Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 9: Resurrected from the dead


There are very few types of white talisman, there are only two, namely the'exorcism curse' and the'protection curse'.

Fan Wei rushed downstairs and bought white paper, scissors, brushes, and red ink.

Cut the white paper to the size of a rectangular talisman paper, then use a brush to moisten it with red ink, and meticulously depict the talisman seal according to the records in the ancient books of the Three Qing Dynasties.

Fu Zhuan is not complicated, but the stroke trend is extremely elegant.

The curse of the evil curse is: "Edict, here is the general."

It is recorded in the ancient books of the Three Qing Dynasty that this'general' is not a god, but a well-known Zhong Kui. Therefore, when you cast a spell, you need to silently recite Zhong Kui's name in your heart for it to be effective.

The mantra of the Bodyguard Mantra is: "Edict, keep your life with you."

Fan Wei drew two bodyguard curses and two evil curses, and he felt that his body was empty and his forehead was covered with sweat, as if he had been drained of all his energy. Unexpectedly, just portraying spells would consume energy like this, and at the same time prove in disguise that these spells are effective!

Exhausted, Fan Wei had to put down the brush, put a protective spell on her chest, and knocked on Lin Xi's door with another protective spell.

I knocked it three times in a row, but there was no response.

Fan Wei opened the door directly, and found Lin Xi lying in her arms, breathing weakly, her eyes tightly closed, and the purple line had reached Lin Xi's temple.

The sky outside the window was already dark, Fan Wei did not dare to hesitate, and hurriedly pressed the body protection curse on Lin Xi's chest.

In the next second, a chill came from behind, and her heart felt guilty. Fan Wei turned around abruptly. She was shocked to find that Duan Lin had not known when he had already appeared at the door. He frowned slightly and stared at him sharply.

"Do you know what you are doing?" Duan Lin's tone was cold and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Fan Wei didn't know whether the body protection curse could block Duan Lin. Her heart was very guilty, and her legs trembled slightly. It was a protective desire to prevent Fan Wei from fleeing in a hurry, standing next to Lin Xi and confronting Duan Lin.

"Even if I fight everything, I will stop you!" Fan Wei stared at Duan Lin, and at the same time took out an evil curse quietly, and quietly held it in her hand.

Duan Lin's eyes were full of disdain, and he took a step forward.

Fan Wei's heart touched her throat instantly, and quickly raised the evil curse in her hand, and said nervously: "Don't come here! Otherwise, don't blame me for being polite!"

"Why don't you want to be polite? Rely on the little evil curse in your hand?" Duan Lin raised the corner of his mouth, sketching a strange arc, as if mocking.

While speaking, Duan Lin took another step, less than two meters away from Fan Wei.

Under pressure, Fan Wei no longer hesitated, and suddenly threw the evil curse at Duan Lin.

I saw the evil curse floating in the air, and then dangling like a goose feather on the ground.

This scene directly stunned Fan Wei, ignoring that the spell is made of paper, and the paper can't be thrown far.

Fan Wei's face was red and white. Under her puzzled gaze, Duan Lin unexpectedly bent down and picked up the evil curse.

The moment the evil spirit curse touched Duan Lin's palm, it exploded, and a ball of fire instantly swallowed Duan Lin's palm.

Is Duan Lin crazy? He took the initiative to contact the evil curse!

Under Fan Wei's excited eyes, the flames began to extinguish, and Fan Wei's smile froze on her face, not to mention Duan Lin's palm was scorched, there was not even a burn mark!

Duan Lin's mocking voice pierced Fan Wei's ears.

"You want to fight me with a white talisman. Should I say that you are innocent and cute? Or stupid?"

When the voice fell, Duan Lin reached out and grabbed Fan Wei's wrist, his voice was serious, as if he commanded: "Don't hinder me!"

"No! You can't kill her, you've killed so many people, why didn't you just refuse to stop." Fan Wei embraced Duan Lin's waist and stopped Duan Lin like a man's arm as a car.

A rush of heat bloomed in Fan Wei's chest, it turned out that the body protection curse sensed Duan Lin's reaction.

It's a pity that the power of the amulet could not have a slight impact on Duan Lin, until the energy of the amulet burned out, Duan Lin did not have any reaction, it seemed that it was weak enough to make Duan Lin feel it.

But for some reason, Duan Lin's voice suddenly became serious, and he said coldly: "I'll say it one last time, get out of the way!"

"No!" Fan Wei was willing to back down. As long as she gave in, Lin Xi would be killed in the next second.

Feeling the strength from her arm, just when Fan Wei was about to be forcibly torn apart, suddenly, an angry shout came from behind her.

Lin Xi had fallen into a coma, and suddenly rushed on Duan Lin.

Duan Lin just shook his body and threw Lin Xi and Fan Wei away at the same time.

Lin Xi got up from the ground for the first time and rushed towards Duan Lin again.

Fan Wei palpitated, and said in a panic: "Lin Xi, you are not his opponent, don't die!"

Although Fan Wei had spoken to remind him, it was a pity that he was a step slower. Lin Xi had reached Duan Lin's face, and Duan Lin was expressionless, raised his foot lightly, and kicked Lin Xi's chest.

Fan Wei watched Lin Xi fly upside down, hit the wall heavily, and a shocking depression appeared in her chest.

This is no longer a problem of internal and external injuries, Lin Xi will undoubtedly die!

But I don't know why, Duan Lin didn't mean to stop at all, and walked towards Lin Xi.

Fan Wei felt cruel in his heart, rushed up, hugged Duan Lin's thigh, crying and begging, "You have killed Lin Xi, are you still not satisfied? Can't you keep her whole body and let her parents collect the body? ?"

Lin Xi is the most independent of all the roommates. He has been studying abroad by himself since high school and has always been a role model in Fan Wei's heart.

Lin Xi's death undoubtedly touched the most painful place in Fan Wei's heart. As long as Lin Xi could be buried intact, Fan Wei would even kneel to his unshakable enemy! Even if it is to discard your dignity!

Duan Lin lowered his head and glanced at Fan Wei, his eyes were cold, his tone was undoubtedly: "Get out of the way!"

"Unless you step on my body!" Fan Wei cried hysterically.

No matter how Fan Wei begged, Duan Lin had a cold face from beginning to end, and there was no room for compromise.

Just when Fan Wei was almost desperate, a voice of'Galala' suddenly came from behind him.

Fan Wei turned her head subconsciously, completely stunned.

Lin Xi, who had been kicked to death, was struggling to jump off the wall, glaring at Duan Lin like a okay person. At the same time, Fan Wei was horrified to discover that Lin Xi's eyes were milky white, his pupils had completely disappeared, and his mouth was pitch black, as if he had drunk ink. When he opened his mouth and screamed, black juice continuously flowed out of it, smelling fishy. Incomparable.

"Lin... Lin Xi, what's the matter with you?" Fan Wei was stunned, because she was so shocked, she stammered violently.

Lin Xi didn't answer, turned his head and ran out. (End of this chapter)