Bai Fumei in the ’70s

Chapter 114


Jiang Li was still some distance away from Big Sister He. She just cried out, which alarmed the man. He gave up the fainting woman on the ground and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Jiang Li shouted, "Someone..."

She looked at the moving leaves in the grove, and then at Sister He lying on the ground. She gave up chasing and helped the person on the ground up.

Jiang Li patted He Songye's face, "Wake up."

He Songye slowed down for a while before opening her eyes. Confusion and... shock were clearly reflected in her delicate eyes.

"You, you..." He Songye groaned and grabbed Jiang Li with his fingers, unable to speak.

"Do you feel any discomfort—" Jiang Li asked.

The next second, Jiang Li was also dazed.

When Jiang Li woke up again, it was already gray and bright. She woke up in the vacant farm tool room of the brigade, and the surroundings were empty. Since Hezitun divided the fields, this farm tool room has been vacant, and a thick layer of ash has fallen.

She gave a shudder, looked down at the watch in her hand, and found that its hands pointed to the seven position.

Jiang Li wiped her face, and she jumped up in a hurry. She ran out of the farm tool room.

Jiang Li followed the freshly printed footprints around and quickly ran to the reeds by the river. In winter, the reeds by the river produce white reed flowers, and the wind blows and flutters.

Jiang Li quickly picked up a stone and threw it at the black head in the reeds.

Her physical strength is inherently weaker than that of men, so she inhaled a little more drug. Throwing a stone in the past is exhausted.

The man stopped, and he threatened in a gloomy and weird tone, "The next one is you."

Jiang Li was not afraid when she heard it. She looked around and saw that there were few people around, and it was hidden here. At this time, it was really insane. She regretted that she didn't go to the He family just now. wake up.

She is a single person, and she is in a very passive situation at this moment.

Neither is running, nor is not running.

The natural self-protection of human beings prompted her to think about whether she should run immediately and go back to move people, or stay to shock people and guard He Songye. If she didn't run, she would have to explain herself here, but if she ran away, she would lose her life. Especially Jiang Li just realized that this man had thrown her in the farm tool room, probably to let her go and not dare to provoke her.

He must have recognized her.

She suppressed the fear in her heart and stopped running.

So Jiang Li squatted in the reeds and said loudly to the slightly moving place with her throat high:

"My grandfather is the deputy director of the political department of the G military region, my father is the director of the logistics department, my brother is a member of the Army Special Forces, my uncle is a naval engineer of the D military region, and my lobby brother is..."

She counted the people in the house one by one, staring at the collapsed piece at the end of the reed.

Sure enough, there was no movement there, she snorted, and the fear in her heart miraculously eased.

She said angrily, "If you don't get out of here, mess with me, and you'll be dead."

Jiang Li coughed. She glanced at her watch again. His mother's Captain Li got up now and didn't realize that his daughter-in-law was missing

What about the members who work diligently in the village on weekdays

Are you still not getting up and working now

Even in the winter break, people can't be so lazy, this really kills people!

After Jiang Li said this, there was no movement on the other side for a long time, but suddenly the reeds shook violently, and the man on the other end walked in front of her.

He was thin, with an old mask, and he was tightly wrapped from head to toe. He grabbed Jiang Li's hair and dragged her to He Songye's side.

Jiang Li neither struggled nor spoke. Her fair face was quickly scratched with red marks by the tips of the reeds, and a bunch of reed shavings were stuck in her hair.

The man didn't take off his mask, but started to peel He Songye's clothes in front of Jiang Li.

She tore her cotton wool coat and slapped her twice,

The flickering ferocity in his eyes made people tremble with fear.

Jiang Li fell down with her face on the ground, waiting for the man to reveal something ugly, and she kicked it violently.

"I told you, you'll die if you mess with me!"

He Songbai very much regretted that he didn't give his partner a ride last year, and he would not delay any time this year.

As the Spring Festival is approaching, the pig farms are not staffed enough to be busy, so one person is used as two people. He Songbai deliberately spared a lot of time this day, and came back by bicycle earlier than usual.

When he came back, he saw his brother-in-law.

Li Dali said solemnly, "Why can't you find Sister Ye?"

He Songbai didn't think too much. He said, "Is it hiding somewhere? Big sister, her ears are not very good, so you should call out more."

Zhao Lanxiang interrupted him. She grabbed He Songbai with some force and trembling, "I tell you, you must be calm next time."

"I found Jiang Li's luggage littered on the ground. She is a person who loves cleanliness very much. She has a cleanliness addiction, and there are valuables in the luggage, so she will definitely not litter."

"Today, I made an appointment with her to let her come to the He's house to find me in the morning, and Dali said that he heard Jiang Li shouting just now, and after coming out, neither the eldest sister nor Jiang Li were seen."


She suddenly choked with sadness and stopped talking.

The subject's words sounded like he had no clue, but He Songbai's face sank after hearing this, and he thought of the person who committed evil in Hezitun.

He Songbai gritted his teeth, endured anxiety and anger, and got on the bicycle. The iron bicycle banged against the uneven road. Zhao Lanxiang and Li Dali looked at each other and went to find someone separately.

Soon He Songbai came to the cornfield on a bicycle. He rode his bicycle down the bare field. The endless field was empty and there was no one. The brittle, tall corn stalks and leaves also turned into a black ash, moisturizing the black soil in the field.

He stepped on the bicycle like clockwork with his legs, desperate to find a way. He rode his bicycle across the hard sun and across the trickling creek. His bicycle was so fast that he almost rushed into the river.

He Songbai abandoned the car and fled, and a splash of water splashed on him.

