Bai Fumei in the ’70s

Chapter 100


He Songbai chatted with Li Dali, and Li Dali became more and more silent after this illness.

But his eyes were deeper than ever, and he thought more.

During the long rehabilitation period, he was lucky to have survived, but Li Dali couldn't take it any longer while lying on the bed and eating the medicine like running water. He had always carried a family on his shoulders, but for the first time he became a maggot that absorbed human bone marrow.

He fell into irritable mental torment, and occasionally when he was sleepless at night, he thought that it would be better to die in a landslide and clean up.

But his mother-in-law used a kind and tolerant heart to accommodate his problems, big and small. She used those rough hands that were calloused and not like a daughter's family to pull him back from the brink of collapse. .

Calm, powerful and never give up.

She used her silence and determination to let Li Dali know that he was still needed.

Li Dali sniffed the smell of blood on his brother-in-law's body and said, "Go take a shower first, I'm here."

He Songbai wiped his sweat and quickly went to dig well water to take a bath.

Li Dali lives in the He family, and he knows everything he should know. He Songbai knew that when the eldest sister was making clothes, he also helped him.

Li Dali is not like his stupid big sister, he has a pure mind. He has been the captain for several years, and he has never seen less than He Songbai.

He Songbai took off his clothes, poured a bucket of cold water on his head, and his eyes darkened as he thought.

He washed the smell of blood off his body and put on shabby but clean clothes.

Zhao Lanxiang also woke up at this moment, and she quickly made a breakfast.

The eldest sister also woke up, carried her grandma to the toilet, washed her face and brushed her teeth.

She woke up to find that her husband was gone, and when she saw him in the yard throwing off his arms and struggling to chop wood, tears rushed down like a flood that had burst a dike.

The old man who was carried by his granddaughter wiped away the tears of his granddaughter with his hands.

With a hint of comfort in her old voice, she smiled and said, "You can rest assured now."

"Dali is a good boy. He will help you share the work. You don't have to be so tired in the future."

There are men as if there are no men. Grandma Li is not sincere in looking for her granddaughter-in-law to block her granddaughter. She looked at her grandson-in-law's tall body with satisfaction, and said lightly, "Give him more food in the future, and try to raise all the meat back."

He Songye looked at her husband reluctantly, she nodded with a smile and tears, and quickly went to relieve her with her grandmother behind her back.

This day's breakfast, everyone ate more lively than ever.

On the round broken wooden table, an unprecedented place was added.

After breakfast, He Songbai ordered some of his savings and took out a few.

He silently gave the subject a wink.

Zhao Lanxiang received He Songbai's eyes, and she followed.

He Songbai took the bicycle out, patted it, and pushed the front of the bicycle in front of the subject: "I'm going to the department store to buy something, will you accompany me?"

Today is the weekend, the first full weekend after the busy spring ploughing.

Of course Zhao Lanxiang would not refuse, she got on He Songbai's bicycle.

"I'll go first, let's meet at the fork."

He Songbai nodded, looking at the figure of the subject who disappeared riding a bicycle with a hula, he also stretched his legs and walked out of Hezitun on foot.

Zhao Lanxiang had been waiting there for half an hour. When He Songbai arrived, she picked a bunch of wild flowers from nowhere and kept one behind her ear. The lavender and beautiful mountain flowers complemented her delicate face, making her more elegant.

He Songbai couldn't help pinching her jade-like ears with the agility of water coming towards him.

"Like this flower?"

"Look at how you like it. On my way back, this wild flower blooms all over the mountain road. I'll bring you a handful every day from now on."

Zhao Lanxiang responded, "Okay, you haven't sent me flowers yet!"

When I think about it, I feel a little emotional. When the old man was chasing her, he used to get a bouquet of beautiful flowers every day. Putting the young and enhanced version of him, he became a string of pork every day.

Even Tie Zhu knew how to give her mother-in-law a bunch of wild flowers.

Now he finally has some consciousness, which makes Zhao Lanxiang have a simple feeling of falling in love in a country, full of lemon-like taste, green and long-lasting.

She asked He Songbai: "Are you going to buy a business outfit today? You must ask me, I can help you pick everything from head to toe."

He Songbai just smiled and didn't answer.

Soon, he took the object to the department store.

There are many men and women who come and go in pairs. There are many good days in spring. Before and after the dragon rises, it is a good day for marriage. He Songbai took her and picked out two pieces of fabric for women. Indeed, he pulled three feet of cotton cloth and six feet of cotton cloth, so he could make a suit.

Zhao Lanxiang touched the soft-textured women's fabric. Although the salesperson was indifferent, she couldn't help but say to the newcomer, "It's best for the newcomer to buy some lipstick and apply it. How can we be without it on a happy day? "

The counters display the fashionable women's products in the city, but they are far worse than the s city, not only less but also expensive.

Zhao Lanxiang didn't want to buy it after taking a look.

