Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 295: Hit me with money


What a nouveau riche face!

Fan Wei was completely irritated this time, and immediately stopped talking nonsense. Anyway, it was a profitable business and did not lose money.

I thought that the matter was over at this point, but Ling Shu glanced at a pair of shoes next to him, and said coldly: "Even all the shoes in your store are wrapped!"

It doesn't count to buy all the clothes, but also all the shoes. This obviously prevents Fan Wei's shop from working.

Find the difference? Fan Wei took a deep breath and restrained the anger in her heart. She smiled and said, "Okay, the guest is God, this kind of distinguished guest may not meet the second one in a lifetime. Whatever people say, let's do it. Don't shop. All the things in the store are sold to you, so I just emptied my store


Ling Shu raised his eyebrows: "Oh? That's a good idea, just do it like this."

OK, you bull X! You are rich!

Although Fan Wei didn't know where Ling Shu's money came from, Fan Wei could never admit to such an obvious way of smashing the scene, otherwise how would he convince the public in the future

Fan Wei directly asked the store manager to calculate all the things for sale, and the final price was 500 million.

Since you have to make money anyway, then this kind of take advantage of not hitting the white, not hitting! Fan Wei, who had been impoverished all his life, turned out to be a profiteer and smiled profoundly: "I forgot to tell you that if everything is sold, our store must be closed for a period of time. The losses caused during this period Immeasurable. I want to buy it all, unless I add another 100 million

, Be regarded as lost work expenses. "

As soon as this remark came out, Ling Shu really sneered coldly: "Oh, it's really hard to learn well, but it's not easy to learn. Miss Fan, who has spent half a lifetime on Taobao goods, turned into a profiteer. What happened, I thought it was just like that Can you scare me back? One hundred million is one hundred million, it doesn't matter."

What does it mean to become a profiteer when you turn around? Are you also a nouveau riche? Everyone is just each other.

"Or a card?" Fan Wei asked with a smile.

Ling Shu's eyes looked contemptuous: "Have you never seen a person with so much money in a card? You are a rich man incompetent!"

Fan Wei thought, go to your rich man. The rich man's money is also earned by a penny, not from the wind. Who would be so lacking in your brain and squandering like a fool.

Is it possible that the "five ghosts fortune" really exists? Otherwise, how do you explain that Ling Shu suddenly has so much money

When the waiter and the workers hired on site were packing things, Fan Wei took the time to talk to Duan Lin about it.

Duan Lin's attitude is very firm: "As long as you become a ghost, you can't use the money of the yang person."

Fan Wei was even more puzzled: "The problem is that Ling Shu not only used it, but also planned to use the money to kill me."

Duan Lin lowered his head in thought for a moment, before his eyes lit up: "It seems that the fierce response behind Ling Shu should be sad!"

"What?" Fan Wei was stunned and stunned, looking at Duan Lin like a monster: "How did you know?" Duan Lin raised the corner of his mouth, showing a bright smile: "The truth is very simple, Ling Shu is not afraid of the sun. And you can squander money arbitrarily, these are all practices that will disrupt the society of the yang people. In theory, the yin people and the yang people must be completely distinguished, so there are many restrictions in between. Ling Shu broke

These restrictions, then there is only one explanation, the fierce face behind her is not human! "

"It's definitely not a human being, can I not know?" Fan Wei didn't understand why Duan Lin said that. Duan Lin explained with a smile: "You don't understand what I mean, whether it's yin people or evil things, most of them are transformed by yang people after death. What I'm talking about is not a human being, but it's not a human being behind Ling Shu. It’s something else, so you can disturb the yang person without caring or even restriction.

society. "

Only then did Fan Wei understand. The meaning is actually very simple. The main reason for the restriction of the Yin people is to avoid the chaos of'greed'.

If the yin is to preserve humanity, he will definitely curb money in order to satisfy his own desires. The methods can be legal or illegal.

In this way, the society of Yang people will be in chaos.

However, other species, such as elves, are not humans themselves, so even if they have greed and desires, they have nothing to do with human greed and desires, and naturally they are not restricted by human restrictions.

Unexpectedly, Ling Shu was real for a while, revealing the tail of the fox, and Duan Lin directly inferred that the fierce look behind her was'sorrow'.

According to Duan Lin, the evil aspect of grief is transformed by the elves. The so-called elves are the great immortals that people often say, and animals like five poisons and weasels become refined.

Having mastered the enemy's message, although happy, but worry also followed. It is not Fan Wei who is worried, but Duan Lin.

It must be an extraordinary situation to make Duan Lin worry. Fan Wei asked with lingering fear: "Is the sorrowful aspect so terrible?"

Duan Lin sighed: "On combat effectiveness, Zhou Mengdie is like a child in front of the sorrow and the sorrow. To talk about shortcomings, the sorrow and the sorrow are not good, but unfortunately... The sorrow and the sorrow are well aware of their shortcomings, so they have never played tactics. Doing things has always been simple and straightforward, advocating violence."

To put it bluntly, Zhou Mengdie lost because of her strategy.

If Zhou Mengdie is compared to a strategy man who has made a mistake and hated forever, such as Zhuge Liang. Then Zhang Fei is the most sorrowful person, and he doesn't talk nonsense with you at all, cuts first and plays later.

For this reason, Duan Lin was more worried, for fear that the sorrow would not play cards according to the routine, and he would kill first, leaving Fan Wei and others unable to fight back.

Although Fan Wei was also very worried, she could not retreat easily at this time, otherwise the situation might be even more disadvantaged.

What is said in that sentence, difficulties are like springs, if you are weak, they will be strong, and if you are strong, they will be weak.

In the evening, the entire shop was emptied, Ling Shu was full of glory, maybe this is the life she wants, she can spend it unscrupulously.

At the same time, this is also Ling Shu's personality defect. She may be pure and kind and smart, but unfortunately she is more vain, and she can take risks for money before she dies.

Live for money, die for money, and fight for money for a lifetime.

The store is empty, Ling Shu should be satisfied, right? The result is not!

Vanity has already caused Ling Shu to fall into a somewhat crazy state. She has been waiting for Fan Wei at the door of the store. Seeing Fan Wei coming out, she waved her hand directly: "Happy today, go, invite you to dinner."

This conflict directly caused Fan Wei to earn a lot of money. To be honest, she felt a little embarrassed, so she shook her head and refused: "Forget it, you have already spent a lot today. I am not the kind of person who spares no room. "Don't say so grand-sounding, you just look down on me!" Ling Shu snorted, his face immediately changed from ruddy and happy to angry and unwilling. (End of this chapter)