He Songbai was hit and hurt all over. He stepped on the knee-deep water with his feet, one deep and one shallow, and finally he simply took off the cumbersome cotton-padded jacket and swam to the other side.

He peeled off the thin layer of clothes inside, threw it off, and tore his hands to the ground.

"Wu-yong-you fucking-"

He Songbai roared angrily, and the roar shook the surrounding reeds as if they were shaking off the white flower ears. He Songbai got into the reeds with a few strides. He raised his fist with his right hand, instilling the strength he had learned from killing pigs.

He grabbed the bastard who bullied his sister and Pan Yu, and punched and kicked.

He Songbai peeled off his mask and saw his face clearly. He Songbai scuffled with him as if his eyes were red. With a sound of Gera's muscles being dislocated, Wu Yong's arm was removed.

This was actually a one-sided beating, and Wu Yong had no resistance at all.

He took out a handkerchief soaked with potion and covered He Songbai's mouth and nose.

Jiang Li was planted on the ground, dumbfounded watching the two men scuffle into a ball. Just when she kicked Wu Yong fiercely and Wu Yong pressed her to the ground and slapped her, Wu Yong was suddenly pulled from the back of the neck.

She stared blankly at this man who suddenly fell from the sky and appeared out of thin air, watching the dramatic reversal in front of her, watching Wu Yong being pressed to the ground and beaten into a pig's head, and she was so excited that she was about to cry out.

If she still had strength in her hands, she would definitely applaud.

She said, "It turned out to be him! Well played, such a rat in the gutter, social scum!"

He Songbai scuffled with him and rolled all the way into the deep reeds, and the two of them almost disappeared.

Jiang Li soon felt that something was wrong. Wu Yong struggled several times, and then gradually gave up the struggle.

Jiang Li swallowed a mouthful of rust-smelling saliva and said, "He Songbai, He Lao Er! Stop fighting!"

"He has no strength to resist."

Jiang Li went to pull him, but couldn't pull him. She looked down at He Songbai's red eyes and shivered.

Zhao Lanxiang also came at this time. Seeing this scene, her mind went blank, buzzing non-stop.

It started when she saw Jiang Li's littering luggage after she woke up, and when Li Dali said that the eldest sister was gone.

All the clues are at that moment of lightning, just like the connected circuit, press the trigger switch, and all are connected.

Pan Yu in her previous life died because she was no longer willing to face this world. The eldest sister also has no children in her life. Even if she becomes a billionaire sister, there are many suitors around her.

But the eldest sister has no children.

Just like her.

She is having trouble having children because of her health, what is the reason for the eldest sister

Zhao Lanxiang's eyes suddenly burst into two lines of tears, and her heart was like a hollowed out piece, and the pain was unstoppable. The winter wind blew her cold all over her body, and her heart was shattered into powder. It turned out that her brother Bo had experienced such a desperate thing in her last life.

It turned out that her kind eldest sister suffered such bullying.

She hugged He Songbai hard and grabbed his hand, "Brother Bai, don't fight anymore."

"He's going to die, we don't deserve to sin for him..."

Zhao Lanxiang hugged his fist to stop his red-eyed anger. At this moment, he is like a wolf that has lost his mind, fierce and indifferent, and he fights harder and harder.

Zhao Lanxiang shed tears sadly, and asked him sobbing: "Do you want to spend a lifetime in prison for him?"

"I'm here-"

"Miss is here too."

"You think about it for us..."

Her sad tears fell, hot and hot, like beads that had been disconnected, hitting He Songbai's cold and stiff neck.

He stopped, let go of his hand, looked down at Wu Yong, and then at the object.

He wiped his hand with soil. Usually his palms were covered with pig blood and he didn't think it was dirty, but today he was so disgusted that his hands were so dirty that he rubbed them several times. Even the smell of rust in the air made him sick.

He went to pick up the eldest sister who was lying on the ground, his face was full of anger, and his eyes were red from blaming himself.

He murmured with his lips squirming, "Sister, I'm sorry."

"Brother Bo will take you to the hospital, don't be afraid."

"do not be afraid-"

Although Sister He inhaled a little medicine, she was still conscious. She opened her eyes as her brother fell from the sky like a hero, protecting her and fighting for her.

She was worried and said softly, "Brother Bo, don't be sad."

"I'm fine."

As she spoke, there was a faint bleeding between her legs, oozing out of her pants, and onto He Songbai's palm.

Sister He added: "I bumped a few times just now, it's okay - don't worry."

She lifted her palms weakly, and her fingertips touched her stomach, which hurt a little.

But she didn't dare to show it, she comforted her brother in a low voice: "really, it's okay..."

Soon Li Dali also came. He heard He Songbai's roar from a distance and immediately ran here. He ran into the reeds, took his wife in his arms, and said, "I'll take her to the hospital first."

He took off his cotton-padded jacket, wrapped his wife, and ran as if his legs were twitching.

Zhao Lanxiang endured the hatred in her heart, and her head was cooled by the freezing wind in winter. She stretched out her index finger and probed Wu Yong's breath and arteries.

She said to He Songbai, "Brother Bai, he is dying, we have to take him to the hospital."

The author has something to say: *

small theater:

Jiang Li: I originally wanted to be a hero, but the male protagonist ended up stealing the show.


Arranged clearly.

Pingshengjun: A supporting role should have the self-consciousness of a supporting role

How could this script of tearing the villain hang the sky, how could it be your turn/doge

Pingshengjun: handsome or not, stepping on colorful clouds and falling from the sky.

Too bad that's not the man you can have

Jiang Li: "..."

Don't worry, the eldest sister's child can be kept

It is recommended to take a look at 113's words, add some content, and have easter eggs