Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 241: Yin Qi disappeared


"Warm? He's a ghost, isn't the blood of a ghost cold?" Lin Shuo wondered.

"Your definition of the word warm is too superficial." Fan Wei didn't look back, and continued to move forward. Although he felt a little bit opportunistic with Lin Shuo, if he could let him stay on his own and waste some It's worth it to spit on stars.

"Hey hey, I just asked casually, don't mind. When you and Duan Lin are there, is it possible..."

Before Lin Shuo finished the next words, Liu Xin, who caught up with him, grabbed his shoulder and whispered: "Don't turn to Sister Wei again!"

Lin Shuo smiled indignantly: "Haha, I'm just curious, what's the excitement. Are you not curious?"

"Curiosity killed the cat!" Liu Xin said coldly.

Lin Shuo shrugged: "Everyone is curious. I haven't seen anyone without curiosity. According to your statement, human beings have long been extinct because of curiosity."

"Have you always talked so much?" Liu Xin asked back. "No one can be sure that his life will end. The world is full of accidents. Maybe you will burp in the next second. If you don't speak quickly now, you may not have a chance in the future?" Lin Shuo raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile on his face. Just now, he was furious because of the death of his subordinates, but now

I have forgotten everything. It really is a dog face, he bit his teeth a second ago, and then wags his tail again this second.

To be honest, Fan Wei already regretted the decision to go with them at the beginning, because in this kind of place, it is obvious that they can't help much, but will only be a problem.

If it is possible, it might not be a good choice to get rid of them. But seeing Captain Wang and the others, Fan Wei was a little bit unbearable. After all, Captain Wang and the others didn’t need to take the risk, but in order to be responsible for the epaulettes on their shoulders, they chose this path that has no return, at least. Respectable. If Captain Wang and the others are thrown here to die, at least

It is unreasonable in reason, and even if Fan Wei's blood is cold, it is not so cold.

Captain Wang shouldn't be hurt because of his dislike of Lin Shuo. He glanced at Lin Shuo, who was following to the right, and saw that he and Liu Xin were dancing with eyebrows, not caring about the feeling of hot faces on their cold buttocks, Fan Wei murmured in her heart instead. When Lin Shuo’s men had an accident before, the anger that Lin Shuo released in an instant was not like a fake, plus

The fact that he came here to take revenge at all costs can prove that Lin Shuo is not a heartless guy.

Then there is only one situation that can explain Lin Shuo's hippie smile, and that is'acting'!

Yu Zhan said before that Lin Shuo is a smiling tiger, Fan Wei couldn't help but be more mindful, and secretly warned Lin Shuo, lest this guy was still laughing one second before stabbing the knife one second later.

"Look at the Lord!" Suddenly, Yu Zhan's voice came from behind, and his voice seemed a little urgent and solemn.

Fan Wei stopped subconsciously, turned around and looked back, and found that Yu Zhanzheng was walking quickly toward this side.

"Looking at the Lord, I feel that the situation is not right." Yu Zhan frowned slightly and said in a deep voice.

Although Fan Wei's impression of Zhan remained at the level of'relentlessness and escape from battle' before this, it is undeniable that Yu Zhan's sense of smell is very sensitive, and he can always perceive the dangerous aura before others.

Fan Wei didn't dare to be careless, and asked quickly: "What's the matter?"

Yu Zhan's eyes were dignified, and he constantly scanned the surroundings vigilantly with his peripheral light, as if some terrible beast lurked in the dark, making Yu Zhan, an unqualified hunter, restless.

"Do you feel that the Yin Qi here is a bit unusual?" Fan Wei shook her head, and did not feel the unusual in the mouth of the war. As a result, just after shaking her head, Fan Wei felt that something was wrong, but it was too late. Unable to speak. After a brief period of contemplation, Fan Wei's mind flashed brightly, and an unpleasant feeling spread in her heart: "The Yin Qi here drops

Low! "

"Yes!" Yu Zhan blurted out, his voice cautiously said: "When we first entered this floor, the Yin Qi was lingering and quite depressed. But the deeper, the less Yin Qi, which is simply against common sense."

Before Fan Wei could speak, Lin Shuo on the side said with no good air: "It's not good to have less Yin Qi? Although I am not a member of the Profound Clan, I also know that where there is Yin Qi, there is no good thing. Maybe, this level. There is only one evil thing in the building, and that evil thing has been scared away by Fan Wei." Fan Wei shook her head, resting her chin, and said thoughtfully: "You are not a member of the Profound Clan, and you cannot tell the difference between Yin Qi. Although Yu Zhan and I are not masters, we can still feel the specific Yin Qi emanating from a specific evil thing. Simply put, Yin Qi is like a person's ID card.

In this way, it is very recognizable and hardly makes mistakes. The ghost that was possessed by the fat man before is not the same thing as the Yin Qi we felt at the elevator entrance before. "

Lin Shuo shrugged, and said disapprovingly: "Anyway, the absence of yin qi means that there is no evil." Yin qi is the carrier of evil things. Where there is yin qi, there may not be evil things, but where there are evil things, there must be yin. Qi, this is a dead rule that will never change. If Lin Shuo’s words are spoken to laymen or newcomers who have just started, they might be regarded as a motto, but Fan Wei and Yu Zhan

Not a newcomer.

You know, the Yin Qi at this moment is not reduced, but disappeared!

So far, Fan Wei has not found any place where there is no yin, even in the temples where the Buddha is strong, there is yin.

So there is another possibility without Yin Qi, and this possibility is that Yin Qi is blocked!

After listening to Fan Wei's analysis, Lin Shuo wondered: "Can Yin Qi be blocked? It's weird."

The burden of explaining to laymen is left to Yu Zhan.

Yu Zhan patiently said, "Not only the yin, but even the evil thing itself can be shielded, because evil things are just a kind of magnetic field. Do you know where evil things are the least likely to appear in this world? "Yu Zhan looked at Lin Shuo and asked.

"Temple!" Lin Shuo blurted out, giving the answer almost without even thinking about it.

Seeing Yu Zhan shook his head, Lin Shuo immediately added: "That is Taoism."

"When facing evil things, Buddhism and Taoism do not separate families."

Lin Shuo lowered his head and remained silent. At this time, Captain Wang took the conversation and asked, "Is it the police station? I heard Nie Jingya say before. The police station is full of integrity and it is difficult for ordinary evil things to approach." "You also said. It's an ordinary evil thing. The problem is that there are many unusual evil things in this world." Yu Zhan waved his hand: "What you said is wrong, think about what I just said." (End of this chapter)