Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 215: Duan Lin must sing


Without any exaggerated postures, nor great momentum, Duan Lin just kept his feet on the ground and rushed with his legs, constantly approaching the people in the Profound Gate to the limit that humans can reach. When the people in the Xuanmen release Xuanshu and attack Duan Lin, Duan Lin relies on his dexterous body and steps.

Easily escaped the profound arts, and further narrowed the distance with the people in the profound gate.

It turned out that Duan Lin's last resort was himself, with the simplest and simplest method of close hand-to-hand combat.

Everyone realized this, and after Duan Lin had avoided the mysterious technique several times in a row, they immediately gave up the mysterious technique attack, took out their weapons, and greeted Duan Lin in close hand-to-hand combat.

The moment the two sides contacted each other, the decision was made. Duan Lin's speed is extremely fast, almost reaching the limit of human beings. With a punch, it was completely beyond the range of the person in the Profound Gate. At the moment of hitting, the power erupted from the fist was not something ordinary people could resist. It flew upside down three or four meters and hit the ground heavily.

Although he didn't faint directly, he still vomited blood constantly and fell to the ground.

Duan Lin is like a hungry wolf rushing into the flock, rushing from left to right. Anyone who comes into contact with Duan Lin can't resist his blow, every time it is a hit. With dexterous figure, quick pace, terrible offensive, Duan Lin is still not something ordinary people can resist, even if it only relies on the purest force. After only ten seconds passed, most of the people in Xuanmen lost most of them. The rest of the people hugged together and rushed towards Duan Lin at the same time.

Want to pounce Duan Lin to the ground.

No matter how strong a person is, once he is thrown on the ground, it will be difficult for him to show his skills.

Even to be more serious, if the World Fighting Championship can beat more than a dozen people in a standing state, once it falls to the ground, even three or four people will not be able to beat it. This is the purest power competition. No matter how powerful a person is, it cannot be compared with three or four people. Unfortunately, they overlooked a very important issue. After years of precipitation, Duan Lin not only possessed terrible resourcefulness and precipitation of scientific knowledge, but also martial arts skills have exceeded the scope of ordinary people's cognition. Many actions that ordinary people can’t make, for Duan Lin

It is easy to say. In the face of everyone's pounce, Duan Lin's body was slightly on one side, his right leg was continuously kicked out, and he directly attacked with a'side kick'. In just one second, Duan Lin stubbornly kicked out seven or eight feet, each kicking perfectly on the opponent's chest. As a result, the people who flew directly changed from'offensive' to'inverted


Seeing all the people in the Profound Sect fell to the ground, Grandpa KFC looked solemn and said with difficulty: "Even pure physical contact can't easily defeat him, it's terrifying!"

The female bodyguard sighed and said helplessly: "After all, he is the murderer of death." In contrast, Fan Wei, who had witnessed the whole passage, became extremely complicated. At this moment, Fan Wei finally realized the gap between him and Duan Lin. It can be said that every part of Duan Lin's body was a weapon. As long as Duan Lin wants, he can kill in a variety of ways in an instant

Fan Wei.

The sentence Duan Lin said before came back to Fan Wei's mind again: "You are not dead yet, just because I don't want to kill you at all."

It now appears that Duan Lin never thought of killing Fan Wei from the beginning. Otherwise, Fan Wei would have become a cold corpse!

Grandpa KFC took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "Now I have no turning back arrows. I can only bite the bullet!" When the voice fell, Grandpa KFC took out his cell phone, dialed a phone number, and whispered a few words. hang up the phone. After a while, there was a sound of footsteps, and following the sound, I saw a team of eight people appearing under the curtain of night. These eight people were wearing special combat uniforms. Obviously they were all special police officers, but they didn’t have any weapons. Obviously, they had already arrived beforehand.

All arms were disarmed.

These eight people stopped in front of Duan Lin, all eyes were on Duan Lin sharply, and their mental outlook was completely different from those in the Xuanmen before.

At this time, Grandpa KFC's voice came to Fan Wei's ears: "This is the last price I can pay, if I can't..."

Obviously, these eight people are the final cards of Grandpa KFC! Fan Wei felt nervous, and after careful examination, she realized that these eight people were not members of the Profound Clan, and they had no way of doing things. But they are undoubtedly the final trump card now! The reason is very simple. The mission of the people in Xuanmen has been completed, and Duan Lin’s power has been exhausted, and then he can only use force

Forced to defeat Duan Lin. As for the round of force, these special police officers are obviously more professional than those in Xuanmen.

There was hardly any words between the two sides, and the confrontation was short-lived. Following the order of Grandpa KFC, eight special police officers immediately attacked.

Duan Lin's speed and skill were still amazing, and he was still the first to hit one of the special police officers. After the blow, the special police snorted, his legs softened, and knelt down on the ground. However, the SWAT was not crushed, but while falling, his hands firmly grasped Duan Lin's arm. The moment Duan Lin was caught, a special policeman rushed to Duan Lin's side and resisted Duan Linyi.

After hitting, he grabbed Duan Lin's other arm.

In the next second, two special police officers hit Duan Lin's back at the same time, and the four special police officers worked together to push Duan Lin to the ground.

Duan Lin would naturally not submit, but in an instant two special police officers pressed on Duan Lin's body. No matter how powerful Duan Lin was, the suppression of the six special police officers still made Duan Lin unable to move. One of the remaining special police officers turned around and picked up two mahogany swords from the ground, and threw one of them into the hands of another special police officer. At the same time, the two of them took the peach wood sword and came to Duan Lin's side without any hesitation. They pierced the peach wood sword into Duan Lin's shoulder at the same time, relying on powerful force.

The Taomu sword pierced Duan Lin's shoulder directly, and pierced into the soil. He actually'nailed' Duan Lin directly to the ground.

Seeing that Duan Lin was still struggling, the special police found two more mahogany swords, followed suit and nailed Duan Lin's legs to the ground.

As a result, Duan Lin's limbs were all pinned, and he could no longer move. Even so, the special police did not completely let Duan Lin go, but were extremely professional, leaving the two special police officers on Duan Lin's back to be on the safe side, not giving Duan Lin a chance to take advantage of it. The special police picked up a dagger from the ground on the spot and picked up a dagger from the ground. The dagger was red in color. At first glance, it was known that it was not an ordinary dagger. It pierced Duan Lin's back directly! (End of this chapter)