Bai Fumei in the ’70s

Chapter 117


Zhao Lanxiang asked Pan Yu to wait for Jiang Li to return before going to the police station to give evidence. At the same time, she sent a telegram asking Jiang Li to come to N city to record a statement.

After she returned to Hezitun, Gu Gong was using a few crisps to induce Sanya to speak.

He asked, "What happened to your family during the few days I went back?"

"Why are one or two unhappy, and the police come to the door?"

Sanya can't keep her mouth shut and her narration ability is very weak, but she was also taught by Grandma Li. This matter can't be said to others, because it will not affect the eldest sister.

She glanced at the halva, and with her mouth shut, she buried her head and fed the chickens in the henhouse. She sprinkled her hands with rice bran, and the hens clucked and nodded, surrounding her in a circle. Even the old hen raised by Gu Huaijin came to eat the rice bran.

Gu Huaijin glanced shyly at the child, and then at Zhao Lanxiang who was walking towards him.

Zhao Lanxiang rubbed Sanya's head, picked out a few of Gu Huaijin's candies and stuffed them into Sanya's pocket.

"This is a reward for us Sanya. After feeding the chickens, go there to eat."

Gu Huaijin was choked by Zhao Lanxiang invisibly.

He asked angrily: "Hey... what's going on with you these days, one or two are like this."

Zhao Lanxiang thought that Gu Huaijin didn't know about it, so she told Gu Huaijin all the things Wu Yong had done.

As Wu Yong's teacher, Gu Huaijin was very angry.

"It turned out to be like this..."

Zhao Lanxiang commented unceremoniously: "You can't believe it, right? I witnessed what he did that day, and his mind was already very distorted. But his mind was still awake, and he was the first to do it after waking up from a coma. The matter is to ask a lawyer to sue us and threaten Bo Ge'er. He has observed Bo Ge'er for a long time, squatting in the dark like a poisonous snake, waiting for an opportunity to bite at a critical moment. "

Gu Gong said indignantly: "It sounds very tough to threaten you. Where does he have the money to hire a lawyer?"

Gu Huaijin said in detail, "In the past, the money for his schooling was raised by donations from everyone, and his parents were sent to the Northwest Forest Farm to re-educate through labor... He only recovered his reputation last year, where did he get such a tough attitude? He himself Because of poor conditions and poor composition, it was delayed until the age of 30 and did not get married."

In addition, Gu Huaijin also told Zhao Lanxiang a lot about Wu Yong, and finally he said with emotion:

"Actually, he is neither the smartest nor the most down-to-earth among the few apprentices. He is not outstanding in anything, and is often overlooked. Now that I think about it... The smartest and most cunning of the four students is probably him. He knows how to hide himself..."

As Gu Huaijin spoke, there seemed to be a light flashing across his head, reminding him of the things he had been brooding about.

Before his eyes, the scene of the day when Sun Xiang put on handcuffs and left, and Sun Xiang reminded him ashamedly: Be careful of Wu Yong.

Gu Huaijin patted her thigh, "Girl Xiang, I thought of one thing."

"No wonder he dares to be so arrogant now. Is it possible that the construction funds for the terraced fields are in his hands?"

On the other side, Wu Yong's family went to Pan Yu. They blocked Pan Yu in the dormitory and talked all morning.

"What about us Xiaoyong... He has been gentle and sensible since he was a child, and he is very good at dealing with people and things. He will never do such beastly things. Comrade Pan, don't take He Songbai's words too far."

"Before making any decision, you have to think about your reputation, whether it is worth it..."

Pan Yu listened to their threats with a stern face.

At noon, He Songbai went to the hospital to deliver meals to his sister, and dropped by to visit Pan Yu's dormitory. As soon as he opened the door, Pan Yu was sleeping peacefully on the bed with blood gurgling from his wrist.

He didn't even care about the food box in his hand, he hurriedly squeezed Pan Yu's bleeding wrist, picked her up and rushed to the hospital.

She opened her eyes in confusion, lying in He Songbai's arms for the first time, she said, "Brother Bai, you are so warm."

He Songbai said in a harsh voice, "Why are you so stupid, what can't you do?"

Pan Yu seemed to be explaining the last thing. She said, "I already reported the case in the morning."

He Songbai stopped talking and stepped up to take her to the operating room.

He sat silently outside the corridor of the hospital, smelling the smell of the disinfectant from the tip of his nose, only to feel cold all over.

As if the cold winter has not passed, and spring has not come...

He thought about Pan Yu, his sister, and even many people who had hurt Wu Yong. Sun Xiang's, Wang Yang's, those commune members who died in the landslide and the grass on the grave this year has grown as tall as a human being. He Songbai thought a lot and hesitated for a long time. Many memories flashed through his mind like a glimpse of light.

