Bai Fumei in the ’70s

Chapter 104


He Songbai touched his head again embarrassedly and pressed the corner of his raised lips.

"It's good to be able to eat a meal."

After he finished speaking, he brought out Bai Huahua's rice roll and fed it to Grandma while it was still hot. Granny Li was not too old to be fed, she glared at her grandson.

He Songbai asked casually, "It seems that they all got up late today."

Granny Li smiled and said, "They discussed some things last night."

She sighed silently, "You are all very thoughtful children, and have given birth to a good era, unlike us... "

He Songbai didn't know about the matter of dividing the farmland to the household that the partner discussed with them last night, so he heard the old grandmother's sudden sigh, but only thought she was thinking of the grandpa and dad, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Grandma Li was silent for a long time, and then said, "Go and rest, I don't want you to serve me here."

He Songbai put down the bowl and quickly returned to the house to catch up on sleep. In the evening, he took advantage of the spare time of "charging and studying" to ask the subject what happened last night.

Zhao Lanxiang said with all his thoughts: "Do you know what's going on in the brigade these days?"

He Songbai nodded.

He Songbai pondered for a moment, and his bushy brows twitched tightly.

Zhao Lanxiang secretly wrote a piece of paper and handed it to him.

"The household contract responsibility system?" For this new term, He Songbai showed his understanding.

Zhao Lanxiang nodded.

"You'll find out in a while."

He Songbai muttered dissatisfiedly: "It's still mysterious!"

Li Laifu's execution is very strong. He and Li Dali discussed the initial actions, and he started the great cause of "fueling the flames" by himself.

A few days later, when everyone went to work in the mountains, several families almost got into a fight.

Because of the terraced fields that do not need irrigation, everyone wants to farm. The terraced fields on these hills have been opened, and there is no need to irrigate hard at all. Several families headed by Li Guofu demanded that the paddy fields on the mountain be allocated. If there is no paddy field, the first-class and second-class fields below the mountain should be given to them to cultivate.

The other families quit, and the family headed by Pan Yuhua sneered. Pan Yuhua said: "The wool comes from the sheep, so don't look at how much grain everyone got at the end of last year. Haotianjing will be spoiled for you, the autumn harvest will be There is little food, and you will lead the entire brigade to accompany you to be poor?"

The quarrel is a trivial matter at first, if the captain can play a role and suppress it with majesty, this turmoil will be over.

Li Daniu is an inexperienced leader of Erlengzi, who can't hold back these old fritters. But Li Laifu, the captain of the second team, ignored it for the first time, said a few words symbolically, and watched with dismay and cold eyes as everyone quarreled and even got into a fight.

The commune members who honestly fought and persuaded them to see the utterly disappointed appearance of the captain made their hearts cold. Little did he know that Li Laifu was secretly holding back his fun, watching his members make a fuss as expected.

In the early hours of the morning, the He family's house was lit up again, and the three of them gathered around and whispered.

Li Laifu asked, "Will it be possible if the trouble continues? Can it be controlled by then?"

Zhao Lanxiang nodded.

"It's done, Brother Dali can hold it. Let this matter ferment for a few more days, and when someone can't stand it, someone will always bring it up. Let's not move. If you have time, go to a few more places to add fire. " Zhao Lanxiang said.

Li Dali said while removing the wooden splint on his leg, "In a few days, I should go back to work."

So Li Laifu, who was shouldering the heavy responsibility, went to a few "honest people" to talk about the family, but when he complained and complained, he would always say something lightly:

"If it's the same as before, the fields are my own. I like to farm as much as I like. I sweat and work hard. No matter how poor we live, we will accept our fate."

It's not just this reason, this sentence floats into the heart of people, takes root like a seed, and grows wildly and wantonly.

By the end of April, the two production brigades had torn their faces for the sudden addition of the paddy fields on the top of the hills. The terraced fields are just an inducement factor, but in fact it is a contradiction between the lazy and the honest.

People who are lazy and don't work want to live easier, and people who work honestly don't want to be so tired.

Everyone was holding a grudge in their hearts, and finally someone said angrily: "Give us the third- and fourth-class broken fields at the foot of the mountain, and I would be willing to plough it if I died of starvation."

"Paddy fields you love and want."

At first, it was mentioned casually by a few people who were more diligent in work, but later it evolved into everyone who wanted to divide the fields, and didn't want to work regardless of the division. Li Laifu squatted in the dark and watched, almost couldn't help clapping his hands.

At this time, Li Dali, who was recuperating, came forward. He called people together and said a lot of words that made everyone feel ashamed and cry.

He said: "We have been working together for more than ten years, and we have endured the hardships together. We are like brothers and sisters in a big family, we share the blessings and the misfortunes. Now we are not as poor as before. But we couldn't get together, we quarreled, there are many reasons, and I have been reflecting on it for a long time... Our two Hezitun captains have not done their job well enough to lead everyone to Fuyu Road together."

