Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 20: Prioritize sacrifice


A special police officer took the courage and walked to the security guard, kicked the security guard's body with his feet, then turned around and made an'OK' gesture to everyone, indicating that he had been killed.

Looking at the bullet holes full of security guards, let alone humans, even elephants are dead.

However, Fan Wei's heart suddenly mentioned her throat, because all the bullet holes were concentrated in the upper body of the security guard. Although blood and flesh were blurred, her head and neck were intact.

Thinking of the scene of Lin Xi's encounter before, Fan Wei was suddenly nervous, and hurriedly shouted to the special police: "Come back!"

Everyone looked at Fan Wei subconsciously. At this moment, the dead security guard suddenly jumped up from the ground and threw the special police directly to the ground. In the next second, the anti-virus suit on the neck of the special police was bitten through, blood Splashed four or five meters away!

Accompanied by exclaiming and wailing, the remaining four special police officers shot at the security guard again.

The gunshot ended, everyone panting in shock, Fan Wei hurriedly shouted: "Hurry up, hit him on the head!"

Captain Sun took a look at Fan Wei, this time without any hesitation, loaded the rifle and slowly approached the security guard, his muzzle always facing the security's head.

Almost as soon as Captain Sun walked to the security guard, the security guard bounced.

Fortunately, Captain Sun had already prepared, pulling the trigger, and the bullet instantly shattered the security's head into dregs. This time, the security was lying on the ground as soft as mud, and there was no more movement.

"Oh my god! This... what the hell is going on? How could humans not die after being shot so many!" the epidemic prevention officer wailed in fright.

Sister Wang's body was trembling violently, and she couldn't even speak.

Two special police officers went in to check the situation. Captain Sun stared at Fan Wei through the gas mask. After staring for a while, he said every word: "How do you know you want to hit the head?"

As soon as this remark came out, Fan Wei once again became the focus of the scene.

"I... I have watched many horror movies..."

Everyone suddenly realized that, at this moment, the special police who went in to check the situation, Captain Chongsun shook his head.

Captain Sun did not hesitate to drew out his pistol, walked to the front of his deceased former comrade in arms, and said with a heavy voice: "I will avenge you!"

The voice fell, and the gunfire sounded.

The epidemic prevention officer, whose abdominal cavity was almost hollowed out, also took a shot.

After Captain Sun walked out of the chemistry laboratory, he said in a cold tone, without any doubt: "The situation is not right, withdraw immediately!"

This proposal was approved by the unanimous vote in an instant, and everyone turned around and ran back.

As a result, the footsteps stopped abruptly when the stairs were about ten meters away.

Everyone's breathing became hurried, and there was a'drunk man' standing at the entrance of the stairs, also wearing a security uniform, his body swaying, his face was exactly the same as the previous security! White eyes, blue face and black mouth!

Without any hesitation, the special police immediately fired, and this time they took the lead and directly knocked the security guard to the ground.

Before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, a rush of dense and messy footsteps came from the stairs, one, two, three, and finally five drunks came up!

"Oh my God!" Sister Wang screamed on the spot in fright.

"Captain, the bullet is out!"

"Captain, I am gone too!"

The goal of this trip is to prevent epidemics and disinfection and extract pathogen samples. Special police are only used to prevent'rabies', so there are not many bullets. Just now when I was in a panic, all the rifle bullets had been consumed.

Captain Sun made a decisive decision and shouted at the master on the side: "What are you doing in a daze!"

The master was pushed to the front. He tremblingly took out a stack of yellow charms from his shoulder bag and threw it at the five drunks.

There were many yellow symbols, and a few fell on the'drunk man', but there was no response in the end.

The master was completely panicked, hurriedly took out a bell and shook it desperately.

It turned out not to be shaken. With a shake, the drunks rushed over like wild horses running off the rein.


Captain Sun gave a low cry, and together with the other three special police officers, pulled out their pistols and fired at the walking dead.

Unfortunately, the power gap between the pistol and the rifle is so great that it can't even slow down the speed of the walking corpse.

One of the special police officers was hit by a walking dead and threw down a pistol in a hurry. One fell over his shoulders and smashed the walking dead to the ground. Then he knocked the other down and blocked the middle of the corridor. He shouted: "I block them. , You withdraw!"

"No! You can't leave him alone!" Sister Wang shouted.

Captain Sun grabbed Sister Wang by the shoulder, dragged her back together with the others, and looked at the teammates who were fighting with the form. His voice was cold, but he couldn't hide his sadness: "We are special police. In terms of sacrifice, we have priority. !"

When everyone ran to the third floor of the stairs, Fan Wei turned around and found that the special policeman had been thrown to the ground. When he was bitten, he grabbed the pistol on the ground and shot it at his temple.


Except for one walking corpse to feast on, the other four walking corpses chased here.

Everyone rushed to the third floor in a panic, got into the utility room, blocked the door with a cabinet, and listened to the rumbling bang outside the door. They didn't know whether it was frightened or collapsed. Everyone collapsed on the ground.

At this moment, Fan Wei found a figure standing outside the window of the storage room, with a dark red cloak and deep eyes. It was Duan Lin!

Seeing Duan Lin, Fan Wei felt excited. If he is there, there is no need to worry about those walking corpses.

Fan Wei hurriedly got up and rushed to the window. Before she could speak, Duan Lin's voice was as cold as ice and snow one step in advance.

"You came in after all."

Fan Wei felt guilty and said, "I'm sorry, I..."

Before Fan Wei finished speaking, he was interrupted by Duan Lin: "I don't blame you, this is your life, and even I can't change it."

The walking corpses hit the door beside them, turning a blind eye to Duan Lin, as if they were air. It may be because of Duan Lin that the walking corpse even ignored the windows.

"Help us kill those walking corpses." Fan Wei looked at Duan Lin eagerly.

Duan Lin's expression did not change at all. He stared straight at Fan Wei. After a few seconds of silence, his cold voice sounded, "Please ask for more blessings."

"What?" Fan Wei thought that her ears were faulty, and looked at Duan Lin incredulously. He turned down her request for help

With his eyes facing each other, Duan Lin's eyes didn't have any waves: "This is the second time you trampled on my dignity! I will not waste any feelings on a waste."

waste? He calls himself trash

Duan Lin's dignity is Fan Wei's life. Since even Fan Wei doesn't cherish it, what reason does Duan Lin have to insist? But the voice of heartbreak is still so loud. (End of this chapter)