Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 222: Devil in the heart


Fan Wei frowned. If he didn't dare to interrupt the housekeeper, he knew that he was about to die, and he didn't even have a chance to resurrect after experiencing the pain of level 30. So he must make atonement at the end of his life!

Even if Duan Lin had never seen him as a'human', he was just a dog next to him, coming and going. But the butler did not have the slightest bit of resentment, on the contrary, he was full of guilt. "He is still by the red willow, waiting for me quietly, but he is much paler than before. It turns out that Duan Lin will have to experience 30th-level pain for several years if he delays me for a day. This is not addition and subtraction. It's that simple. I was three days late, and he has experienced thousands of years. In fact, on the first morning, he had already come to my house window, and wanted to disperse my soul directly in order to live down my enemies, but he did not. Do. The second day is the same, and the third day is still returning. I asked him why, and he said, "If you were in the same mind earlier than your wife, why bother to make me feel wrong." I know, he just

I can't bear to break up the last time between my wife and me. He said that he was alone, immortal, time squandered, and thousands of years were just a blink of an eye. But I know that his blood is cold and his heart is hot. "

Fan Wei stared at the butler, and said with emotion: "So, you are loyal to him to redeem the sin of betrayal?" The butler slowly loosened his hand holding the wooden sword, and his body fluttered to the ground, his voice weak, but the corners of his mouth hung. Smiling: "Unexpectedly, I and him started with betrayal and betrayal, and ended with betrayal and betrayal. I know that destiny is hard to violate, so I sincerely hope that you will know the destiny and not

regret. "

"What is our destiny?"

"The answer is..." The butler's eyes slowly turned white and then black, and the butler's body was also blackened together. At the last moment when the body dissipated, the butler finally said the final answer: "Seven colors."

Sure enough, everything is in Qisehua! Watching the butler's body turn into black charcoal little by little, then turn into ashes, drifting away in the wind without a trace. Fan Wei knew that the butler had never'revived from the dead', but was constantly'borrowing his life'. Every time he lives, he is depleting the virtuous life of the next life. The price of excessive wear and tear is after death

, The body and the soul are all dissipated invisible, this is God's punishment to him, because he rebelled against the fate. Knowing that the fate is hard to do, and renewing fate against the sky is unrighteous. Knowing to betray Duan Lin, but still choose to betray, this is unfaithful. Such an unfaithful and unrighteous person, but after his death, Fan Wei was moved and sad, standing still, staring at the place where he dissipated, and mourning for a long time, until the sky was dim and the night fell.

When it came, even the smoke from burning the relics in the house was dissipated, and then Fan Wei raised her head.

Friends, loyal servants, and lovers are all dead. Fan Wei has nothing. Since there is nothing left to lose, no matter what Fan Wei does next, it is actually'gained'. Therefore, Fan Wei has no fear, her eyes are as bright as stars. Open the clothes and take out the butler's handbook. Sure enough, you must tie the bell to untie the bell! Duan Lin's soul is integrated with the yin and yang five elements, sealing Zhou Mengdie. When Zhou Mengdie dies, or when he leaves the big formation, when will Duan Lin's soul be released. Calculated by time, the yin and yang and the five elements are big

The formation can only seal Zhou Mengdie for a thousand years! In other words, Duan Lin will be free after a thousand years, but Fan Wei can't wait for a thousand years! Can't wait even a month!

"No matter how strong Zhou Mengdie is, I will save you! No matter whether the Seven Colors Existent or not, I will look for it!" Fan Wei's eyes were firm, and she swore that she would never change.

Fan Wei looked up at Xingyue outside the door, and sighed in her heart: "The blue light is the wall, the charming home, the dream is the horse, live up to your youth. When the cherry blossoms fall, I will take you home!" Duan Lin is gone, butler Not here anymore, Ting Tao Pavilion is a big one, and Fan Wei is the only one left. Standing by the door, looking at the deserted courtyard, everything was the same, but it was colder. In the past, Fan Wei always wondered why it was in the suburbs, within a hundred miles, not to mention the waves, even

There is not a small stream. Even this city is inland, and Baganzi has nothing to do with the waves. Why is it named Tingtaoge? Could it be that it is just for the sake of elegance

Now, Fan Wei understands. Duan Lin and the steward are gone, but this is still home. Even if there is no water here, you can still hear the sound of the waves as long as your heart is going.

Perhaps this is what people often say, as long as there is the sea in your heart, where is the Maldives? After walking through the floor Duan Lin once walked, and coming to the room where Duan Lin once lived, Fan Wei was lying in her arms, knowing that Duan Lin was suffering now, but Fan Wei's heart was calmer than ever. Because Fan Wei knew that she would see Duan Lin soon, if not, it would be nothing more than death.


Reunion or die? This is a ruthless multiple choice question set by Fan Wei for herself.

People, sometimes they always have to be cruel to themselves, this sentence is fine.

No sleep all night, but no sleep at all. Early the next morning, Fan Wei contacted Liu Xin, but Liu Xin was not alone when he came, and Yu Zhan was still there.

When they met, Yu Zhan did not hesitate, and immediately knelt on one knee, still holding the dagger that killed Ling Shu in his hand: "Watch the Lord!"

Fan Wei stared at Yu Zhan, calmly and forcefully: "It's too cheap to kill you. I want you to suffer to redeem your sins!"

If it were Duan Lin, he would do the same, right? Fan Wei thought so.

Yu Zhan put down the dagger in his hand, sonorously and powerfully: "Let's live up to the sky clouds! Let's live up to the master, no regrets!"

Fan Wei nodded: "Very good, very good! But you went to lose Ling Shu, she is the strongest rune girl, should be one of the trump cards to revive the view of Tianyun. You lose her, but feel that you have no Negative Tianyun View?"

Yu Zhan shook his head: "If one day, facing Ling Shu, I would dare to say the same."

Fan Wei still nodded: "There will be one day."

Once the yin and yang five elements array is lifted, Ling Shu's soul will be liberated like Duan Lin. At that time, Fan Wei will let Ling Shu and Yu Zhan face off! Is it revenge or hatred? Ling Shu decides himself. As for now, Fan Wei needs Yu Zhan to help herself deal with Zhou Mengdie.

However, Fan Wei still didn't dare to trust Zhan, even if he knew he was a Tianyun disciple!

"There is a question, I never understand." Fan Wei asked casually, watching Yu Zhan kneeling down.

"What question?" Yu Zhan raised his head slightly. "Why do you hate the Yin people so much? Although the people in the Xuanmen are not at odds with evil things, they are only pure natural enemies, and there is no pure hatred." Fan Wei stared at Yu Zhan's flickering eyes and concluded: "You hate evil things!" (End of this chapter)