Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 326: The den is arrogant


In an instant, the two young men were knocked to the ground, and the remaining flat-headed young man was completely stunned. The fist that he had planned to throw was also hung in the air, looking at Fan Wei with a look of monsters. He couldn’t even dream that the delicate and weak woman in front of him could actually start like this


Fan Wei glanced at the two people who fell on the ground, and then smiled softly at the flat-headed young man: "Little brother, can you help me throw them out?"

The flat-headed guy swallowed hard, he was already full of turbulent waves, and if he refused, he would be directly beaten into an eggplant by this woman with a gorgeous appearance and a dark heart.

Fear gradually overcame the fragile friendship in Xiaopingtou's heart, and tremblingly dragged the two companions out of the Internet cafe box one by one.

The scene was instantly cleaned up.

When Fan Wei's light swept toward the other guests present, the guests all bowed their heads, pretending that they didn't see anything, and continued to play their own games.

At this moment, Shen Feng's voice sounded: "You are the bodyguard sent by my dad, right?"

Looking down, he saw that his face was full of blood, and Shen Feng, who couldn't bear to bet, had already sat up, and was constantly wiping the blood on his face with his sleeve.

As a spoiled rich second-generation generation, it is beyond Fan Wei's expectation to have this kind of fighting ability.

Seeing that Fan Wei had no words, Shen Feng said to himself: "You are too incompetent as a bodyguard. I have already been beaten like this to take action. Don't think that just deducting wages can solve it."

Realizing that Shen Feng had mistakenly regarded himself as the bodyguard sent by Shen Lei, Fan Wei instead of explaining, made a mistake, and smiled slightly: "Why didn't you see you so good just now? Is it just a lie?" The words came out. Shen Feng suddenly became angry from embarrassment. He staggered up from the ground, and he was about to grab Fan Wei's collar. As you can imagine, the dead soul clinging to Fan Wei's body has not left yet, and directly hit Shen Feng's stomach with one knee. When Shen Feng fell to the ground, he stomped on him with his feet.

Live on Shen Feng's shoulders.

This series of actions are all self-defense conditioned reflexes of the dead souls, and it has nothing to do with Fan Wei.

Realizing that the matter had become a big deal, Fan Wei was riding a tiger for a while, so she could only let the dead soul leave her body first, and then consider countermeasures.

If you apologize directly, I'm afraid it will only make things more difficult.

After a short period of thought, Fan Wei decided to continue the mistake. Not only did he not remove his foot from Shen Feng's body, but even increased his strength, Shen Feng suddenly groaned in pain.

"Those ruffians don't know who I am. You dare to attack me. I won't let you go!" Shen Feng, who was extremely painful, snarled frantically. Facing Shen Feng’s threat, Fan Wei disapproved, and even sneered: “It seems that you haven’t learned your lesson yet. Not everyone in this world is your parents and will be used to you. Without the aura of the rich second generation, you It’s nothing!” After finishing speaking, Fan Wei straightened up in order to put him at ease.

He then kicked Shen Feng's thigh with the toe of his shoe.

Because the kicking position happened to be the acupuncture point, Shen Feng suddenly wailed in pain.

It's a pity that this kid belongs to the kind of cooked duck that only has a hard mouth. Even if it has been so miserable, he still yells: "You wait for me!"

Obviously, this is a master who does not eat hard and soft.

Originally, Fan Wei planned to make a friend with him and have a quiet talk, but now it seems that the plan cannot keep up with the rapid changes, and Fan Wei directly executes Plan B. Summon the dead soul again, clinging to his own body, and then reached out and grabbed Shen Feng's shoulders and dragged him up from the ground.

"What are you...doing!" Shen Feng looked at Fan Wei with extremely resentful eyes, while holding Fan Wei's wrist with both hands.

Shen Feng wanted to break Fan Wei's hand away, but found that she couldn't do it no matter how hard she tried. She was a mere woman, and she couldn't see any muscles on her body. She was definitely not a female boxer or fighter. She could even conclude that she had a gym I don't go there often, so how can I get so much effort

Under Shen Feng's suspicious and angry gaze, Fan Wei was still smiling, and a gentle but shocking voice pierced into Shen Feng's ears.

"It seems that your parents have never taught you to be polite in words and deeds. If that is the case, I will teach you a lesson today to let you know that in this society, no one will be used to you."

After speaking, Fan Wei grabbed Shen Feng's shoulder and forced him out of the Internet cafe under the full gaze of everyone.

Since this kid was really restless and unable to ride in the car, Fan Wei simply grabbed his arm with one hand and his index finger with the other, and smiled: "If you don't want me to break your finger, You better be honest."


"Oh..." Shen Feng said hard, but as soon as Fan Wei applied force, the pain in his fingers immediately forced him to give up. It was the kind of mouth that said no, but his body was very honest. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble caused by Shen Feng's yelling on the road, Fan Wei threatened in a low voice in her ear: "As long as you dare

Shout, I dare to tear your clothes apart and make you an internet celebrity. Not only will you not be able to look up from now on, but your family will also be ashamed. "

Shen Feng looked at Fan Wei with complicated eyes: "Are you really a bodyguard?"

Start to doubt now? late!

Fan Wei didn't care about three or seven and twenty-one, and directly pressed Shen Feng forward, and soon a drainage canal appeared.

This drain is funnel-shaped, wide on the top and narrow on the bottom. It is made of cement. The straight-line distance is about five meters deep. If you accidentally fall, it will roll down the slope, and the skin will be scratched. It's just a bruise, and there won't be any serious problems at all. Fan Wei took Shen Feng along the drainage canal. After a while, a small bridge across the drainage canal appeared in front of her. He walked to the center of the small bridge and looked down. Although it was also a drainage canal, the degree of danger was very different. , Because it lacks the buffer of the slope, once it falls, it is a free fall

, It is by no means a simple bruise or bruise. As if he understood what Fan Wei meant, Shen Feng looked contemptuously and said: "Are you trying to push me off here? I tell you, don't scare me. First of all, you are just a bodyguard, not so big. Courage. Secondly, if you push me down, you’re deliberately hurting sin. When the time comes

You suffer. "

Unexpectedly, this little kid knows a lot, Fan Wei looked at him with a smile but a smile: "Oh? Or try?"

"Try and try, I'm afraid of you?" Shen Feng put on a look of fearlessness, and didn't care about Fan Wei's threat. Naturally, Fan Wei would not just push him down, but with a thought. Under the call of spiritism, a wandering ghost appeared behind Shen Feng and looked at him surly. (End of this chapter)