Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 24: Zhao Hai is resurrected


The SWAT has made a decision, and Fan Wei cannot change it, let alone trample on his dignity.

Fan Wei walked upstairs without looking back, and Captain Sun's voice came from behind: "Even if you part ways, you can go downstairs. We will leave later."

Fan Wei and the special police kept walking, and said indifferently: "I am dead. Since death is doomed, why not attract some attention and improve your chances of survival?"

"Thank you!" Captain Sun sonorously said.

"Oh, don't talk nonsense, let's go!" The master urged.

The fifth floor is the top floor, and above it is the rooftop.

Standing in the corridor on the fifth floor, glanced at the window, the outside was pitch black, and you couldn't even see the police lights downstairs. Obviously, the strong yin completely isolated the complex from the outside world.

Fan Wei sighed lightly, turned to look at the special police next to him, and said with emotion: "In order to avoid panic, things here will be hidden forever. You will sacrifice, but you will not become a martyr. Is it worth it?"

There is no fluctuation in the tone of the special police: "Warrior, born for the shroud of horse leather! The true glory does not need to be recorded, and it will last forever with the world!"

Fan Wei frowned, stopped, looked at the special police officer and said in confusion: "This is not like what a modern policeman said."

The special police also stopped, his sonorous voice changed slightly, and asked, "Who told you that I am a modern policeman?"

"What?" Fan Wei chuckles, taking a step back subconsciously, and looking at the special police with alert and shock: " are..."

Under Fan Wei's unbelievable gaze, the special police slowly took off the mask.

Under the gas mask, there is a very ordinary cheek hidden, the type that will never be found when falling into a pile of people.

But the eyes of the special police are extremely sharp, and the eagle looks at it like a wolf!

Next, the special police made an unexpected move for Fan Wei.

With a bang, he knelt down on one knee, clenched his right hand into a fist, pressed it on his chest, and said in a deep voice, "The guard of the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, entrusted to protect the girl's safety!"

Fan Wei was stunned for a long time before she came back to her senses, ghost? Could this special policeman be possessed long ago

There is also the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the pupil of the Chiyan who still remembers claiming to be the Queen of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

In history, the early Chinese dynasty was the "week". But judging from the way the guards and the pupil of the red flame spoke, the'Da Zhou' in their mouths had nothing to do with the'Zhou Dynasty'.

Is it a declining dynasty

Fan Wei covered her mouth, shocked in her heart: "You just said that you are entrusted, who entrusted him?"

The special police did not answer, but stood up abruptly, turned to look at the way when he came, his face was serious, and he said every word: "He's coming!"

"Who? Duan Lin?" Fan Wei felt nervous.

The voice of the special police suddenly became steep: "There is no time to explain, I am not his opponent, I can only delay time, go quickly, and go to the rooftop!"

The situation was precarious, and Fan Wei couldn't allow Fan Wei to hesitate. After thanking him, Fan Wei rushed to the rooftop.

As soon as he ran to the top of the stairs, there was a fighting sound from behind, intense and short, lasting only a few seconds.

The sound stopped, Fan Wei only felt that a black shadow flew by him, and the next moment, there was a loud noise in front of him. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that it was the special police officer just now!

His body has been deformed and hit the wall heavily, already exasperated!

In shock, the voice of the special police rang in his ears: "Girl, my duty has been completed, goodbye."

Fan Wei sighed with emotion in his heart, this team is too weird, fake Taoist priests, Yin Yang eyes, dead soul possessed, everything is unusual.

Feeling the fierce Yin Qi coming from behind, Fan Wei trembled in her heart and did not dare to hesitate, so she climbed onto the rooftop as quickly as possible.

The night is late, the breeze is fading, the sky is full of stars, and the eyes are suddenly open.

The entire rooftop is empty and empty, there is nothing, it doesn't seem like there is a'turnaround' at all.

Is that special police lie to yourself

Just as Fan Wei was puzzled, there was a crisp sound of footsteps behind him. Fan Wei turned and looked back subconsciously, only to see a figure walking onto the roof, gradually becoming clear in Fan Wei's sight.

Seeing that face clearly, Fan Wei's mouth grew involuntarily, and the expression in her eyes was unbelievable.

"You... aren't you dead?" Fan Wei stammered, staring at the man in front of her.

The hole in his chest was shocking, his body was full of blood, but the corner of his mouth was outlined with a strange arc, Zhao Hai walked towards Fan Wei step by step.

Zhao Hai stretched out his hand and touched the hole in his chest, and smiled: "The corpse, the only weakness is the head and cervical spine, only the heart, it's nothing more than that."

"What?" Because she was too shocked, Fan Wei exclaimed: "Impossible! When you were killed by Duan Lin, you obviously bleed, and the walking dead won't bleed!"

The smile on Zhao Hai's face became thicker: "Why can Duan Lin bleed, but I can't?"

Fan Wei's brain buzzed. Few people knew about Duan Lin's battle with the zombies. How could Zhao Hai know about Duan Lin's bloodshed


Fan Wei looked at Zhao Hai incredulously and exclaimed: "You are the zombie!"

"That's right." While speaking, Zhao Hai had already walked to Fan Wei's side and breathed in Fan Wei's ear gently. He said in a strange voice: "But you are right, zombies do not bleed. But your blood can make me temporarily disguise as a living person."

"My blood?" Fan Wei remembered the blood that had been taken as a'sample' before: "Are you not from the epidemic prevention station?"

Zhao Hai laughed loudly: "You can see that I have any communication with the two epidemic prevention officers? The epidemic prevention officers treat me as a special officer, and others treat me as an epidemic prevention officer. Hahaha, it's really interesting."

"You have fooled the epidemic prevention staff, but you can't fool Wang sister!" Fan Wei exclaimed. Zhao Hai was completely disapproving: "Not everyone has opened their eyes. I want them to see what kind of face they see." At this point, Zhao Hai screamed, contemptuously. "If it weren’t for Duan Lin’s follower, he arranged a dog behind him.

Fart royal guard, why should I go around such a big circle. "

"Are you here for me?" Fan Wei swallowed hard, her heart full of horror.

"It's not easy to get close to you." Zhao Hai sighed for a while, and then smiled, "Now you are mine."

Death was close at hand, but Fan Wei didn't have the fear she should have in her heart. She stared at Zhao Hai and asked in a deep voice, "In other words, Duan Lin didn't mean to kill me at all? Is he still protecting me?"

Zhao Hai narrowed his eyes: "So what?"

"I believe him!" Fan Wei took a deep breath, her tone beyond doubt.

"Believe in what?" "He won't allow you to hurt me!" Fan Wei was unwavering. (End of this chapter)