Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 23: Ruthless and unjust


Everyone can see Duan Lin, there are only two possibilities, one is that Duan Lin has released his hiding, and the other is that everyone is dying.

People are easiest to hell only when fortune is low, and death is undoubtedly the thing with the lowest fortune.

Fan Wei endured the heartache, looked at Duan Lin, and said bitterly: "Are you going to kill us?"

Duan Lin couldn't see any emotion in his eyes, his hand slowly raised and pressed against the wall next to him, his lips moved slightly: "I don't need to do it."

In the next second, Duan Lin's arm exerted force, and accompanied by a roar, the wall next to the door frame instantly collapsed.

The evil curse used to defend against walking corpses also disappeared with the collapse of the wall.

Because of Duan Lin, the walking corpse didn't rush in immediately, and it still wandered like before. But everyone knew in their hearts that as soon as Duan Lin left, the walking corpses would rush in like crazy dogs, tearing everyone into pieces!

Despair has completely swallowed everyone up.

Sister Wang shouted to Duan Lin unwillingly: "I...I am the supervisor of this operation. I assure you that things here will never leak out."

Duan Lin glanced at Sister Wang coldly, indifferent: "The dead are more credible."

When the voice fell, Duan Lin slowly turned around.

Under all the gaze of sight, Duan Lin left ruthlessly step by step.

With every step he took, Fan Wei's heart broke more thoroughly, and the walking corpse became more restless.

As Duan Lin disappeared completely, the four walking corpses rushed towards Fan Wei and the others without any hesitation.

Fan Wei didn't have time to draw the spell. Even if it was done, Duan Lin would appear and destroy the spell, as if waiting for everyone but death, there is no other choice.

Faced with the bite of the walking corpses, everyone could only avoid them. In a panic, the collapsed epidemic prevention officer was thrown to the ground, and the screams suddenly rang through their ears.

Captain Sun grabbed Fan Wei and Sister Wang by the shoulders and rushed out of the storage room in the chaos.

"Wait for me, don't leave me!" The master chased up desperately, and was almost hit by a walking corpse during the period. Unexpectedly, this guy had a big belly and a middle-aged physique, but he was very healthy when his life was threatened. A dodge and a roll, he just broke through the encirclement of the walking corpse.

Seeing that the walking corpse had been chasing over, a special policeman stood by the door of the storage room at the moment of death.

As soon as the walking corpse rushed in front of him, he was swept down by a low-whip leg by the special police. Facing the other walking corpses, the special police yelled, "Go!"

The eleven-man team had already lost more than half, leaving only five people.

Everyone can only bite the bullet and continue to run upstairs.

When they arrived on the fourth floor, it was confirmed that the walking corpse did not catch up, and everyone collapsed on the ground, panting heavily.

The master tremblingly took out the cigarette. Unfortunately, the lighter was lost. He simply threw the cigarette into his mouth and chewed twice, extracting the nicotine. This calmed a little: "Who brought the phone?"

"It's useless!" Captain Sun rebuffed: "In order to avoid the leakage of information here, the entire school's signals have been blocked."

Everyone lowered their heads decadently, and the master said weakly, "Are there any bullets? Rather than being killed, it's better to have a good time."

The thought of suicide had already emerged, and everyone fell silent.

While silent, Fan Wei found that Sister Wang's gaze was always fixed on her, and asked in confusion: "What's the matter?"

"What is the matter between you and that man? Why does he hate you so much!" Sister Wang questioned with a bad look in her eyes.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's eyes instantly converged on Fan Wei.

Fan Wei was asked, and didn't know how to answer.

Fan Wei's silence immediately attracted suspicious eyes.

The master stood up, pointed at Fan Wei, and shouted in a low voice: "It's no wonder that the danger is time after time, it turns out that you are the one who attracted you! That evil spirit is here to avenge you!

Not long ago, Fan Wei was the savior of everyone, even a hero, but now she has become a broom star. Fan Wei couldn't help asking in her heart, is it terrible ghosts or terrible hearts

Captain Sun and Sister Wang also changed their eyes when looking at Fan Wei.

The master frequently threw cigarettes into his mouth, like chewing gum: "I have a way to get us to escape, who wants to hear it?"

"It's all this time, don't go around the corners!" Sister Wang said out of temper.

The master stared at Fan Wei with unkind eyes, and snorted coldly: "It's all because of you that we were hunted down. With so many people dead, you deserve to atone for it! You draw a spell on each of us, and then we part ways! "

In the next second, the master's collar was grabbed by Captain Sun.

Captain Sun, who is usually taciturn, has sharp eyes: "Shameless!"

The master didn't have the slightest fear, and snorted coldly: "If you have a better way, tell it and listen?"

Seeing Captain Sun fell into silence, the master suddenly got rid of Captain Sun's arm and glanced at the last special police officer and Sister Wang: "Let's vote and agree to raise my hand."

Just when Sister Wang's face was tangled and she was struggling to measure it.

A burst of laughter broke the solemn atmosphere.

This laughter was made by Fan Wei, it was very cold!

"You don't need to engage in democracy, I will save you some time."

From entering the complex to the present, only a few hours have passed, and these short hours have allowed Fan Wei to see the warmth and coldness of the world, the coldness and ugliness of human nature.

Being hurt by the most trusted person and abandoned by his companions, these Fan Wei can bear it, but they can't bear being with the scumbag!

It's a good one to protect the car!

Fan Wei's gaze swept over everyone, and no one dared to meet Fan Wei's gaze head-on. They want to live, they have a guilty conscience, they acquiesced in the decision to abandon Fan Wei!

well! It's nothing more than life and death.

What Duan Lin once said, still whispering in his ears, life, cowardly life, death, fearless death!

These people are not worthy of their own blood protection!

Fan Wei let them bite their own hands and use their own blood to paint spells on their bodies.

After finishing the spell for Captain Sun, he walked to the last special police officer and whispered, "Bite your fingers."

The special police did not remove the gas mask from beginning to end. Fan Wei could not see his face, but he could hear his firm and sonorous voice: "I disdain to steal my life, let alone leave the person to protect!"

Someone once said this to Fan Wei, but now, that person has become Fan Wei's mortal enemy.

Can you believe what a man says

Under Fan Wei's gaze, the special police halted every word: "My duty is to protect your safety. I will go with you and fulfill my responsibilities!"

After finishing speaking, the special police looked at Captain Sun and respectfully said: "Captain, the others will ask you to take them away safely." Captain Sun is not a coward, just like the special police, he also has his responsibilities. (End of this chapter)