Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 223: Report injustices


Yu Zhan hesitated to speak but stopped, as if there was something unspeakable, he didn't want to tell Fan Wei.

Fan Wei didn't force it, her eyes were flat and said: "You betrayed me, and outsiders are in and out of you, calculating the contemporary master. Then suddenly attacked and assassinated Fu Nu Ling Shu. These two charges are enough to drive you out of Tianyunguan. . Starting today, you will..."

Before Fan Wei finished speaking, Yu Zhan hurriedly raised his head and waved to interrupt Fan Wei, and said nervously: "Lord, I say! I say everything, as long as you don't drive me out of Tianyun Guan!"

All Tianyun disciples have a natural loyalty to the view of Tianyun, even beyond Fan Wei's cognition. Because of this, what Tianyun disciples fear most is being expelled from Tianyun View.

Realizing that her threat had worked, Fan Wei stopped saying anything and made a'please' gesture to signal her ears and listen.

Yu Zhan bowed his head and stayed silent, seeming to be unbearable looking back at the past. Fan Wei's request undoubtedly made Yu Zhan very embarrassed. But Fan Wei can't have the benevolence of a woman. Fan can no longer trust him easily until Yu Zhan's'motive' is figured out. It’s good to be on the safe side, it’s worth noting that I was bitten by a snake for ten years and feared the rope.

Finally Yu Zhanchang breathed out, and seemed to finally make up his mind. He slowly raised his head, his gaze fell on Fan Wei's body, his eyes rarely serious.

"Back then, I was no different from ordinary people..." Yu Zhan finally brought up the past that only he knew, and Fan Wei naturally listened respectfully. Yu Zhan said with a difficult face: "When he was five years old, my dad moved to this city from his hometown with his family due to a job change. He lived in a house allocated by the unit. At that time, my dad had a relationship with my dad. A good friend told him that no matter what he applied to return his current house, he would change to another house. No one in the unit dared to live in this house. How dare my dad was. Later I learned that this house is a murderous house. Several people died in it. According to that colleague, someone deliberately tried to punish my dad. My dad is a firm atheist.

Naturally, I would not take the words of my friends to heart, so I didn't take them seriously. At the beginning, it was safe and sound. As time passed, my dad took his friend's advice as a joke. "Speaking of this, Yu Zhan's face turned pale, as if remembering the nightmare of the year: "But the good times didn't last long. I remember that summer was extremely hot, and it was the kind of sultry heat that was cloudy but rainless. When I went to bed at night, I wanted to cool off, and I opened the window, and after midnight, I heard the sound of walking downstairs. He leaned on the window and looked down, but there was nothing. I told my parents about this. My parents just said that I was uncomfortable when I moved here, and they didn't take it seriously. As a result, every night in the middle of the night, I could hear footsteps, and at first

The sound of footsteps was only outside, and then gradually became home. Recently, I felt the sound of footsteps lingering at my door. A bitterness appeared at the corner of Yu Zhan's mouth: "Since the day I heard the footsteps, my dad's temper has been worsening day by day. In my memory, my dad and my mom are very affectionate. They have been married for many years and even quarreled. Never had it. But as my dad's temper became worse, my parents quarreled almost every day, which turned into later domestic violence. On the last night, I only remember my dad and my mom having a fierce quarrel, and then I heard the sound of fighting. I was so scared that I curled up in the blanket, until the sound stopped, I dared to go out to check the situation. I found the place of the kitchen

The board was completely stained red with blood, and finally my mother's body was found next to the trash can. "Yu Zhan's voice choked for a while: "There are countless scars all over her body, the deepest is the neck, almost the whole head is about to be chopped off. Just when I was shocked, I found my dad appeared at the door of the kitchen, covered in blood and holding an axe in his hand. My mother’s blood did not follow the axe.

Break down. I ran around like crazy, the amiable father in the past, but like a murderous madman, chased me everywhere with an axe in his hand. "

Speaking of this, Yu Zhan was silent for a while, it seemed that the nightmare of the past had brought him to the brink of collapse.

Fan Wei did not have the slightest pity, and asked: "What happened afterwards?" Yu Zhan took a deep breath, calmed his mind, pretending to be calm, and said, "When my dad caught up with me, the door of my house was knocked open. It was an uncle next door. That uncle was from the Xuanmen, and he defeated me with a handful of glutinous rice. Later, I heard the uncle said that my dad was subjected to evil things.

Possessed, only then will I lose my mind and kill my mother. Later, the police caught my dad. Naturally, they would not believe in the strange power. In the end, my dad was sentenced to death for intentional homicide. But before the execution, my dad committed suicide in prison because he was heartbroken. "

"So you hate evil things? Because evil things make your family ruined?" Fan Wei asked in a deep voice, staring at Yu Zhan. Yu Zhan shook his head: "Every day, people die at the hands of evil things, and people die every day at the hands of humans. If my parents simply die on the hands of evil things, I can bear it. This is like wild beasts and prey. The relationship between them is very simple and pure. But things are not that simple, because even the wild beasts know that in order to get their stomachs, you can kill the mother beast, you can also kill the young beast. But it won't be full! If we just broke into the forbidden area of evil things and our parents were killed, I can bear it! But after I left the evil house, the evil things still chased me!

Kill me all! This is what I cannot accept! And I realized that evil things are human beings! These bastards have the power of evil things, but they also have human narrowness and greed! "

Under Fan Wei’s gaze, Yu Zhan’s eyes became more and more fierce: “So, under my pleading, the uncle next door finally agreed to accept me as a disciple. Later, with his help, I entered Tianyun. View. Since then, I have vowed to make the evil things under the world pay the price!" As Yu Zhan said, most evil things are transformed by human beings after death. If you don't have an IQ, you don't have any evil things, such as zombies and evil spirits. After all, such evil creatures don’t know what they have done. Anyone who breaks into their territory will be attacked, but as long as they are far away

If you leave, you will be safe.

But there are some evil things that are not the case, but are extremely greedy, as long as they are targeted, they will chase them to the ends of the world. The female ghost'Kayako' in the once smashing movie "The Grudge" is of this kind. She is indiscriminate, regardless of gender, old and young, good and evil, as long as she appears in front of her, she will kill innocent people in every way. (End of this chapter)