Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 36: Moral killing


Blood can increase the power of the spell, and even so, it will only leave a shallow trace on the hand of the Iron Coffin Zombie, not even damage, let alone killing the Iron Coffin Zombie.

"My strength is too weak, I can only deal with the lowest level of walking corpses, facing the zombies, I have nothing to do, I'm sorry..." Fan Wei bit her lip and looked at Duan Lin, saying with guilt and guilt.

With his eyes facing each other, Duan Lin's eyes changed from calm to serious, and from serious to angry. He rushed to Fan Wei in one step, grabbed Fan Wei's shoulder, condescendingly, staring at Fan Wei's eyes like a An elder who hates iron but not steel makes a deep and angry voice. "Does everything I do is so worthless in your eyes, you don't even want to think about it? Not everyone is a person in the profound door, and not everyone in the profound door has confrontation. The power of zombies. The billions of people on this land, and even seven billion people around the world, have

There are only a handful of Yang people with this power. Why did human beings not become extinct, but instead became the most powerful species in the world? "

Facing Duan Lin's reprimand, Fan Wei's heart was full of guilt. She knew that Duan Lin had devoted a lot of effort to herself. Duan Lin's questioning is not over yet, and his deep eyes exudes a sharp light: "Prehistoric behemoths, and even the tigers and lions in today's society, obviously have the power to kill humans. Why is there still only escape in the face of humans? All turned into taxidermy or animal skin coats

! Duan Lin stared into Fan Wei's eyes and paused every word: "Because humans can use their brains and think!" Everything will be extended! "

The two words'thinking' and'extension' are the core of Duan Lin's remarks.

Fan Wei suddenly realized that human beings use their own wisdom to create countless things that do not exist in this world.

The car is the extension of the legs, the gun is the extension of the hand, the telescope is the extension of the eyes, the phone is the extension of the mouth, and the computer is the extension of the brain.

Because of these extensions, mankind can be invincible and become the master of this planet.

Just now Duan Lin, relying on his flesh and blood, did not have any direct contact with the Iron Coffin Zombie, but moved his fingers to facilitate various'extensions' to turn the Iron Coffin Zombie into a lamb to be slaughtered.

The teacher led the door in and practiced personally. This sentence was not wrong at all, and Fan Wei was an unqualified student who ignored all Duan Lin's teachings.

"Correct… "

Before Fan Wei finished saying the three words'I'm sorry', she was interrupted by Duan Lin coldly. "Never say I'm sorry, even if you really did something wrong, don't apologize, because these three words I'm sorry have never had any effect. Use practical actions to prove yourself!" Duan Lin let go of Fan Wei's shoulders, condescending, Reasonably and coldly said: "As a living person, even if

The other party’s 10,000 promises are not as reliable as a black and white contract in my opinion. As a yin person, no matter how much empty talk, it is better to pierce the enemy's chest with a sharp sword! "

At this moment, Duan Lin's weight in Fan Wei's heart has undergone earth-shaking changes.

He is no longer a mere bodyguard, nor a cold demon, but more like a man who is also a teacher and friend with different emotions.

In human society, the only way a woman can get this feeling is the word "husband"!

It's a pity that Duan Lin will never become Fan Wei's husband. Fan Wei knows this. But at this moment, Fan Wei didn't want to let this man down anymore.

The scene that Yu Zhan used to'treat' the walking corpse before was staged in Fan Wei's mind.

The compressed biscuits made of glutinous rice, in a sense, are also an extension of'mysticism'.

Fan Wei does not have glutinous rice, so she must find another way.

That night Yu Zhan suddenly broke into his home, using lime! In other words, lime is also used according to the effect of dispelling yin, and the most indispensable thing on the construction site is lime.

Thinking of this, Fan Wei no longer hesitated, and immediately found lime nearby, then packed some in plastic buckets, returned to the bottom of the iron coffin zombie, holding the lime, and raised it on the face of the iron coffin zombie again and again.

Lime is really much more useful than the evil spirit curse. Every time it comes into contact with the skin of the Iron Coffin Zombie, a thick black smoke will be produced. The skin of the Iron Coffin Zombie seems to be scalded by boiling water, producing blisters. These blisters After the explosion, the black ** inside splashed around.

Obviously, these corpses carry a strong corpse poison. For safety's sake, Fan Wei covered the black juice with lime again to avoid any unlucky ones in the future.

Fan Wei's pursuit is to kill with one blow. Even if it is an evil thing, he should give them a happy life. After all, they are all transformed by human beings.

However, the Iron Coffin Zombie is too strong, even if it is lime, it can only erode the skin of the Iron Coffin Zombie bit by bit. A large bucket of lime just burns the entire face of the Iron Coffin Zombie.

With the angry and painful howling of the Iron Coffin Zombie, Fan Wei felt her heart depressed inexplicably.

However, this cruel torture made Duan Lin's eyes very gratifying.

Fan Wei didn't want to be the kind of person who was in the war, but Duan Lin's eyes made Fan Wei confused. Is it the law of heaven to torture evil things

In the end, Fan Wei gave up unconvincingly.

Seeing Duan Lin's cold eyes again, Fan Wei said bitterly: "Even if I know it is a beast, I can't continue torturing it."

"Women's kindness will harm you." Duan Lin's voice was extremely cold.

"This is not a woman's benevolence, but the most basic ethics." Fan Wei's tone is firm. This is what she has always pursued and persisted. Even if the world has become completely unrecognizable, Fan Wei does not want to change herself. Duan Lin snorted. Like Yu Zhan, he showed an absolute nose to Fan Wei's'theory': "Zombies are beasts without souls. There is nothing under their almost gorgeous appearance. They can only Donate blood to make up for their empty heart. If humans fall on their hands, it

We will eat humans bit by bit, and will never show mercy. "

"I know..." "You don't know!" Duan Lin broke off Fan Wei's words: "Do you think the appearance of this iron coffin zombie is accidental? No, it is just another minion released by the golden coffin zombie. There is no difference between Li Saisi. As far as I know, in addition to iron coffin zombies, there are copper coffin zombies, silver coffin zombies, at least two minions, guarding the golden coffin zombies. Not to mention the silver coffin zombies and golden coffin zombies. , Even if you only face the copper coffin zombies, the seemingly powerful iron coffin zombies in front of you are as weak and fragile as a child!" (End of this chapter)