Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 66: Leave the death array


For Fan Wei, one minute is just a flick of a finger.

The butler's body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, first the broken head recovered, and then the broken arm also re-growth.

One minute passed, but the butler still did not respond at all.

Did the butler choose to delay the resurrection time in order to avoid the terrible level 30 pain? After a brief period of doubt, Fan Wei found that the facts were different from what she thought. Perhaps Fan Wei could question the humanity of the housekeeper, but he must never question his absolute loyalty to Duan Lin.

Observing carefully, Fan Wei found that the butler's eyes had been opened, and his chest began to rise and fall gradually, all of which meant that he had been resurrected. But the butler's eyes were hollow, and those eyes without the slightest color didn't look like a living person, but like a dead person without a soul.

"Resurrected?" Ling Shu behind him, staring at the housekeeper, asked in a low voice.

Fan Wei took a deep breath, and looked at the housekeeper as well, and said in a deep voice: "The body may be resurrected, but his soul has not yet recovered."

"Soul?" Ling Shu was puzzled. Fan Wei nodded: "Yes, soul. The pain at level 30, the most tormenting is not the pain, but the same thing that has been experienced all the time for 60 years, dullness and long time, it is for people. The most lethal pain. Even a housekeeper, I’m afraid to experience this kind of pain

Later, he also had a nervous breakdown. "

The housekeeper’s resurrection took only one minute, but it took ten minutes to recover from the collapsed mental state.

This is so, and it is enough to sigh how'calm' the butler's mental state is. This effect can only be produced after being deprived of seven emotions and six desires.

Duan Lin gave him immortality, and at the same time took away his most important basis for being a human'feeling', fair and cold-blooded.

The butler stood up slowly, his hollow eyes regained a bit. But when Fan Wei's fingers shook unintentionally, the butler's eyes showed deep fear.

The reaction of the housekeeper was seen by Fan Wei. I'm afraid this is a'violent animal training', right? Just like in some dark circuses, animal trainers use whips and violence to forcibly transform ferocious ligers into well-behaved cats. Only fear and pain can produce this effect.

If it is said, the previous butler's attitude towards Fan Wei is just because Fan Wei is Duan Lin's woman.

So now, the butler's attitude towards Fan Wei must be one more, and there is a woman who can make him extremely painful, holding the'whip of violence'.

And all this stems from the butler's loyalty to Duan Lin, and Fan Wei knows it well.

The butler looked at Fan Wei with incomparably fearful eyes, and said respectfully: "Miss, have you vented the grievances in your heart?"

"No!" Fan Wei gave a straightforward negative answer, saying every word: "As long as you are still alive, I will never let you go! When you pierce the syringe into grandmother's body, you should do it well. This mental preparation!"

The butler’s eyes were desperate, and he knelt down on one knee in front of Fan Wei and lowered his resolute head: "As long as the young lady is satisfied, no matter what I do, I will bear it without complaint. But here is a death battle, can you please? Miss leave here first, and then vent your grievances?"

"This is Duan Lin's order to you?" Fan Wei raised her left eyebrow and asked casually.

The butler nodded heavily: "Yes."

Fan Wei snorted: "Then I will give you a new order now, take me to find Duan Lin!"

The butler's head is lowered: "Miss, no matter what you do to me, I will give priority to the master's order."

A sneer appeared on Fan Wei's face, and she wrote lightly: "In your terms, I am Duan Lin's woman. If I touch you, it will be enough to make you suffer from level 30 pain. Then if I am injured or die Is it?"

Almost just after Fan Wei had said these words, even less than a second, the butler stood up, staring at Fan Wei's eyes, and said firmly and neatly: "Miss, I will take you to the master. "

As Fan Wei expected, the housekeeper's emotions were weakened very low, which does not mean that he has no emotions. Compared with Duan Lin's orders, the butler can better prioritize. If Fan Wei is hurt in front of the housekeeper, or is worried about his life, the housekeeper knows what the consequences will be. It is precisely because of this absolutely rational character that he can make the most correct decision in one second.


"Weiwei, don't become Yu Zhan." Ling Shu reminded softly beside her. From the look in her eyes, she seemed to feel sorry for the housekeeper. As for not becoming a war, it is nothing more than inhumane torture.

Fan Wei did not answer, because she knew very well the difference between revenge and perversion.

Yu Zhan didn't like Ling Shu at first, his face turned black when he heard this, and he stared at Ling Shu and said in a deep and angry voice: "Smelly lady, are you pushing your nose on your face? Believe it or not..."

It doesn’t mean that after Zhan has finished speaking, Fan Wei stopped between Yu Zhan and Ling Shu, succinctly and powerfully: "My grandma takes Ling Shu very seriously, just for the sake of grandma’s face, Ling Shu is my friend. So I persuade you. , It’s best to treat my friend better!"

Yu Zhan looked at Fan Wei, then looked at the housekeeper beside Fan Wei, and snorted.

Ling Shu didn't have a word, but he cast a sincere and sincere look at Fan Wei.

Under the leadership of the housekeeper, the three of them continued to move in the death formation. On the way, Ling Shu whispered to Fan Wei: "Weiwei, how do I feel that Duan Lin doesn't seem to be as bastard as it seems? At least he..." After Ling Shu finished speaking, Fan Wei interrupted Ling Shu's words: "Don't be deceived. At first, I believed his nonsense to get to the point where he is today. No matter what his motives or goals are, he doesn't. I should kill my grandma, this alone is enough to judge him in my heart

Death penalty! "

Fan Wei's eyes are always fixed on the butler's back, her expression is extremely determined, but her heart is already tangled. The absolute loyalty displayed by the butler, as well as the absolute rational character, all prove that he is an absolutely trustworthy person. If what he said is true, then...

Just thinking of this, Fan Wei shook her head vigorously, threw off the thoughts in her mind, took a deep breath, and strengthened her inner thoughts again.

He watched Duan Lin kill his grandmother with his own eyes. This is absolutely infallible!

This hatred is not shared. In order to make grandma look down, she must avenge her anyway, and she must not be blinded by Duan Lin's lies!

At this moment, a bright light pierced the darkness and caught Fan Wei's eyes. The front door was the exit of the death array. Brightness represents hope and new life, but Ling Shu's Qifeng bracelet trembles violently. (End of this chapter)