Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 268: Unknown sound


Although I don't know why Duan Lin has come to this and is still so'cautious', Fan Wei still chooses to believe him because he is really standing in front of him, which is more important than anything else.

Liu Xin and Johnny glanced at each other, nodded at Fan Wei, turned and left, wittily giving up space to Fan Wei and Duan Lin, this is also a rare two-person world.

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, the atmosphere of the two people finally looking forward to is a little subtle.

The two people looked at each other and didn't know what to say for a while. The atmosphere is awkward? It should not be. Is that solemn? It is even more difficult to fight. It's like two lovers who have been separated for a long time, thinking about each other, finally seeing each other, obviously prepared a lot of words, but at the last minute they can't say it, just quietly looking at each other, maybe this

It is the legendary Xianggu speechless.

Time was lost every minute and every second. For the first time, Fan Wei felt that time was so precious, how much she wanted to get into Duan Lin's arms and feel the long-lost temperature.

Reason has made Fan Wei restrained again and again, because Fan Wei knew that with Duan Lin's character, he would never have any contact with Fan Wei in any form. After all, his current body does not belong to him, but to a stranger who has just died.

Fan Wei is a little strange. It is clear that Duan Lin's'laboratory' has so many excellent repellents, why did he choose the most common one

Could it be that the previous use of spiritism, summoned to deal with the evil zombies, emptied all the body in Duan Lin's laboratory

If this is the case, then it will be a big loss.

"Duan Lin..."

"Fan Wei..."

The two spoke almost in unison, then stopped at the same time and waited for the other to speak, but there was another silence.

Sometimes, it is too tacit, and it may not be a good thing. After a few seconds of silence, Duan Lin finally broke the calm atmosphere. He stared at Fan Wei with his own eyes, and his voice was surprisingly soft: "I know you want to hear those three words, but Those three words mean a lot to me, unless we can really unscrupulously

Together, otherwise..."

"I understand, I understand..." Fan Wei quietly stated her attitude before Duan Lin finished speaking.

Since you choose to love, you must tolerate and understand everything about the other party, at least in Fan Wei's view, it should be. Duan Lin nodded and continued: "You already know your special physique. Only you can gather the five blessings. For this reason, even if Zhou Mengdie is resolved, there will still be three fierce situations that will treat you as a thorn in the eye Eliminate it quickly. After all, greed is an indelible part of human nature.

Even I can't resist it. Once I come to the world and experience some beautiful things, I will linger forever and don't want to leave. "

The so-called goodness may not be true'goodness'.

After all, the meaning of the two words "good" is always relative, not absolute. For some people, it’s good to have a full meal, and for some people, it’s good to be unconscious after drinking. In the same way, some evil things linger in the world for love, then there will inevitably be evil things that regard'being a rapist and doing harm to the world' as a good thing, and then take root in the world like a virus.


Zhou Mengdie is only the lowest-level ferocious aspect, and the remaining ferocious aspects are all stronger, more ferocious, and evil than her. This also means that Fan Wei's life has not improved at all, but has developed in a worse direction. The reason why the three ferocious appearances did not appear was merely pinning their hopes on Zhou Mengdie. If Zhou Mengdie can live up to expectations and defeat Fan Wei, the other three fierce faces naturally don't have to show up. Now things are going in the opposite direction, which means that the other three fierce mates will kiss each other.

Automatic hand.

It’s really a life of ill-fated fate. From the moment Fan Wei was born, her whole life has been planned. Fan Wei knows that she cannot resist fate, so she can only follow this path as much as possible. Is not somersault.

As for when the other three evil aspects will appear, I don't know now, nor does Fan Wei want to know.

Sometimes, living in the present and being satisfied with the present is not necessarily a bad thing. So now Fan Wei doesn't think about the three evils, nor does he think about Li Saisi, Zuo Yu, or even Lin Shuo, and the grievances that have passed. Now Fan Wei has only one thought, which is to enjoy the hard-won time with Duan Lin, lying in the sun, looking at her beloved

People, isn't it the best enjoyment in the world

As a result, the day failed. At this loving moment, a gurgling sound came from Fan Wei's belly.

Fan Wei and Duan Lin were taken aback at the same time. They thought it would be embarrassing, but Duan Lin chuckled.

"Hungry, wait a minute."

Before Fan Wei spoke to dissuade him, Duan Lin had already turned around and went out.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the door was pushed open again, and Duan Lin appeared in front of Fan Wei like an angel holding a big bowl.

The bowl is very large, a bit like a small washbasin. The food in it is fried rice with eggs and fried peppers with sausages. The simple meals are made by Duan Lin himself, so it looks very warm.

"I'm afraid that ordering takeaway for too long, and it's unhealthy, you can't get used to it, so I will make some of it myself, and you will try it." With that, Duan Lin put the tableware in Fan Wei not knowing whether it was a pot or a bowl. On the thigh.

Fan Wei picked up the spoon and only took a bite, like a hungry wolf, sweeping away all the food in just a few minutes. This is the most meal that Fan Wei has ever eaten, and it is also the most satisfying and satisfying meal.

Duan Lin took the empty bowl and smiled knowingly: "Although you shouldn't eat too much when you wake up, let alone overeating, it should be okay for your body, as long as you eat well, everything is fine."

Seeing Duan Lin carrying the bowl and leaving, like a mediocre butler, Fan Wei unexpectedly appeared a little flattered. Let the legendary savage look of death, Duan Lin aloft, cook for himself, isn’t that too...


Fan Wei's heart is not too happy, maybe this is the joy of being a woman? The happiness that had been eager for but couldn't ask for finally appeared in Fan Wei's palm. This time Fan Wei told herself that she must grasp it no matter what, and never let it go!

And just as the spring blossoms in Fan Wei's heart, a discordant voice did not know where it came from.

"It's too early for joy now, right?"

Following the voice, the gourd that was finally placed on the stool appeared in Fan Wei's line of sight.

I still remember the old ghost with a white face in the gourd. "What do you mean?" Fan Wei asked in a bad tone. (End of this chapter)