Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 32: accident


The dinner was made by the housekeeper, with its delicious color and flavor, comparable to a professional chef. Fan Wei hasn't eaten so much for a long time. What makes Fan Wei most excited is that there is dessert after dinner!

Aside from the weirdness, this kind of life simply makes Fan Wei reluctant to think about Shu.

'Jingle Bell… '

Just as Fan Wei was feasting on her weight regardless of her weight, a ringing of the phone caught Fan Wei's attention.

It was the unique ringtone of landline telephones. The sound came from the lobby. Fan Wei walked out of the restaurant with ice cream and followed the sound to look at it. There was a burst of novelty. It turned out to be an old red lottery phone that could no longer be old!

The butler picked up the phone and whispered a few words, then went straight to Fan Wei and said respectfully: "Miss, the master said that he won't be back tonight, something happened temporarily."

"What's the matter?" Fan Wei asked subconsciously with ice cream in her hand and a spoon in her mouth.

"A piece of land is being developed in the north. A worker had an accident and died on the spot. The owner is dealing with it."

"Dead?" Fan Wei was shocked. This is a big deal. She didn't care about enjoying the delicious ice cream, so she hurriedly asked: "This is a terrific thing. It won't lead to lawsuits, right?"

The butler looked calm and wrote lightly: "It's just an accident, you can lose money."

Also, money can make ghosts condemn this saying, it will never change, and it can be applied to any era.

It's just that Fan Wei is a little strange. Yu Zhan said before that Duan Lin's identity is very special, the devil in the dark night, the family in the day. It was late at night, and Duan Lin had changed back to the identity of a demon. Even if it was dealt with, it should wait until the day.

Unless... this incident was not a mere accident!

It was almost when Fan Wei thought of this, the phone rang, and when he picked it up, it was an unfamiliar phone number. After the call was connected, a familiar voice came from inside, Yu Zhan!

"I'm still waiting for your reply."

"Can you give me some more time?" Fan Wei asked hesitantly.

Yu Zhan on the other end of the phone snorted and said impatiently: "It's not that I don't give you time, but that you and I have no time. I received news that Duan Lin's construction site had an accident and two workers died tragically!"

"Two? Aren't they one?" Fan Wei was shocked. Did the housekeeper make a mistake

Yu Zhan's voice became a little serious: "In the beginning, one was indeed dead, but when another worker was guarding the corpse, he was bitten to death by that corpse! Obviously, the cause of the worker's death was..."

It doesn't mean that after Zhan has finished speaking, Fan Wei blurted out: "The corpse poison!"

Only corpse poison is so terribly contagious. If all infectious diseases in the world are ranked, corpse poison is definitely the undisputed champion.

In this way, Duan Lin went to the scene of the incident at night and was able to explain it well.

Fan Wei believed in Duan Lin's strength and shouldn't have added chaos to him, but a sentence from Yu Zhan instantly changed Fan Wei's thinking.

It was no coincidence that the corpse poison appeared on Duan Lin's construction site, it was obviously a trap!

"wait for me!"

Hanging up the phone, Fan Wei immediately went back to the room and put on sweatpants for the convenience of his actions. As a result, the housekeeper stood at the door as soon as he left the house, making Fan Wei shudder with fright.

"It's scary, it's scary!" Fan Wei said angrily while patting her chest.

"Miss, where are you going?"

"Go to the construction site." Fan Wei spits out without hesitation, letting the housekeeper go out of the way, but the housekeeper is unmoved.

With eyes facing each other, the butler said neither humble nor overbearing: "The master said, let you rest early."

Seeing the unquestionable look in the butler's eyes, Fan Wei suddenly realized that where he moved was for his own safety, clearly to control himself, under house arrest in disguise!

Fan Wei did not hesitate and said firmly: "If you want to control my personal freedom, then I can simply move out of here!"

"Even if you move away, you have to wait until dawn." The butler's voice was relaxed, but there was a breath that was not negotiable.

Since it doesn't make sense, you can only use it strong!

Fan Wei wanted to push the butler directly away, but as soon as he raised his hand, the butler took a step back: "Miss, there is a difference between up and down. Only the master can touch your body."

What this said!

Fan Wei blushed for a while, what it means is that only Duan Lin can touch it!

But that's okay, Fan Wei walked out directly, and the housekeeper could only step back in order to avoid touching Fan Wei.

Easily walked out of the gate, and despite the good words of the housekeeper, he directly called a Didi taxi to the starting point.

When he arrived at the scene, it was almost ten o'clock in the evening, and Yu Zhan was standing at the door, already dressed as a Jitong, fully armed.

"I thought you would let me dove." Yu Zhan let out a sigh of relief, relieved.

Fan Wei did not answer, and asked, "What is the situation now?"

"I'm not sure. Go in and have a look before you talk."

The inside of the construction site was pitch-dark, with only a few scattered lights, quietly. Fan Wei wanted to open her eyes to find the source of the corpse poison, but was stopped by Yu Zhan. Opening her eyes was one of the cards, and could not be used casually. The most important thing is that there will be a period of weakness after the eyes are opened. If the time is delayed, it will also put the two in danger. Thinking of this, Fan Wei couldn't help being afraid for a while.

Once I fell into a coma, I really didn't dare to expect Yuzhan to protect myself.

Simply put together, the two of them walked directly towards the nearest light source.

The light was on a work shed with four simple wooden beds, three of them were empty, and the innermost bed was lying on a man wearing a hard hat.

When he walked in, the man's face was a little purple, and he was already dead.

"Why is there no purple thread on his neck?" Fan Wei looked at the corpse carefully, wondering: "Isn't it corpse poison?"

Yu Zhan shook his head: "The purple line is the lowest level of corpse poison, and this type of corpse poison is more violent, it should be direct contact!"

"There are zombies here?" Fan Wei said in astonishment, covering her mouth.

Yu Zhan's eyes were solemn: "It is not necessarily zombies that can emit corpse poison, but zombies must have corpse poison. It is still uncertain whether the things here are zombies or not." Although Yu Zhan is a child, and has three magic arrows, his strength is not good. Vulgar, but in the face of evil things, there is not much chance of winning. To put it another way, once any person in the profound sect encounters an evil thing, only if there is a great difference in strength, can they be sure to defeat the evil thing, and once they encounter an evil thing,

The evil thing that is not much difference must be a fierce battle of a lifetime. If the strength is weaker than the evil thing, let alone fight, you can't even escape, you will die!

For the sake of safety, now instead of rushing to find evil things, we find Duan Lin first. Before leaving, Yu Zhan took out a nail-sized white solid from his pocket and stuffed it into the corpse's mouth, then pulled Fan Wei to the door of the work shed, with a sinister smile on his face. (End of this chapter)