Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 197: Explosive news


Zuo Yu retracted his gaze, stared at the front, and took a deep breath: "If Duan Lin hadn't ruined my physical body, I would never know it. It turns out that Duan Lin's real purpose is to protect a person. To be precise, it is. A woman!"

As soon as these words came out, Ling Shu sitting in the back row contemptuously said: "If Duan Lin wanted to protect Weiwei, how could he kill Fan Wei so cruelly, besides..."

Before Ling Shu finished speaking, Zuo Yu interrupted Ling Shu with a firm tone: "The woman I'm talking about is not Fan Wei at all!"

"What?" Ling Shu and Liu Xin exclaimed in unison.

Fan Wei was surprised, and looked at Zuo Yu with puzzled eyes: "You mean Duan Lin is protecting Zhou Mengdie? I have known this for a long time."

A sneer appeared in Zuo Yu's eyes: "It's not Zhou Mengdie, either."

"Who is that?" All the women in the car asked in unison, including Fan Wei.

Under the gaze of everyone's almost expecting and eager eyes, Zuo Yu paused: "It is still not certain, but I firmly believe that this is a very important person to Duan Lin!" The third party? No, since Fan Wei and Duan Lin are okay, any woman in Duan Lin's life is understandable to Fan Wei. But I didn't expect Duan Lin to find the next relationship so quickly. The most important point is that Fan Wei thinks Duan Lin is unintentional, whether it is a man or a woman

What's more, in his eyes it was nothing more than a creature called a'human'.

What Zuo Yu said at this time undoubtedly broke Fan Wei's cognition. Duan Lin was not ruthless and decisive, but simply ruthless to Fan Wei!

Ling Shu and Liu Xin stopped talking. They both watched Fan Wei carefully, observing the changes in Fan Wei's expression.

Fan Wei sighed softly, trying to keep herself as calm as possible, and asked, "How did you know? What is the connection between this and the destruction of your physical body?" Zuo Yu said with a certain tone, "Although the butler is not one of them. It's an evil thing through and through, but don't forget, he is not a human being. And my body is hidden in the temple, and the steward enters the temple, and my strength will inevitably be weakened. And I am at a critical juncture of life and death, of course not. Have a little bit of reservation

, Tried all his strength to invade the butler's body, and wanted to control the butler. Although he failed in the end, he got a glimpse of the butler's heart! The butler knew the existence of this woman, but he knew very little about this woman. "

That's it!

Although Zuo Yu was called a'deceiver', most of the time, he couldn't believe even a punctuation mark in his words. But with regard to this matter, Fan Wei felt that Zuo Yu had no reason to deceive herself. No matter how important his conspiracy was, it was no more important than his physical body.

Zuo Yu has always followed the principle of "Keeping the green hills without worrying about no firewood" instead of "breaking the boat and sinking the boat".

At this time, even Zuo Yu's eyes shifted to Fan Wei, as if worried that Fan Wei could not bear the result.

Fan Wei is not stronger than anyone, just good at empathy. Since Duan Lin has nothing to do with Duan Lin, then Duan Lin has nothing to do with Fan Wei when he is with anyone.

"Then I can only congratulate Duan Lin for finding the next relationship. Maybe that woman has a bright spot that attracts Duan Lin more." Fan Wei said with a smile, although she felt a little uncomfortable. As a result, as soon as Fan Wei finished speaking, Ling Shu behind him stopped: "What do you mean by congratulations! I think you are heartless! The scumbag Duan Lin went so fast with other women and asked me to see. He is Mingxiu plank road, dark Chen Cang. I said how he became so decisive to you,

There was someone outside! "

Although this is a bit ugly, it is true.

Even Liu Xin, who has always been reticent, said coldly: "I really know people, face, and heart."

On the contrary, Fan Wei was more able to calm down, waved her hand, disapprovingly said: "There is no need to slander him behind his back, I can't commit it."

"What do you mean by not committing a crime? This is a question of attitude!" Ling Shu emphasized: "Hmph, that is, you, it's me, long ago..."

Seeing everyone in the car looking at him, Ling Shu coughed embarrassingly: "Although I dare not do anything to him, I will protest solemnly and strongly condemn! Nail him to a moral shame and let him I can't hold my head up for a lifetime!"

Zuo Yu chuckled lightly, and the laughter was full of mockery: "I didn't expect that the strongest rune girl in the contemporary era is actually just a stern girl who is bullying and afraid of hardship."

Ling Shu glanced at Zuo Yu, and said in a bad mood: "Pay attention to your current identity. You have become a lonely ghost. Believe it or not, grandma took you?"

Zuo Yu shrugged and said disapprovingly: "Even if I become like this, I can send you to the Hades within five seconds. If you don't believe me, we can try."

Ling Shu froze for a while, then the anger on his face disappeared, and he waved his hand: "It's just a joke, what's the real thing."

Zuo Yu ignored Ling Shu and turned to look at Fan Wei, seeming to hesitate.

"What do you want to say?" Fan Wei asked directly after seeing Zuo Yu's hesitation.

Zuo Yu hesitated for a moment: "If I told you that this woman didn't just appear, but a long time ago, how would you feel?" Before Fan Wei could speak, Ling Shu behind him was already furious: "What? Duan Lin is like this. Scum? If you only found it after breaking up with Weiwei, the nature is different now! This is cheating, unfaithful!" Speaking of this, Ling Shu patted the back of the chair behind Fan Wei, and said in a bad breath: "You now

Still not guilty? "

No matter how sensible Fan Wei was, she couldn't be calm at the moment.

I ignored Ling Shu, but stared at Zuo Yu, saying, "What's the matter?"

"Are you sure you can bear it?"

"Tell me!" Fan Wei said every word! Zuo Yu nodded and said solemnly: "Since I can see the inside of the butler, I can naturally know when the things hidden in his heart appeared, whether it is a long-term memory, or a current memory. Obviously, about The woman’s memory is not recent, judging by time,

It should be shortly after you show up. "

In other words, Duan Lin has actually been dating two'women' at the same time? how can that be

Although there was no bondage and even turned into an enemy, Fan Wei didn't want to slander Duan Lin and couldn't believe it was true. Because once the evidence is conclusive, it will prove in disguise that Fan Wei had fallen in love with a scum man without any eyes! No, it's a scumbag to be precise!

Fan Wei bowed his head and was silent. This news was too shocking for Fan Wei. Liu Xin behind him asked softly: "It's not surprising that there are other women around a man, the question..." (End of this chapter)