Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 345: Imperishable Dafa


"When will you and Duan Lin get married?" Ling Shu suddenly changed the subject and asked Fan Wei softly.

Fan Wei shook her head: "I have no plans for the time being."

"Can't accept Ming marriage?" Ling Shu continued to ask.

Fan Wei still shook her head: "It's not... Forget it, let's not talk about it. Why do you ask me to come here? It's definitely not as simple as drinking coffee

"Of course." Ling Shu turned his head and glanced at the warm sunshine outside, and said, "In your mind, what kind of person is Shen Lei?"

"Why ask this suddenly?"

"Just leave it alone, just answer me directly." Ling Shu urged.

Fan Wei lowered her head to ponder for a moment, and then said her inner thoughts: "Private life is disorderly and lacks the minimum moral bottom line, but he is a very reliable person, and he is vigorous and vigorous, and has a certain strategic ability." Ling Shu nodded: "It's quite appropriate, so I'll tell you another secret. In addition to what you know, Shen Lei has almost crazy ambitions. He has always supported those in the profound sect. Being a yang person, but entangled with a yin person, for only one purpose, just

Is to resurrect his dead mother! "

This news is undoubtedly a blockbuster for Fan Wei.

Fan Wei frowned and said in shock: "How did you know?"

Ling Shu smiled softly, his tone of voice was justified: "The old saying goes that knowing oneself knows that the enemy is not dead in battle. In a sense, he is also our enemy, so it is reasonable to know the enemy's news?"

As soon as he said this, Fan Wei immediately smelled an unpleasant smell, and the look in Ling Shu's eyes couldn't help but change. She seemed to notice the change in Fan Wei’s eyes. Ling Shu’s smile became thicker. He stared at Fan Wei and nodded: “You’re not wrong. We do know that the Seven-Star Necklace is in Shen Lei’s hand. The only power to restrain the sorrow of grief is naturally our top priority

. "

Fan Wei suddenly realized, took a deep breath, and said in a deep tone: "In other words, you tell me this, you want to drive away tigers and devour wolves, use me to deal with Shen Lei, and then take advantage of the fisherman's profit?"

Ling Shu shrugged noncommittal: "It doesn't matter if I tell you explicitly." "Don't you think this is stupid? The Seven Star Necklace in Shen Lei's hands and mine is no different for you. , Because I will never give you the Seven-Star Necklace, even if you use the means of three abuses!" Fan Wei stared at Ling Shu and said word by word.

For a moment, Fan Wei and Ling Shu are no longer sisters, but yin and yang that are opposite in black and white, and are never equal to right and evil!

Perhaps Fan Wei feels guilty for Ling Shu, but at the very least, it is black and white, which is more important, and which is less, Fan Wei can still distinguish clearly. Fan Wei will never use common life plans and her own future as a bargaining chip to make up for her guilt! Even if it is a lifetime of remorse, no regrets or regrets!

It seems that Fan Wei's attitude would have been so tough. Ling Shu smiled and waved his hand to signal Fan Wei to relax: "What are you anxious? The character hasn't been shaken yet. As you said, since you are dead even if you are dead. If you don't give us the Seven Star Necklace, why worry that I will help you deal with Shen Lei?"

As soon as this remark came out, Fan Wei's heart suddenly became complicated, because Ling Shu's words meant that Fan Wei was much easier to deal with than Shen Lei.

If you must choose an enemy, Ling Shuning can choose Fan Wei, and never choose Shen Lei. First help Fan Wei get the Seven Star Necklace, and then defeat Fan Wei. Knowing this, Fan Wei was not nervous, because it was not an opportunity for Fan Wei. After learning Ling Chenlei's caution and strength, Fan Wei knew that relying on her own strength, it was almost impossible to get the Seven Star Necklace. Why not just take care of Shen Lei first, and then

Defend Ling Shu!

After understanding this, Fan Wei no longer worried, staring at Ling Shu immediately, and asked straightforwardly: "About Shen Lei, go on."

The corner of Ling Shu's mouth raised: "As expected of Ye Concubine, my mind is flexible. I can figure out the stakes so quickly. To be honest, working with you is the easiest and most comfortable way."

Fan Wei ignored this almost flattering admiration and made an expression that listened quietly. A gleam of light flashed in Ling Shu's eyes. As a yin, he didn't need to worry about his words being heard by outsiders, so he opened the door and said: "Shen Lei has hardly any weaknesses. If he insists on speaking, his weakness is ambition! To resurrect a person who has been dead for many years is not just a simple

Single thing. "Fan Wei had already had doubts before. There is no real resurrection in this world. The so-called resurrection in people's mouth is actually summoning the soul back into the body and forcibly keeping the yin person in the yang. The side effects of this approach are very great. First of all, yin people are not yang people. This is very clear.

Therefore, the character of the yin person will undergo earth-shaking changes, which will cause great harm to the family members, such as irritability, killing, viciousness and so on.

Of course, if the soul itself is strong enough, these side effects can naturally be avoided. What I'm talking about here is just ordinary spiritual calling. This kind of spiritual calling ritual has one thing in common. It must be held shortly after the person has died. Once a person dies for too long or the body is completely decayed, then the spiritual calling ritual becomes purely a ghost calling. ceremony. It’s like a folk trick like Die Xian Bi Xian

, I don’t know if it is a relative or a vicious and vicious ghost!

Fan Wei asked thoughtfully: "Shen Lei's mother is from Xuanmen?"

"No." Ling Shu replied cleanly.

Fan Wei continued to ask: "Then her physique is different from ordinary people, and her soul is very strong after death?"

Ling Shu still shook his head, and said in a certain tone: "Shen Lei's mother is an ordinary person, so don't think too much." Fan Wei's eyes were confused, and she was puzzled: "Then how does he plan to resurrect his deceased mother? After so many years of death, His mother’s corpse has long been rotten without a trace, and the soul has either been dissipated over the years, or has been reincarnated. Even if it’s swimming in the world, I’m afraid it’s already

Become a wandering ghost. "

There is an iron law in the profound door, the wandering ghosts cannot be called upon!

There is a fundamental difference between calling ghosts and calling souls.

The corners of Ling Shu's mouth raised, and an unpredictable smile was outlined: "This is the point. If you want to resurrect a person who cannot be resurrected, the method used must be an unusual method."

"What way?" Fan Wei asked subconsciously.

Ling Shu narrowed his eyes, took a deep breath, and paused every word: "The Great Law to Capture the Soul of the Universe and the Sun!" What? Fan Wei's heart sank and she was completely stunned, with incredible expressions in her eyes. (End of this chapter)