"Laifu and I both hope from the bottom of our hearts that one day every family in Hezitun will be able to eat enough, have clothes to wear, and have a bit of meat on the New Year's Eve. When we leave the village, we can confidently say that Hezitun is good. Only when you have enough food and clothing can you be able to run your life. Laifu and I agree with you to divide the fields. This is the only thing I can do for you as the team leader. The members of Hezitun, this year, we have paid enough food for the country, and the leftovers It's all yours!"

Li Dali paused and said with emotion: "Because we are a group, the collective sense of honor has always been rooted in our hearts. No matter whether we work separately in the future, we are all brothers and sisters."

"If you want to divide the land, you can jointly make a red handprint, and from now on, the matter of dividing the land will be rotten in your stomach. If there are Red Guards who report and make small reports in the future, everyone will be in jail, and they will enjoy the blessings and the hardships together. Same!"

After Li Dali finished speaking, his heart was sweating. However, the members gathered around couldn't help but secretly wipe their tears, their eyes couldn't hide their excitement. If they weren't afraid of making people's eyes and ears, they even wanted to cheer and applaud, and they ran for miles in joy.

A few days later, the accountants of the Hezitun Party branch silently measured and divided the fields, and distributed the huge village evenly and equitably to each family. All the members of the commune were enthusiastic to help with the measurement. After the land was allocated, the production enthusiasm of the people was unprecedentedly high, and the black head of Wu Yangyang was looming in the field.

Some people even work in the dark, tirelessly.

The field is finally here! In the future, every grain of rice that I eat will flow with my own sweat. The more you work, the more you will get. After you have paid enough food for the country, the rest is yours!

This kind of day has a head start, making people more motivated to work!

After the land was divided, He Songbai fully understood the profound meaning of the "family contract responsibility system" written by the target.

Their family was also allocated a piece of land. According to the division method of three acres for the strong laborers, two acres for the weak laborers, and one mu for the old and weak without labor, the He family was allocated 11 acres of land. Although it is not much, but with a little effort, you can pay enough food for the country. There are three strong laborers in the family, Li Dali can support two people alone, and the eldest sister is also a diligent and agile person, more than ten acres of land are more than enough to do this.

The brigade allocated some necessary broken farm tools to their family. From then on, He Songbai did not have to go to work on time.

In the past, when the collectives worked together, they had to gather at six or seven in the morning, and they had to start working at five in the busy farming season. Now He Songbai can go to work in the afternoon. After his sister and brother-in-law finished their work in the morning, he would go to the top. work. However, compared to other people's work, He Songbai seems to be extra "lazy" in this way.

Some people originally had some people in their hearts who were unwilling to work together as a group. Seeing someone like He Lao Er who was so lazy after dividing up fields, they breathed a sigh of relief and secretly rejoiced: "Fortunately, we are divided!"

Zhao Lanxiang occasionally bumped into someone pointing at his back to educate his own children.

"You can't imitate that bastard in the future, you can't be as old as him and you won't be able to please your wife!"

Zhao Lanxiang jokingly learned these words about him to He Songbai, and He Songbai said calmly, "I'm not afraid."

"How can I be old and can't get a wife, I'm someone who has a partner."

After speaking, he paused and said, "But you must be mentally prepared. I may be a little poor. It is estimated that the pig farm will not be able to save enough for the bride's bride price in the short term, so I have to work hard for Zhao to wait."

This confident and begging appearance made Zhao Lanxiang couldn't help but beat him.

Zhao Lanxiang asked him what was going on. She also knew that he was under a lot of pressure recently.

If it wasn't for Big Sister He and Li Dali being considerate and often helping him with his work, and finishing his share, He Songbai might not be able to pay the brigade's guaranteed rations by the end of the year.

He Songbai said: "There was swine flu in the spring, and many young pigs died."

"I went outside these days and wanted to buy some quicklime to disinfect the pig farm, but there was no way. I got some recently. When these pigs grow up, there may be a daughter-in-law."

After he finished speaking, his dark eyes narrowed slightly, and he turned his head to look at Zhao Lanxiang.

Zhao Lanxiang understood that he was just trying to make her anxious, but she was confident, she couldn't help picking up a bunch of test papers and threw them over her head, angrily said:

"Write the test papers, these are all the jobs you didn't finish!"

He Songbai picked up test papers one by one, so that he could count the numbers neatly. His handsome face was radiant, as if he was not holding a heavy burden, but a sweet kiss from the object.

He slowly unscrewed the pen and started writing slowly. After he wrote one, he asked Zhao Lanxiang to record the number for him, until he wrote all ten in one breath, and then he nodded his lips at Zhao Lanxiang with a deep smile.

"Come on, make up for the piece that fell out these days."

The author has something to say: *

small theater:

Pingshengjun: Ten! Ten!

you beast

How do you want to kiss

Brother Bo thought for a while, and studied it for a while: kiss on the forehead, kiss on the side face, kiss on the lips, kiss on the chin, kiss on the throat...

Pingshengjun: Stop! Don't go any further!

The police uncle is here, I want to get off!