Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 556: Like an enemy


Fan Wei was suddenly facing an enemy, but he didn't expect the last fierce aspect, the fierce aspect of desire to appear in front of him in this way. So unprepared, if the fierce aspect of desire wants to be disadvantageous to Fan Wei, I am afraid that Fan Wei is already dead. I don't know how many times.

The'Black Second Generation' in front of him not only possesses the identity of the ferocious appearance of desire, but also has a name called'Sun Kai'. Of course, for the evil aspect of desire, the name is just a code name. Sun Kai has the capital to be'reliant and fearless'. On the contrary, it is now Fan Wei's turn to be cautious and nervous.

As a result, Sun Kai waved his hand and smiled and said: "There is no need to be so nervous, I'm just here to do a business with you."

"Business?" Fan Wei frowned, staring at Sun Kai.

Sun Kai nodded noncommitantly: "Yes, business is profitable wherever there is desire. To be honest, I am not interested in your life, and I will not deal with you like other fierce faces. After all, it is not mine. Style, if you are desperate to fight back, I am afraid I will suffer a heavy loss, right?" At this point, Sun Kai looked at Fan Wei’s belly and said deeply: "After all, I don’t want to test the tenacity of single mothers. ."

"But you still found me, didn't you?" Fan Wei stared at Sun Kai and said every word.

Sun Kai shrugged: "As I said, I only care about benefits. To paraphrase a common saying, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal benefits. I want to know how much you are willing to pay to satisfy your own desires. The price. I like the benefits of no worries, rather than the immediate benefits of being vulnerable to retaliation."

This can be said to have entered Fan Wei's heart. If there were more people like Sun Kai in this world, there would be fewer conflicts. It is precisely because of too many people who are concerned about the immediate interests that many people get in trouble with people they can't afford, and then the result is when the grievances are reported.

"Since you even said so, do I have to take a road without worries?" Fan Wei said as she stared at Sun Kai.

Sun Kai disapproved: "If you choose this path, of course you can, as long as you are willing to wait indefinitely. And I will never hack you or obstruct you secretly. After all, this is not my style of doing things. There are so many benefits in the world waiting for me to reap, why should I concentrate my attention on you alone?"

Makes sense, Fan Wei's tight body gradually relaxed, because Fan Wei realized that Sun Kai was not as dangerous as other fierce faces. In other words, the more clear-cut people like Sun Kai, the less dangerous they are. In contrast, those who are ambiguous and say, "Don't worry, I'll tell you when the time comes, I'm a real person," and so on, are actually better at cheating and harming others.

At this time, Fan Wei found that Duan Lin was staring at herself and Sun Kai blankly, as if she could not understand the conversation between the two.

Looking at the cheeks that could be described as "broken appearance", Fan Wei suddenly realized that she had lost herself because of her desire. If Sun Kai hadn't appeared, I'm afraid she would have been pestering Duan Lin and regarded him as a memorial. The specimen collection of the lover.

Seeing that Sun Kai was about to leave, Fan Wei asked quickly: "You just said that there is a shortcut to go?"

Sun Kai seemed to have expected Fan Wei to compromise. He looked at Fan Wei with a look that only a profiteer would have, and said with a smile: "I am not a profiteer. All business I do is equivalent. Since I can point it out to you. One way, then this way will definitely work, and there will be no deception."

"Can I ask me the way?" Fan Wei asked tentatively.

Sun Kai shook his head decisively and did not answer. Obviously, Sun Kai did not intend to disclose any valuable information to Fan Wei. Sun Kai is not a profiteer, but he is still a very qualified businessman.

Obviously, if Fan Wei did not make a choice, Sun Kai would not tell Fan Wei anything about the shortcut.

And according to Sun Kai's remarks, the greater the desire, the greater the price and the more dangerous it is. The real Duan Lin is already dying, and the price of the desire related to human life will naturally be repaid with human life. If Fan Wei chooses the shortcut given by Sun Kai, maybe it is death waiting for Fan Wei.

Considering that Fan Wei has caused inconvenience to Duan Lin in front of him in the past two days, and his appearance has also comforted Fan Wei's soul, Fan Wei directly asked Sun Kai: "How much does he owe you, and I will help him repay it. ."

Hearing this, Sun Kai's expression did not change, but Duan Lin was stunned and stunned.

Duan Lin looked at Fan Wei with surprise in his eyes: "Why are you helping me? You have no reason at all."

In Duan Lin's view, Fan Wei is a debt supervisor, and unlike other debt collectors, she has already burned herself up. How dare she beg her to help herself

Facing Duan Lin's blank eyes, Fan Wei wrote lightly: "Actually, I am not a debt supervisor, and you do not owe me any money."

"What?" Duan Lin was taken aback.

"From the conversation between me and Sun Kai just now, you should also vaguely feel something. For example, your appearance is very similar to the very important man in my life, so I..."

Before Fan Wei finished speaking, Duan Lin interrupted Fan Wei and suddenly realized: "It turned out to be like this. No wonder you keep emphasizing my face."

When Fan Wei looked at Sun Kai, Sun Kai stretched out a finger.

"One million?" Fan Wei questioned.

Sun Kai shook his head: "Ten million."

As soon as this statement came out, Duan Lin suddenly yelled: "I don't owe so much money at all, even if I add interest!"

In the face of Duan Lin’s denial, Sun Kai did not rush and explained softly: “You should know that it is difficult to get a good end after receiving a loan shark. All your debts, no matter how much money you borrow, will eventually flow to me. Here. All your debts plus interest are 4.7 million in total so far. The reason why you want 10 million is a price to sit back and relax, not just paying back the money."

Seeing Duan Lin frowning, Sun Kai continued to explain: "To put it bluntly, after giving 10 million, you will no longer have to worry about debts, and my people will never come to you again. Forget it. Tell you, this money also includes my medical expenses."

Hearing this, Duan Lin subconsciously looked at the brawny man whose hands had been severed.

Just as Duan Lin was hesitant, Fan Wei had already spoken: "No problem!"

"This money is too much, I..." Duan Lin wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Fan Wei's wave.

"Don't get me wrong, we don't have a relationship with one another." (End of this chapter)