Bad Karma: Ghost, Be Gentle

Chapter 96: Enter the battlefield


Fan Wei took pictures and described Duan Lin's appearance in detail, and then asked seriously: "Are you sure that man is really Duan Lin?"

The young man took out his cell phone directly and pushed it in front of Fan Wei: "To be honest, this man is really handsome, and being beaten into pigs like this kind of man is simply the gospel of our public men. In order to remember this splendid moment. , I also took a special photo with him, you can watch it for yourself."

The young man in the photo shows the appearance of a'scissor hand', and a dump truck is parked next to the young man with a person tied to the tire. This person was dirty, his face was bloody, and he was half dead, but Fan Wei would never admit his mistakes, that facial features, that outline, 100% Duan Lin!

Fan Wei only felt that his head buzzed, as if it was about to explode.

how can that be!

That's Duan Lin, the legendary red demon, in terms of combat effectiveness, no one is his opponent. On resourcefulness, Zuo Yu was defeated in a flash. With the help of one person, Fan Wei silently blocked thousands of enemies. And from beginning to end, Fan Wei didn't notice it!

And now, Duan Lin was caught by a group of village ruffians, and was so miserably humiliated. Fan Wei would never believe it if it weren't for the photo in front of her eyes!

Even if it was just a pair of skins, Fan Wei's heart was still painful, because there was Duan Lin's soul in the skins, which was beyond doubt.

The pupil of Chi Yan once said that if Duan Lin died one day, Fan Wei would also have a credit. This means that every pair of skins is part of Duan Lin, and the death of the skins means that Duan Lin is one step closer to the dispersal of the soul.

Fan Wei took a deep breath, suppressing the anger in her heart, and slowly loosened her tightly clenched fists, looking at the youth pretendingly.

The youth was also looking at Fan Wei and said with a guilty conscience: "What is the relationship between that man named Duan Lin and you?" "It doesn't matter." Fan Wei tried to pretend to be nonchalant, but the expression on her face was quite hard, destined to Fan Wei. Not a good actor. In order to avoid revealing things, and even unable to restrain the killing of the young man in front of him, Fan Wei could only temporarily stop mentioning Duan Lin and immediately changed the subject: "Tell me about it.

The situation inside the battlefield. "

The young man looked at Fan Wei up and down, his eyes cautious: "What on earth do you want to do?"

Fan Wei did not answer, but grabbed the young man’s collar and pulled it down a bit, then pointed to the purple thread on it and said: “You can only trust me now, otherwise this thread will reach your brain, and Da Luo Jinxian will not be able to save you. ."

The young man noticed the extra purple thread on his neck, he was shocked, his eyes showed fear: "When did it appear, why don't I feel it at all?"

Fan Wei snorted softly: "You are not afraid of wasting time, I can talk to you about the related knowledge of corpse poison."

"No need anymore." The young man waved his hands again and again, already convinced of Fan Wei: "Sister, you are my sister, shall we hurry up? I just found a girlfriend. I haven't enjoyed the joy of life yet, don't want to dead."

Fan Wei made a please gesture: "Then tell me everything I know, and I will keep my promise and help you detoxify."

"Go and go." The young man agreed.

After some conversation, the real situation in the battlefield gradually became clear in Fan Wei's heart. As expected by Fan Wei, the battlefield contractor, the so-called Longping Yiba, did not know where to get the news, saying that there was a lot of sand under Nanshan, so he greeted the Nanshan village party secretary and started digging. Since the start of construction, dozens of carts of sand have been shipped out, although the efficiency is not high

, But the cost is not high, and the revenue is real money.

The situation inside is actually simple and simple. Except for the workers who dig the sand, all the rest are the younger brothers of Longping Yiba.

These little brothers are all punks in Longping Town. They have no qualifications. They are mainly rebellious youths who "do not listen to their parents".

In addition, I insist on saying that there is something strange in the battlefield, that is, since the start of work, people have been ill, and the illness is not serious, which is a bit similar to a cold, and the body is cold. Everyone did not take it seriously. And according to the reaction of the youth, those who are sick are undoubtedly all infected with corpse poison.

They have only touched sand, so there must be corpse poison in these sands.

Fan Wei frowned and couldn't help but fall into contemplation. The corpse poison in these sands circulated into the market would inevitably spread like a plague, and the consequences would be disastrous.

Call the police? How to say? Toxic in the sand? I'm afraid it will be warned by a kid who is a prank. Just say there are zombies? Even the ruffian youths in front of them know that science is the driving force for social progress. What about the highly educated police

Fan Wei lamented that her abilities were too small, so small that she knew that the danger had already happened, but she couldn't stop it.

Fan Wei took out a bottle of snake medicine from his pocket and shook it in front of the young man's eyes: "Take us in and I will give you the antidote."

"Go in?" The young man frowned, "What do you want to do? What attracts you in the battlefield? Isn't it just a pile of sand? Are you the investigators from above who are investigating privately digging sand?"

Fan Wei has no time to wrestle with the youth now, and there is no doubt in her tone: "You just need to tell me whether you agree or not." The youth's expression was very embarrassed, but he looked at the snake medicine in Fan Wei's hand and looked down at himself. The green line on his neck, after a short struggle, he had an answer. As the old saying goes, people die for money and die for food, life is their own, work is the boss’s, and life is for the wages of three people.

It's not cost-effective to get in,

"The deal, but there is one thing. After entering, I must listen to me. Our boss is especially taboo against outsiders entering the battlefield. Once found, let alone you, even I will not be able to eat." The young man reminded cautiously. Tao.

"no problem."

At this time, the sky was completely dark, the searchlights inside the battlefield were lit, and the highly incandescent lamps illuminated the entire battlefield.

Under the leadership of the youth, Fan Wei and Ling Shu entered the battlefield. Since the area of the battlefield is not large, I can get an overview at a glance.

There were much fewer workers than expected. Except for the driver driving the excavator, no other workers were seen. Only three shaved flat heads and tattoos were written on their faces. My'brother.

'Little brother' is the local common name for'young ruffians'.

In the middle of the battlefield, an excavator has dug a large pit with a diameter of more than ten meters. The pit is in the shape of a funnel, and sand is constantly sliding down to the middle. Next to the big pit, there is a dump truck parked with a person tied to it! (End of this chapter)