Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 90: contribute silently


Fan Wei wanted to know what the pupil of Chi Yan thought about this matter.

The answer given by the pupil of the red flame is very simple, only four words'ten death without life'.

Fan Wei was taken aback, and cautiously said: "So serious?" According to the statement of the pupil of the red flame, let alone say that now, the silver coffin zombies are the most powerful existence second only to the golden coffin zombies. The Silver Coffin Zombie is enough to be frightening. Secondly, unlike the Copper Coffin Zombie and the Iron Coffin Zombie, those two zombies can be regarded as'lower-level corpse guards' at best. and

The silver coffin zombie, but the real'last line of defense'. It is the kind of existence that, once buried in the soil, will not be awakened as a last resort.

The place where the silver coffin zombies are buried must be the tomb! Needless to say gold and silver treasures, but the more precious the tomb, the greater the crisis.

In addition, the emergence of Yu Zhan is an unexpected and uncertain factor. The appearance of Duan Lin also proved that he must personally cook this place. These are all reminders that this battlefield is a place full of crises, with dangers of entering or leaving. It is false to say that he is not afraid, but from the beginning, Fan Wei's goal was the silver coffin zombie. One is to improve himself and swear to the outside world that he is not a soft persimmon, let alone Duan Lin's weakness. Secondly, even if Fan Wei does not come, the Silver Coffin Zombie will take the initiative to find her. Rather than being passively attacked, it's not

Such as taking the initiative.

After Fan Wei expressed her inner firm thoughts, the pupil of Chi Yan asked suspiciously: "Aren't you afraid of Duan Lin's death?"

"What do you mean?" The pupil of Chi Yan sighed: "To be honest, even this palace did not expect that that cold-blooded man would be so tempted for you that he repeatedly broke the rules set by him. . It can be seen that he has fallen in love with you. There are many kinds of love, and Duan Lin’s love is that kind of deep

Love with all my strength, without any reservations. If something happens to you, Duan Lin will not die, but his heart will definitely die. "

Fan Wei said bitterly: "I know, but I don't want to be a burden to him, let alone let him be led by someone like Li Saisi."

"There are always winners and losers in the game, even Duan Lin can't win for a lifetime. If you lose, you will start again, but if your heart is dead, there is no chance to start again." The pupil of Chi Yan said that he was rarely seen with a long heart.

"It won't happen." Fan Wei insisted. The pupil of the red flame sighed deeply: "You don't understand. That night, Duan Lin handed the black sword to Li Saisi and asked him to kill the golden coffin zombies. You thought it was really what he wanted to see. No, he doesn’t want to kill the golden coffin zombie at all, but simply wants to suppress it forever, only then you

It is safe. It is a pity that he has lost too much power for you, and he can no longer seal the golden coffin zombies. "

"What do you mean? I don't understand? What is the loss of power?" Fan Wei asked hurriedly with a bad feeling in her heart. The pupil of Chi Yan's tone was deeply sad: "Do you think Duan Lin has been winning? Wrong! In fact, he has been losing! From the moment he fell in love with you, he has already lost. His power is fully capable of suppressing the golden coffin zombies, but unfortunately, he can’t concentrate all of his power

To deal with the golden coffin zombies, you can only constantly divide your strength to protect you. Iron coffin zombies, copper coffin zombies, and other potential enemies, every time Duan Lin defeats a strong enemy, he is weaker. "

"Why win, but weaker?" The scope was heartache, but also puzzled. "Haha..." The pupil of the red flame smiled bitterly: "The double technique, do you think it really only needs a skin bag? Or the skin bag is just an ordinary consumable? Since the beginning of the Hongmeng, the rule of heaven and earth has been established, the life and death Things are the hardest thing to change in the world. The butler needs to give up his emotions and desires and become a zombie, and he has to endure the terrible pain before he can be resurrected. This kind of price is universal, who can bear it? Even Duan Lin can’t bear it. Because Duan Lin couldn’t do it just to give up his emotions. Therefore, he chose a substitute technique, another

The costly way. "According to the statement of the pupil of Chi Yan, creating those puppets is not simply accomplished with medical science, but also requires Duan Lin to pour into his special power as a red demon. Even so, the creation is only a pair.' Skin's only. To put it simply, one looks like Duan Lin.

The same dead body.

If you want the skin to move, you must give it life. The lives of others will not obey Duan Lin's command, so he can only inject his own life.

In short, if you want to resurrect a skin bag, Duan Lin has to lose a lot of his life.

Ghosts also have a lifespan? Not bad! This is the difference between Yang Shou and Yin Shou.

The living have a positive life, and the dead have a negative life. The living will die at the end of their lives, and the dead will die at the end of their lives.

Ghosts never exist forever, just a change of'living' method. As long as they live, they will die. At this time, there is an even more ancient truth.

At such a price, it is only to resurrect the skin. At this time, he does not have wisdom. Therefore, Duan Lin will continue to tear his soul, endure the terrible pain, draw out a trace of soul, inject it into the skin, and create those and segments. Lin has almost no difference in the skin.

Power can regenerate, but soul can't. This is a kind of consumption of'sitting and eating the sky'. A skin bag can consume a ten thousandth of Duan Lin's soul power!

Knowing this, Fan Weichang breathed a sigh of relief, because as far as she knew, this was Duan Lin's second skin. Only two ten thousandths were lost, and it should still be possible to seal the Golden Coffin Zombies. When Fan Wei uttered his inner thoughts, the pupil of Chi Yan coldly snorted: "Two ten thousandths? Two skins? Ha ha, in your eyes, perhaps only the golden coffin zombie is your enemy? Or, Duan Lin went all out, not hesitating to use up all his strength, the only enemy he could resist was gold.

A coffin zombie? "

Fan Wei's heart tightened: "What do you mean?" The pupil of Chi Yan paused: "From the moment he fell in love with you to the present, he has consumed 9,835 skins! The same is also consumed. With so much soul power. When you sit back and relax, even innocent, or you lose your temper at him, hate him, curse him, or kill him in order to avenge your grandmother. Duan Lin is always resisting the world for you, There are countless enemies and evils in all directions. Those bloody battles, those fighting wits and courage, you will never know in this life, because he said, you only need to be a carefree woman, and those enemies are given to him That's it. If one day his soul flies away, there will be a credit for you, because you killed him once!" (End of this chapter)