Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 91: Lonely Front


No one knows when Duan Lin fell in love with Fan Wei, just like he didn't say a word, facing those fierce battles alone, no one knew.

Some people's peace and prosperity are due to the bloody struggle of some people.

The laughter of some people is because of the loneliness of some people.

He was cold, staring silently, and all this moment appeared in Fan Wei's mind. Fan Wei vowed not to cry anymore, even if she couldn't breathe since her heartache. Raising the palm of his hand, looking at the face slowly emerging in front of him, he wanted to touch his facial features, but it broke with a touch. Fan Wei and Duan Lin have been together for half a month, more than ten days, for most people, it is just a fleeting moment. But for Fan Wei, it was as long as a few centuries. In these days that are like electricity, what happened can make Fan Wei's generation

Come to ponder. It's a pity that Duan Lin has no way of remembering, because the extraneous details are almost blank for Fan Fanwei because of this life.

Duan Lin used almost perfect sturdy shoulders to keep out all the wind and rain, without letting Fan Wei feel the slightest coolness. The better protected, the more Fan Wei's heart hurts. The more comfortable and ignorant the one being taken care of, the more moved Fan Wei will be. The love that we share in adversity is performed every day, but I carry all the love that'I am hungry and drunk, overwhelmed with thorns and bruises, just to make you beautiful and happy forever'

, Enough to defeat all of Fan Wei's strength, like a child watching a tragedy movie, sadness flows upstream in his heart.

The separation has been three days, which can be long or short.

Not long ago, Fan Wei thought it was very short. She thought she loved Duan Lin, cooperated with Duan Lin in acting, and understood all the deep thoughts of Duan Lin.

It feels very long now, as long as a distant light-year. Because of this moment, Fan Wei finally understood how superficial her understanding of Duan Lin's love is. All the laughter and laughter are constructed by Duan Lin's dedication and sacrifice. Fan Wei slowly lowered her head and clenched her fists tightly to prevent her tears from falling. Because Duan Lin said that he didn't want to see Fan Wei cry. Fan Wei is worried about being seen by him, so the only thing she can do now is to do her best to stop hurting Duan Lin's strong and already riddled.

Hole in the heart.

Silly man!

How many people think that the scary and invincible red devil is so stupid in Fan Wei's heart at this moment!

Because of the excessive force, the nails pierced deeply into the palms, and blood flowed from Fan Wei's fingers, instead of tears falling to the ground.

Ling Shu next to him saw this scene and hurriedly broke off Fan Wei's hand. While helping Fan Wei wipe the blood in her palm with a tissue, she was frightened and said: "What's wrong with you? Just now, just fine, why suddenly..."

Ling Shu naturally couldn't hear the words of the pupil of the red flame, let alone how deep Duan Lin's love for Fan Wei was, and how much Fan Wei's heart hurt at the moment.

Fan Wei also didn't mean to tell, this is Fan Wei's own pain, and it is also the suffering that Fan Wei must endure. God is fair, if you get one thing, you have to lose another thing. Love is the most beautiful thing in this world, and it is also the most terrible thing. It can easily let a person experience the best time of time, and the two gray-yellow earths are colorful.

It can also destroy a person in an instant, making people suffer the most terrible pain in the world, and even a large number of people choose to commit suicide to avoid this kind of suffering.

Heaven on the left hand, hell on the right hand, could not be more accurate to describe'love'.

Because of herself, Duan Lin is already extremely weak, Fan Wei can no longer ignore it, she must do something.

battlefield! Silver Coffin Zombie! It became Fan Wei's 100% focus at the moment, and she had to prove to Duan Lin that even without his protection, she could survive the crisis.

Fan Wei doesn't want to see her favorite person anymore, because she is hurt!

Fan Wei took a deep breath, suppressed the grief in her heart, looked at the direction of the sand place, and said every word: "Even if the battlefield is dead, I must go! Not only for myself, but also for the people I love. ."

Ling Shu grabbed Fan Wei's hand and softly comforted: "Listen to you, don't hurt yourself anymore."

Fan Wei retracted her hand, looked at the blood in her palm, and smiled bitterly: "This injury is nothing compared to that person."

"Are you talking about Duan Lin?" Ling Shu looked at Fan Wei and asked suspiciously.

Fan Wei did not answer, but his tender eyes gave the answer.

The problem before Fan Wei's eyes was not how to defeat the silver coffin zombies, but how to enter the battlefield. If you can't even enter the battlefield, why are you talking about facing the silver coffin zombies

The only person who knows the situation on the battlefield is the Didi driver. After some coercive and persuasive inquiries, Fan Wei has a good understanding of the battlefield. The Nanshan Desert Field was mined from last week. The contractor is a local bully in Longping, rich and powerful. This bully was sent by his parents to Shaolin Temple to learn martial arts for seven years when he was a child. After returning to his hometown, he brought a group of young people to fight everywhere. People in nearby areas were afraid of him.

After a long time, it became a hegemon that no one in the local dared to provoke.

It is conservatively estimated that there are at least two dozen younger brothers under Longping Bully, all of whom are guarding the battlefield. It is almost impossible to get in.

Although Fan Wei is the watcher of the Sky Cloud View, Ling Shu is the strongest Rune Girl, but the current strength of the two of them is really exaggerated. And even if the strength is improved, the combat effectiveness may not change. A typical example is the beating of Didi drivers.

Whether the people in the Profound Gate deal with evil things is powerful or not, and it has nothing to do with dealing with the Yang people.

In short, no matter how high you practice, you are afraid of kitchen knives. No matter how good Taoism is, it will fall by one brick!

The people in the Xuanmen suppress evil things, the evil things suppress the Yang people, and the Yang people suppress the people in the Xuanmen. This itself is the natural law of heaven and earth, and no one can change it.

Ling Shu sighed again and again: "With that said, it is almost impossible for us to enter the battlefield."

Fan Wei waved her hand: "Don't rush to get discouraged. It seems to me that there is still a turning point."

"What's the turning point?" Ling Shu looked at Fan Wei curiously. "Duan Lin once said to me that you must use your brain first when you encounter anything. Moreover, Duan Linguang easily surrendered the iron coffin zombies by virtue of his wisdom, and even made Zuo Yu helpless. What we are facing now is just a group of zombies. It’s just a scumbag, if it retreats, it’s also

There is no face to claim to be a member of the Xuanmen. "

Ling Shu's fighting spirit is not high: "Who is Duan Lin? Who are we? How can it be comparable." "What Duan Lin can do, I can definitely!" Fan Wei has sharp eyes and a firm tone of voice. Hesitate. (End of this chapter)