Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 47: The love of walking dead


When Yu Zhan tortured the female walking corpse before, a wallet was found from the female walking corpse, and it was thrown on the ground casually. The photo inside the wallet happened to be exposed outside. It was a photo of a couple. Fan Wei looked at the photo and then at the male walking corpse at the door, and she couldn't help but chuckle. The female walking corpse tortured by Yu Zhan turned out to be the girlfriend of this male walking corpse! Even if there is no soul, seeing this scene, the male walking corpse unexpectedly shows in violation of common sense

There was a terrible anger.

Yu Zhan didn't realize this at all, glanced at the male walking corpse, disdainfully said: "Here is another toy!"

Almost as soon as he had finished speaking, the'boyfriend walking corpse' uttered a hysterical roar from the sky, which did not seem to belong to the shocking roar of a walking corpse at all.

This shout is like a key to opening a Pandora's box. For a time, howling sounds converged from all directions, unexpectedly echoing a hundred responses!

Yu Zhan's sneer froze on his face, and his tone was serious: "Why do so many walking corpses pop up!"

Fan Wei was speechless. If Yu Zhan's perverted tortured female walking corpse hadn't been discovered by the female walking corpse's boyfriend, how could it have caused such a big disaster! It's better now, even Fan Wei herself has been implicated.

Looking at the walking corpses outside the gate, Fan Wei sighed and realized that this might be Duan Lin's trap.

That female walking corpse was 80% of Duan Linfang's bait. He understood Yu Zhan's perverted character and would never give up such a good opportunity to'violent'.

Everything was in Duan Lin's expectation. Apart from anger, it was a sense of powerlessness in the face of an almost invincible enemy.

Individual walking corpses may be weak, but walking corpses are driven by corpse poison, and corpse poison is highly contagious.

Elementary school students know the truth that one chopstick is easy to break, and ten chopsticks are hard to break. The quantity leads to a qualitative change. Facing the sea of corpses, let alone Fan Wei and Yu Zhan, even the powerful Taoist elders of the profound sect can only escape for their lives.

Walking corpses flooded into the Fighting Association, and there were dozens of them!

Fan Wei and Duan Lin could only retreat and retreated to the top of the ring, but in the end they went one step wrong and were surrounded by three and three layers inside the walking corpse.

Yu Zhan glanced at Fan Wei, and said in a bad mood: "With you, there is nothing good!"

Fan Wei laughed angrily. He had seen someone who was shameless, and had never seen such a shameless person. The wicked person first complained and played with him. Fan Wei couldn't help him "double-click 666".

Escape is definitely not escape, can only bite the bullet and fight out of the siege.

Fan Wei did not dare to hesitate at all, and immediately bit her finger and painted the evil curse and bodyguard curse on the left and right arms.

At this time, a walking corpse had already climbed onto the ring, and Yu Zhan grabbed a handful of white powder and raised it in the air. However, any walking corpse that came into contact with the powder immediately screamed, blisters appeared on the skin, the blisters burst and gave off a stench. Obviously, these white powders are glutinous rice flour.

The walking corpses have a natural fear of glutinous rice flour, but at this moment, none of the walking corpses retreats, as if mad, regardless of the burning of the glutinous rice flour, and even rushed toward the two without fear of death.

Needless to think about it, Yu Zhan's perverted behavior aroused public outrage!

Sprinkling all the glutinous rice flour and lime powder was only two walking corpses burned to death.

Yu Zhan gritted his teeth, holding a dagger in his right hand, and drew the Feng Ling arrow from his waist with his left hand, and started a close hand-to-hand fight with the walking corpse. The black dagger is extremely sharp, as long as it hits a walking corpse, it must be a one size fits all. At the same time, the Fengling Arrow also showed strong aggressiveness. Although it is made of wood, it is as hard as steel. As long as it hits a walking corpse, it will inevitably fly upside down, or it will be violent, black brains flying everywhere


Yu Zhan's skill is quite quick, rushing to the left and right to kill in the sea of corpses, flashing forward and backing like a loach.

But the number of walking corpses is too much, even if Yu Zhan has gone all out, he is still caught by the walking corpses frequently. One stroke of the nail was a bloodstain.

After a battle, seven or eight walking corpses were killed, but Yu Zhan retreated with scars all over his body.

Panting, he took out a small bottle from his waist bag, dipped the black ointment with his finger, and rubbed it on the wound. The pain made Yu Zhan unable to stop grinning.

Fan Wei just finished depicting the spell, watching the walking corpses coming towards her face, Fan Wei crossed her arms and guarded her. As soon as the walking corpse touched Fan Wei, it immediately screamed and bounced away like an electric shock.

After Yu Zhan treated the wound, he grabbed Fan Wei's shoulder from behind and let out a low growl: "Chong!"

Fan Wei acted as a shield in front, rushing the sea of corpses abruptly, while Yu Zhan protected his back and flanks with the wind arrow in his hand. The door was already close at hand, and when he was about to escape, the'boyfriend walking corpse' suddenly blocked the door, clutching the door frame with both hands, facing the charm on Fan Wei's arm, the boyfriend walking corpse He screamed hysterically, and the skin on his chest began to melt, but he still refused to let go

, Like vowing to avenge his girlfriend!

Facing the walking corpse of her boyfriend who would rather die, Fan Wei was a little bit reluctant to move, but Yu Zhan behind him shouted angrily: "It's all about to die, you are still a woman!"

When the voice fell, Yu Zhan raised the Fengling Arrow in his hand and smashed it down at the head of his boyfriend's walking dead.

As long as he is hit, his boyfriend's walking corpse will splash his brain!

At this moment, a hand stretched out from behind her boyfriend's walking corpse, grabbed the Fengling Arrow, and saved her boyfriend's walking corpse!

Fan Wei and Yu Zhan were both dumbfounded. Yu Zhansheng was afraid that the Fengling Arrow would be taken away, and took the Fengling Arrow back in a hurry.

At this time, a face appeared behind her boyfriend's walking dead, it was Duan Lin!

Upon encountering Duan Lin's cold and contemptuous eyes, Fan Wei's heart sank, but Yu Zhan behind him yelled: "Duan Lin, you even set up a calculation for us!"

Duan Lin wrote lightly: "Calculate? Don't get me wrong, I'm just killing evil things."

Hearing this, Yu Zhan was excited for a while and shouted: "Then you quickly kill these walking corpses."

Duan Lin's eyes were cold, and his voice was flat and powerful: "I'm talking about evil things, not walking corpses."

Yu Zhan frowned, wondering what Duan Lin meant.

Fan Wei knew that the'evil thing' in Duan Lin's mouth refers to Yu Zhan!

Perhaps Yu Zhan is a yang man of flesh and blood, but his heart is the darkest evil thing! The scene of the torturing female walking corpse just now is still in Fan Wei's mind. It is even more perverted than an evil thing, and it deserves to be spurned!

The evil thoughts in people's hearts are sometimes far more terrifying than true evil things.

The more people he contacts, Fan Wei prefers evil things.

Duan Lin ignored Yu Zhan, his gaze fell on Fan Wei's body: "Now, who is the ghost?" Fan Wei took a deep breath and met Duan Lin's gaze: "I don't have such a big mind. I want to comment on those black and white. Everything is done for grandma!" (End of this chapter)