Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 92: The driver retaliated


It is not to be strong or true, it is purely to share the pressure for Duan Lin. Fan Wei does not want all the burden to be placed on Duan Lin's shoulders alone, so Fan Wei will feel very distressed. It is Fan Wei's dream to be a waste product waiting to die. But when I was really in love, I always wanted to share the burden for each other and take care of each other. This is human nature, Fan Wei can't avoid vulgarity, nor can a cold and arrogant person like Duan Lin! And this child is'innocent' early

The party was replaced by Duan Lin's'sacrifice for justice'.

Fan Wei must not let this happen, because she hasn't got the answer she wants. After asking the exact location of the battlefield, Fan Wei let Didi's driver leave. Because the four young people were watching closely, Fan Wei and Ling Shu couldn't get away, so they took their things and left Longping Town to the surrounding wilderness, pretending to patch up snakes. Probably because Fan Wei is holding the snake cage in her hand, which is somewhat credible

To the extent that the young people followed for a while, they left.

It was summer, and the vegetation in the fields was very lush. Fan Wei and Ling Shu strolled along the field path and looked at the lush vegetation, feeling unprecedented relaxation.

Ling Shu took the snake cage from Fan Wei and shared the burden for Fan Wei: "You said, what if we can't take the gold and silver treasures in the battlefield?"

This woman is still thinking about gold and silver treasures, but this is Ling Shu's truest character.

Fan Weiyu said earnestly: "Even if you can take it away, don't take it all. Greed won't end well."

"What you are talking about, what is greed, leaving those gold and silver treasures in the dark underground, have you ever thought about the feelings of the treasures? I just kindly brought them out to breathe in the fresh air." Ling Shu put out one. The emoticon of the Virgin of the world.

Fan Wei gave her a blank look, and said with an angry voice: "Stop talking, I understand what you are thinking. In addition, the ugly thing is ahead. My goal is not to target those treasures. I won't help you at critical moments, so don't blame me. "

Ling Shu frowned slightly: "Then I won't help you!"

Fan Wei stopped and looked at Ling Shu. After staring for a few seconds, she sighed slightly: "Well, it depends on how long the fate between us can last. Even if we part ways, it would be a helpless move. "

Ling Shu grabbed Fan Wei's arm and shook: "Are you serious? Staring at Bai Yinzi with black eyes is not tempting. Do you really regard money as dung?" In the world, there are many people, how many people can do it. Do you treat money like dirt? At least Fan Wei can't do it, let alone gold and silver treasures, even if he sees a hundred dollars on the road, Fan Wei will definitely step on it with his feet for the first time, and quietly stuff it into his pocket. The love of money, everyone has it, but very often

Waiting to be divided into a priority. Like Ling Shu's enthusiasm for money, it was a bit too much.

Moreover, Fan Wei had long expected that she and Ling Shu would develop to the present situation, and if he said it in advance, he would not be caught blind by the time. After all, two strangers who have no emotional ties, suddenly get together, how can there be any centripetal force, not stabbing the knife behind the critical moment is already regarded as burning incense, as for the same enemy, standing in the same trench? Just wake up, everyone is an adult, don’t be so naive

Long bridge segment.

Ling Shu was reluctant to give up on this combination of appearances and spirits. In fact, she didn't have the slightest entanglement in her heart, otherwise she wouldn't just mention it and stop saying anything.

Even from the very beginning, Ling Shu wanted to draw a clear line with Fan Wei, and coming together was purely fortune and tricks, nothing more than an act of helplessness.

Without hope for each other, the two walked to a pear grove and stopped involuntarily.

This pear grove is not the point, the point is the grave next to the pear grove. This is a solitary grave, standing alone next to the pear tree garden. It has been covered with weeds for a long time since no one has been sweeping it. Only half of the stone stele is left in front of the grave. The word "Tomb of the Tomb" can be vaguely seen on it. It is no longer known whose tomb is. According to the driver of Didi, this tomb is not

There is any nickname, it is called'Lonely Tomb'.

The lone tomb is considered a'landmark' building in Longping Town. When it comes to lone tombs, no one knows. Many locals make appointments to meet, and they often make appointments at the solitary grave.

According to rumors, this is the tomb of a family in a nearby village. It has been around for some years. As for the true or false, there is no way to study it. Anyway, the local customs, unless absolutely necessary, will never destroy or relocate the tomb, even if it is an ownerless tomb. And because of this, it can stand for many years.

When you arrive at the solitary grave, you are not far from the battlefield.

Ling Shu looked around with his feet on his feet: "Didn't it mean that the battlefield is nearby, where? That driver is not lying to us, right?" At that time, the driver of Didi said that when he arrived at the solitary grave, he passed through Pingtang and passed by. A motorized well arrives at the sand field. The straight-line distance between the solitary grave and the sand field is no more than one kilometer. In theory, it is enough to be seen visually. But the situation in front of you is not like this at all, except for a vast wheat field and sporadic

Outside of a few orchards, there was no trace of the battlefield at all.

The two had no choice but to stop at the solitary grave and call the driver of Didi with the phone number left in advance.

A minute later, Ling Shu hung up the phone viciously and cursed: "This grandson won't answer the phone!"

Depressed, a strange voice came from the pear tree garden.

"What are you two looking for?" Following the voice, I saw an old man standing in the pear tree garden, faintly emerging among the dense branches. This old man was between 60 and 70 years old, with a rickety body, old spots on his face, and an almost weird hooked nose. The moment he appeared, Fan Wei retreated in shock.

When he stepped forward, Ling Shu simply screamed.


The old man's face clattered to the ground, and he shouted, "What are you talking about?"

Fan Wei hurriedly pushed Ling Shu aside, and apologized to the old man again and again: "Uncle, can I ask you where the Nanshan battlefield is?"

Ling Shu's "Ghost" made the old man very upset, and said in a bad mood: "Go to Nanshan, why do you come to the solitary grave? One is in the south and the other is in the north. Are you two regardless of east, west, south or north, or do you have eyes on your ass? "

"Hey!" Ling Shu burst into flames: "This old man, why do you speak with a small tail?"

Seeing that Ling Shu was about to argue with the old man, Fan Wei hurriedly pulled her back, and laughed at the old man again and again: "Uncle, is Nanshan in the south of Longping Town?" The uncle gave Fan Wei a white look, revealing a foolish look: "Nanshan is not to the south, but to the north? Then it's called Beishan. You girls in the city, drink milk and eat bread, and eat your heads foolishly." (End of this chapter)