Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 78: Speak freely


"Why didn't you kill the door?" Ling Shu argued hard.

The steward glanced at the Qifeng bracelet in Ling Shu's hand: "With the bracelet, you are a member of Tianyun Guan."

"Huh?" Ling Shu looked at the Qifeng bracelet with a look of surprise. If it weren't for the butler's reminder, even Fan Wei would have overlooked this point. Fu Nu is one of the branches of Tianyun Temple, and Ling Shu is a disciple of Tianyun Temple with the Qifeng bracelet. It’s just that, looking at Ling Shu’s displeased and even disgusting expression, she wanted to be Fan Wei’s subordinate, basically not.


After all, this ring seems to be useless except to commemorate grandma.

Just as Fan Wei sighed secretly in her heart, Ling Shu next to her suddenly exclaimed in a low voice: "No, the bracelet is starting to react again!"

Are there evil things around? Fan Wei's heart sank, and she glanced around quickly, looking for the eyes hidden in the dark, but the housekeeper's voice sounded in her ears.

"Miss, you are really not safe outside, so why don't you come back with me."

Fan Wei resolutely refused again. First of all, Fan Wei and Duan Lin had reached a consensus and left each other's lives completely, and could no longer have any kind of intersection. Secondly, except for the golden coffin zombies, it seems that all threats have been eliminated by Duan Lin, and the golden coffin zombies will only emerge in the blood moon.

Seeing that Fan Wei had decided, the housekeeper stopped asking for it.

Fan Wei thought that Ling Shu would also leave, but she clung to Fan Wei's side, her eyes were quite alert. Obviously, the evil thing lurking around made Ling Shu very jealous.

Looking up at the sun, Fan Wei comforted: "The sun is so bright, evil things don't dare to appear rashly, don't be afraid."

Ling Shu shook his head like a rattle: "That's not sure, Duan Lin, Zuo Yu, and the bronze coffin zombie, which one is not an evil thing? Isn't it still coming out."

Ling Shu, like Fan Wei, had been bitten by a snake for ten years and was afraid of the ropes. In the end, the two of them took a seat in a coffee shop and comforted the uneasy heart that had just experienced life and death.

Before Lin Yu Mansion was so fierce, but the outside world is still peaceful and prosperous, everything is the same, without the slightest change, as if there is an invisible force that isolates the dangerous evil from the ordinary world, and the well water does not offend the river.

Sitting by the window, neither Fan Wei nor Ling Shu spoke.

Ling Shu kept covering his bracelet, scanning around, still looking for the invisible evil thing.

Fan Wei hesitated. Out of absolute trust in her grandmother, she finally took out the ancient Sanqing book that had been hidden close to her body and placed it in front of Ling Shu.

"What?" Ling Shu frowned slightly, his eyes filled with doubts.

Fan Wei did not conceal the slightest, she told her about the Fu Nu and the ancient books of the Sanqing Period. Knowing the usefulness of the Sanqing Ancient Book, Ling Shu's eyes lit up, but she didn't immediately accept Fan Wei's kindness. Instead, she frowned and looked at Fan Wei inexplicably: "Are all your family members so generous? You? Grandma gave me bracelets and you gave me ancient books. These two things are treasures!


Fan Wei sighed, her grandmother's death was still imprinted in her heart, her heart was uncomfortable: "This book is for you, so that the value can be fully realized. Besides, I believe that grandma's decision is correct."

There are coincidences everywhere in the world, and no one can predict what will happen in the next second, just like Fan Wei would never expect that a thief who loves money like life will turn out to be the strongest talisman in the future. Ling Shu put his cheeks in his hands, staring at the ancient book of the Three Qings in front of him, and said thoughtfully: "My mother once told me to be a'three good thief' with a heart, a bottom line and a sense of justice. You must always remember. Three kinds of people can’t cheat. Terminally ill patients, old people, fools.” Speaking of this, Ling Shu looked up

Fan Wei said solemnly: "I can't ask for this book. I will return the bracelet to you."

Fan Wei frowned, and said with no anger: "You mean I'm a fool? And what's the situation in your family? The great principles your mother taught you simply refreshed my three views."

"You are not allowed to insult my mother!" Ling Shu stood up, twisting his eyebrows and staring.

Fan Wei rolled her eyes for a while: "Who insulted your mother."

"That's right! Load less garlic. Return the bracelet and book to you. I don't bother to ask for your things!" Ling Shu was determined and seemed to be really angry.

Fan Wei contemptuously said: "It's a pity that you didn't become an actor. You disdain for my stuff? I think you obviously listened to what the housekeeper said, and didn't want to be Tian Yunguan's disciple, let alone be a subordinate for me. You have to leave it alone To be straightforward, don't call yourself a filial son."

The furious expression dissipated, and replaced by an awkward smile: "How did you see it?" "Please, I am a woman too! I may not understand men, but I understand women!" Fan Wei added with a depressed look, "More You didn’t plan to give me anything at all. Didn’t your mother say that there’s no reason to vomit what you get. You just want to stand on the commanding heights of morality.

Condemn me to balance your guilty conscience for nothing. "

Ling Shu sat down silently, with his hands crossed on his chin, staring at Fan Wei for a few seconds, and said solemnly: "It looks like I need to re-examine you. You woman is smarter than I thought. No, you are very smart. A woman like you with a heavy heart is the most dangerous!"

"Whatever you say." Fan Wei felt that it was a mistake to agree to Ling Shu to come to the coffee shop. This woman's brain replenishment ability is too weird.

Ling Shu was unconscious, and continued to ask: "I don't understand, how can a smart woman like you insist on packaging herself as a fool?"

"I have no packaging." Fan Wei blurted out. "It's all tap water. What kind of pure water do you hold?" Ling Shu raised his eyebrows: "The ability to see through my true thoughts easily proves that you are extremely capable of observing words and expressions, and that you have a different control over human nature and human heart than ordinary people. You. I have seen two such women before, one is a mistress,

The other is a small employee of a financial company. Guess what happened to their final result. "

"what's happenin?"

Ling Shu took a deep breath: "Miscellaneous became the main house, and the little employee married the chairman of the board, and he became a rich man.

"You are called conspiracy theory." Fan Wei said solemnly.

Ling Shu raised his mouth, and shook his finger: "I am also a woman, and I know you too."

"What do you know?"

"Haha." Ling Shu sneered: "You can't be fooled by Zuo Yu so easily. It is most likely that you were deceived on your own initiative. And Duan Lin left you, you look heartbroken on the surface, but in fact you are stealing Laugh, right!"

"What's the basis?" Fan Wei asked calmly. "It's very simple, you have to test your weight in Duan Lin's heart." Ling Shu blurted out. (End of this chapter)