He Songbai lowered his head and carefully picked out Pechoin's Snowflake Cream for her. It was wrapped in shells, and there was a faint fragrance when it was unscrewed.

"Young man, you are right to choose this one! Famous domestic brands, high-end goods shipped from big cities!"

Although He Songbai Thumb was eager to buy a lipstick for his partner, as soon as he saw it, he remembered the appearance of the newlyweds, his face was red and he didn't dare to look at it. The salesperson is still trying to sell her wedding must-have lipstick.

Next to a pair of real newcomers, the woman pointed her nose at the man, "I don't even want to buy a decent piece of cloth for me, look at others."

"Six feet of cotton and three feet of cotton are really good, without blinking an eye. How could I pick you poor bastard!"

Zhao Lanxiang smiled embarrassedly, dragged He Songbai and fled away.

Finally, He Songbai took her to a coal stove, and he said, "Seeing that your eyes hurt from being smoked by firewood every day, I think I should buy a coal stove earlier."

Zhao Lanxiang took his hand.

"Don't you have firewood at home? With such a big stove, you have to come to the city to buy coal from time to time. What a hassle."

He Songbai paid the money directly, took out the coal ticket that had been prepared, and went to the supply and marketing cooperative to collect ten catties of coal. He used a pole to pick one at each end. He used to look like a groom who came to the store to buy things, but this time he looked like a migrant worker who was working as a coolie.

Zhao Lanxiang couldn't feel the romantic atmosphere at all, the man was so stupid that she couldn't help laughing.

"Didn't you buy your stuff? You picked these things so early."

He Songbai shook his head.

Zhao Lanxiang hurriedly entered the department store again, spent twelve yuan to buy a pair of leather shoes, and packed them in her own cloth bag and carried them on her back.

She was sitting on the back seat of the bicycle. He Songbai placed the coal and stove on the horizontal bar of the bicycle. The two of them rode slowly. Anyway, they had a lot of good time, and they didn't have to hurry.

He Songbai enjoyed the leisure time alone.

He rides very slowly, and Zhao Lanxiang sits very comfortably.

She read the poem softly:

"If life isn't generous enough, we don't have to be stingy in return."

"Why do you need to make careful calculations? You must give and receive a lot."

"If you can be generous, why look wretched."

"If you can be chic, why choose to be lonely."

"Getting is a satisfaction, giving is a joy."

He Songbai listened to it silently, and found that he had never heard it at all. He just thought he was illiterate and didn't care. He said, "You really love reading."

Zhao Lanxiang thought about it and said, "My parents are good at reading and can find a stable job later."

"If you had the chance to read, would you read it, Brother Bo?"

He Songbai heard the words and said casually without any burden, "Yes."

"It's so good to read, it's easy and you don't have to work, and you can eat national food after reading it."

Zhao Lanxiang said, "Let me tell you something interesting about my school."

She knew that He Songbai had never read a book, so she told him that it was her first time in a biology class in middle school to go to the museum to see specimens and do chemical experiments. Learn to sing songs of popular female stars, but get good grades in every exam.

He Songbai listened to the crisp voice, and his ears were wet like a spring rain, soaking into his heart.

"very nice."

Zhao Lanxiang added: "What did grandma teach you, mathematics, physics, chemistry... Chinese?"

He Songbai nodded and shook his head again.

"It's very complicated. I don't think she even remembers what she taught. She knows a little bit of mathematics, she also teaches some physics, she teaches a lot of Chinese, and she also teaches English, drawing, playing the flute... etc."

"That flute was made by my grandma using a hole in bamboo. When I was a child, I used it as firewood and burned it. My grandma ignored me for several days."

He Songbo paused, then shyly said, "Do you remember that day you went to Niujiao Mountain to dig a wooden box? The little book there is actually a painting I drew before."

"I really hated these things. I learned very badly, but then I drew decently."

He Songbai will always remember that in order to trick him into painting, the old grandmother told him a story about the magic pen Ma Liang, and finally said that if he painted like Ma Liang, he could draw what he wanted with a pen. thing.

He Songbai thought about eating meat every day, and he drew a summer drawing according to the piglets in the brigade, but he didn't even get a fart out.

Zhao Lanxiang was dumbfounded.

The author has something to say: *

small theater:

Zhao Lanxiang: After listening to it, my brain made up for Brother Bo's lovely childhood.

He Songbai: After listening, I finally understand why the subject is so skinny.

Pingshengjun: It was clearly stated that I would guide the college entrance examination, but the result...Xiangxiang, what are you doing

Xiangxiang: Don't speak, cover your face and run away.

Today is a double shift, but I am so powerful that I put my hands on my hips and laugh up to the sky.

Do you want to comment on thick and long, thick and long

"If life wasn't generous enough"

—Wang Guozhen

If life is not generous enough,

We also don't have to be stingy in return.

Why do you need to make careful calculations

You have to give and receive a lot.

If you can be generous,

Why look obscene.

If you can be cool,

Why choose to be lonely.

To get is a kind of satisfaction,

Giving is a joy.