Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 5: Suddenly bad news


After being scolded by the instructor pointing to his nose, Fan Wei drooped his head and walked out of the office with a depressed expression, feeling faintly that the instructor was even more terrifying than Duan Lin.

"Weiwei!" a shout came from behind.

Fan Wei turned and looked back subconsciously, only to see one of his roommates'Lin Xi' running over in a panic when he was living at the school.

When he arrived in front of Fan Wei, Lin Xi first bent over and gasped, and waited for his breath to catch up before he said anxiously: "Weiwei, have you seen Zhang Yanli?"

Zhang Yanli is also one of her roommates. Fan Wei wondered: "I haven't contacted in the past two days, what's wrong?"

Lin Xi's eyes were nervous and worried: "Since the day of the birthday party, she has disappeared. Her parents are almost in a hurry. I have called all the calls I can make. No one has seen her at all, so I called you and called you again. Nowhere."

Hearing that, Fan Wei was also a little worried. After all, the four roommates and sisters had the best relationship in the university. When they first lived on campus, the sisters had to chat late at night every night, and they were already close to each other. But looking at Lin Xi's hesitation, Fan Wei didn't want to add fuel to the fire, so she could only comfort her by saying, "Don't worry, maybe she has something urgent. If it doesn't work, we can call the police for more than 24 hours."

It's okay not to say this. Once he finished speaking, Lin Xi became even more anxious: "Zhang Yanli's parents have already called the police. The police have started looking around, and there is no news at all. Hey, I am really anxious to death!"

Just when Fan Wei and Lin Xi were in a hurry, suddenly, the office door not far away was knocked open. Some bald guides in their early forties rushed out with a phone and face: "Don't be scared. Me, what happened to Zhang Yanli? Ah? You... You say it again?"

The instructor's face changed from rosy to pale, and it took only a few tenths of a second, and the tone of his speech also changed abruptly, as if he was frightened.

The most important thing is that he mentioned Zhang Yanli's name!

Fan Wei and Lin Xi looked at each other and hurried to catch up.

Lin Xi shouted, "Guide, what's wrong with Zhang Yanli?"

The instructor turned his head and glanced at Lin Xi, and yelled in a low voice, "Don't make trouble, go back!" After saying that, he ran to the parking lot to get in the car and left.

As a last resort, Lin Xi had to take out his mobile phone and dial Zhang Yanli's parents' number. When he learned that Zhang Yanli was already there, Lin Xi was delighted at first, but in the next second, Lin Xi was just like the instructor, his face suddenly turned pale.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xi shouted impatiently: "Quickly, go to Zhang Yanli's house!"

Sister had an accident. Fan Wei naturally had no doubts, but she just ran two steps with Lin Xi, she felt dizzy in her head, and then she fell to the ground with a bite. Vaguely, a voice rang in Fan Wei's mind: "You dare to go, you will be the next one to die!"

Fan Wei would never hear it wrong, that voice was made by Duan Lin!

How could he be in his mind? After a brief astonishment, Fan Wei immediately realized that it must be the eyeball that he swallowed before.

Fan Wei felt nervous at the thought of being watched by Duan Lin. But when the good sister encountered an accident, Lin Xi was still calling to herself. Fan Wei got up desperately, only to stand up and fell to the ground. Immediately afterwards, Duan Lin's voice sounded again, even colder than before: "If you disobey my order again, I will kill Lin Xi in front of your eyes!"

what? Kill Lin Xi

Recalling Duan Lin's sharp and undoubted eyes, Fan Wei firmly believes that Duan Lin can definitely do it.

Fan Wei didn't dare to act rashly. Although she was worried about the safety of her sister, but due to Duan Lin's threat, she had to gritted her teeth and said: "I'm sorry Lin Xi, go by yourself, I still have something to do."

"Forget it, I will go by myself!"

Looking at Lin Xi's back, Fan Wei was full of guilt.

Duan Lin's voice disappeared, but Fan Wei's heart couldn't be calm for a long time. First, the eyeballs eating into his stomach made Fan Wei's heart linger, and second, the situation of the friendly sisters was really worrying.

I was restless and stayed up until the end of school at night. When I was packing up my things, I received a WeChat message from Lin Xi, the content of which made Fan Wei's heart lifted into her throat instantly.

"Fan Wei, something big happened..."

Lin Xi has always been the most calm person in the dormitory, and even she said so, which shows how serious the matter is.

Fan Wei hurriedly asked about the specific situation, but Lin Xi did not reply for a long time. He just replied one last sentence and had time to visit Zhang Yanli.

As soon as he received this message, Duan Lin's voice sounded in his mind like a curse.

"Go home now!"

Fan Wei hesitated, and finally his fear of Duan Lin prevailed.

Hesitating all the way, arriving home after nine o'clock in the evening, Duan Lin was standing by the living room window, looking at the night scene, his dark red windbreaker and jet black hair, revealing a secluded atmosphere.

Fan Wei took a deep breath and plucked up her courage: "You are the one who caused Zhang Yanli, right!"

Duan Lin didn't react at all, and his cold voice came from a faint voice: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. If you have time to care about other people, you should worry about yourself."

"What do you mean?" Fan Wei smelled a bad breath.

Duan Lin snorted coldly and asked instead: "I said that you were not allowed to leave the house. Did I not make it clear enough, or did you deliberately defy me?"

Although Duan Lin said it was an understatement, there was a strong hostility in his words, like interrogating a prisoner.

A chill was growing in Fan Wei's heart, but when she thought of her good sister being poisoned, her anger couldn't stop spreading: "If you have the ability, give me a good time!"

Duan Lin slowly turned around, his deep Yousen eyes pierced with breathtaking light, his sharp gaze seemed to pierce Fan Wei.

Fan Wei didn't dare to look at him at all in the aura of no anger and prestige.

"The seeds of death have been planted a long time ago, they have taken root and sprouted, but you didn't know it." Duan Lin's voice was full of disdain, even with a little ridicule, his eyes looked like a fool.

Fan Wei stared at Duan Lin blankly: "Is that eyeball?"

"Eyes? Humph! That is the pupil of the red flame, even if I tell you now, you won't understand it." Duan Lin's eyes were full of contempt. Fan Wei stared in a panic and pointed at Fan Wei's chest: "Within three days, this purple thread will reach your brain. At that time, even Daluo Jinxian will not be able to save you."

Purple thread

Fan Wei rushed into the bathroom and opened his neckline. Looking through the mirror, she found a purple line ten centimeters long on her left chest. Upon closer inspection, it was a raised blood vessel!

After a long daze, Fan Wei returned to the living room and wanted to know what was going on, but Duan Lin had long been missing.

Sitting on the sofa decadently, an unprecedented sense of despair enveloped my heart.

No wonder Duan Lin is not in a hurry to kill himself, because his death is already doomed! (End of this chapter)