, found the black hand behind the scenes to retaliate, and tore the pupil of the red flame and her lover together.

broken. However, the pupil of Chi Yan knew nothing about the whole incident. She only knew that Zhou Mengdie appeared without warning, and killed her and her beloved in the most cruel way without warning. This hatred is not shared. A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye! So the resentment and soul of the pupil of the red flame are all attached

On the only eyeball left, waiting for revenge in the future. From the very beginning, Duan Lin asked Fan Wei to eat the pupil of the red flame, and forced Fan Wei and the pupil of the red flame into one. This move, on the one hand, can help Fan Wei herself, and on the other hand, Fan Wei will inevitably face Zhou Mengdie in the future. If Fan Wei did everything possible to defeat Zhou Mengdie, it would be considered as Chi Yanzhi.

Hitomi took revenge and hated it. It can't be described as killing two birds with one stone!

But now it seems that Duan Lin's strategy is far more than that. Now another role of the pupil of the red flame has appeared, which is to enhance Fan Wei's strength, which can be regarded as helping Duan Lin himself in disguise.

The moment Duan Lin appeared, or even earlier, Duan Lin had planned all this.

With this kind of strategizing that is almost'foreseeing the future', apart from being shocked by the heavens, Fan Wei no longer knows what words to look for to describe his mood at the moment.

The picture in front of him gradually dissipated, but the past and present of the pupil of the red flame were branded in Fan Wei's mind. Obviously, all of this is the transfer of memory when the pupil of the red flame dissipates.

Now that the pupil of Chi Yan has disappeared, Fan Wei will bear her hatred.

The grudge between the pupil of the red flame and Zhou Mengdie was just the beginning of everything. After the beautiful picture dissipated, there was an atmosphere of solemnity.

As soon as the picture turns, the beautiful and poetic fields are gone, replaced by a barren mountain. There are five people on the mountain, Fan Wei only knows two of them, Duan Lin and Zhou Mengdie, while the other three are in a blur, unable to see their looks clearly, and even their gender is unknown. But as long as you use your brain, you can easily guess that the three shadows must

It is the other three fierce aspects'sorrow, desire, and anger'.

The pupil of the red flame was always taken by Duan Lin, so everything Duan Lin experienced was seen by the pupil of the red flame and transferred to Fan Wei's mind with the memory of the situation.

The picture is late at night, the night breeze is bleak, and leaves are blowing, and there is a strange and eerie atmosphere everywhere.

Duan Lin faced the other four fierce faces alone, with one enemy four, but Duan Lin did not have the slightest weakness. On the contrary, the aura that he exuded by himself even suppressed the opposite side.

Under the bleak moonlight, the deep eyes reflected a breathtaking light. The straight body and the majestic momentum made the four fierce faces on the opposite side dare not act rashly. The former Duan Lin was so powerful that he couldn't compare with the current Duan Lin.

In the distance behind Duan Lin, there was a small village, and Fan Wei quickly recognized that the small village was his birthplace!

The four fierce faces seemed to be extremely interested in the small village, and finally a black shadow broke the confrontation and rushed towards the village first. As a result, this movement triggered a chain reaction, and the war began. Duan Lin suppressed the other four fierce aspects with a speed and strength that was completely higher than one level.

And the four fierce phases were not fuel-efficient lamps, and the storm-like offensive swallowed Duan Lin little by little.

The battle lasted for about five minutes. In the end, Duan Lin was covered in blood and barely won. The other four fierce aspects are already at the end of the battle.

The picture turned again, the four fierce faces had been sealed, and the scarred Duan Lin dragged his exhausted body into a dim room.

The little girl in the room lay a little girl, she was asleep, and Fan Wei recognized it at a glance. It was her childhood self.

I saw Duan Lin kneeling on one knee, with a cruel and majestic expression on his face, but his palm was unexpectedly gentle. He gently stroked the little girl's cheek with the back of his hand, and the starry eyes also reflected soft eyes. "Girl, I borrowed your power without asking. Although it cannot be returned, for the rest of your life, I will do everything to protect you and repay your kindness. If one day we face each other face to face, don’t Be afraid, don’t be nervous, even if the world is reversed, the Five Elements

Breaking down, only my heart will stay the same, and it will never hurt you at all. "Duan Lin's voice is soft, on the one hand he made a sonorous vow, on the other hand, he was careful and worried about waking the little girl, so he lowered the volume.

Under Fan Wei's extremely complicated eyes, Duan Lin slowly stood up, took a deep look at the little girl, and turned away silently. Standing in the courtyard, looking up at the silver moonlight, Duan Lin lightly sighed and said with emotion: "Fate is like a thread, binding you and me together. The evil aspect of death, the contemporary Tianyun watcher, should be incompatible. Relationship, now you have not only become my savior, you have also sealed four evil

phase. Perhaps you will never know all of this, but the moon is in the sky, and the world is a lesson. This kind of grace will be rewarded even in the next three lives. "

It turned out that when Fan Wei was still young and didn't realize it, the bond with Duan Lin had already been forged.

It's just that even Duan Lin didn't expect that simple repaying of gratitude would evolve into the current result. Even if Duan Lin can count the heavens and the earth, he can't count the hearts of the people, let alone the return date of love.

Fan Wei sighed slightly as he watched Duan Lin's back and disappeared into the vast night.

Before he could sigh with emotion, the picture in front of him changed again, and the dark red flame was burning fiercely, covering the sky and the sun. Guikulang howling raged in the ears, the scorching temperature ate Fan Wei's skin, and the sting slightly changed Fan Wei's thinking from rational to chaotic state.

After browsing the memories of the transfer of the pupil of the red flame, Fan Wei knew that she would face the pain of level 30 next.

The scorching temperature scorched every inch of Fan Wei's skin, and even scorched the cells. The indescribable pain tortured Fan Wei's body and mind. In just a moment, Fan Wei felt that she was on the verge of collapse.

But Fan Wei knew very well that the most terrifying thing about the 30th level of pain was not the pain, but the long years of torture. In real life, for Fan Wei, for a second, many years have passed. The flame baptized Fan Wei inside and out again, his spirit had completely collapsed, and his body continued to melt away. (End of this chapter)