Pan Yu must get justice, and so should others.

He Songbai knew that he was going to have an accident soon, because Pan Yu had sued Wu Yong. At this time, and in the process of obtaining evidence, Wu Yong's actions should not be so fast. He can still buy a little time, and in these few minutes, he recalled how he embarked on this road of speculation, what he did during the period, and how long Wu Yong stared at him.

He quickly went to Li Zhong's house and explained some things to him.

He Songbai asked Li Zhong, "Have you built the pig farm you were asked to expand some time ago?"

Li Zhong was a little confused by the second monk, so he could only say: "It's not finished yet, how can it be so fast, doesn't it mean that it will be completed in March?"

He Songbai said with a sullen face, "Now you immediately go and have people move all the pigs to the new pig farm and demolish the old pig farm. Make sure that every piece of wood is removed cleanly."

"Because, someone will come to check soon."

When Li Zhong heard this, he went to arrange for someone to tip off the news.

The willow trees next to the spring street are blooming, and when the wind blows, the catkins on the branches are scattered in the air, like snowflakes flying in the sky.

Spring is cold.

He family.

Zhao Lanxiang prepared dinner, set the dishes and waited for He Songbai to come back.

She sat and waited for the right, but instead of waiting for the person she was waiting for, she waited for another uninvited guest.

Jiang Jianjun came to He's house wearing a cold air. The thin raindrops floated on his body, outlining his body more stalwart.

He was wearing a very wide long green army coat with pine branches, a hat with golden spikes on his head, and a large black lapel around his neck. When he lowered his head, his face was as deep as a knife-cut profile, with a kind of steel blood quenched. Yinglang after refining.

Jiang Jianjun calmly said to Zhao Lanxiang: "I should have thought that you are here too."

"When I heard the news of He Songbai, I knew it."

He took out a bag of things from the luggage on his back, held it in both hands, and handed it to Zhao Lanxiang.

He said earnestly, "I have retrieved all the things you gave me one by one."

"I'm thinking you're back, too. That's good. I can pay you back what I owe you."

Zhao Lanxiang didn't want to have any more interaction with him. After she arranged the tableware and chopsticks, she threw the bag handed over by Jiang Jianjun three meters away. Pieces of things fell out of the snakeskin bag that wasn't fastened. Although some of them were worthless, the craftsmanship was rudimentary and the appearance was not beautiful, but it could be seen that they all cost the owner a lot of effort.

There are homemade seals, shriveled lanterns, wrinkled paper flowers, military emblems carved from wood chips, music boxes and pocket watches that were sold in limited quantities in S City in 1975...

Jiang Jianjun's quiet eyes carried a natural dominance. Although he suppressed it a lot, he couldn't help but grab Zhao Lanxiang's hand with a sullen face and pulled her outside.

He said to Zhao Lanxiang under the eaves of the old house of the He family, "You lied to me for a whole year."

Zhao Lanxiang broke free from his hand, but the domineering and powerful restraint of a man was not something she could break free.

"You've worked so hard for a man and made fun of me like a fool. Zhao Lanxiang, are you enough? You're afraid I'll deal with him, aren't you?"

"Come back with me." There was exhaustion in his voice, as if pleading.

Zhao Lanxiang shook off Jiang Jianjun's hand and yelled at him, "What are you doing crazy?"

"What face do you have to see me now?"

Jiang Jianjun lowered his head, looked into her eyes and said, "Our Nannan and Jiejie... Do you want them? This year is the day when Nannan was born. You have always regretted not giving birth to her. Come back with me..."

Zhao Lanxiang heard these two names and kicked him on the kneecap, causing Jiang Jianjun to snort out of nowhere.

"You don't deserve to mention them."

"You kneel down for me."

Jiang Jianjun glanced at Zhao Lanxiang, and without blinking, he really took off his military coat and knelt down on his knees.

He said slowly: "After you left, I moved the ashes of Nannan and Jiejie to my yard. Every morning when I wake up, I can see them at a glance, read poems to them, and talk to them."

Jiang Jianjun's face was tense, his serious face seemed to be his hard shell, wrapping his soft heart.

His voice became muffled as if a ball of cotton was blocked, "I admit that I used to be a jerk, but I never took the initiative to betray you, Fang Jing's thing is... It was designed by someone else, I never thought about you Divorce, I used to believe we could get through life... the one I love..."

"It's always been you." His voice was hard, with a sad tone.

Zhao Lanxiang didn't like his tricks at all, and she didn't want to hear a word.

She heard Jiang Jianjun mention He Songbai, and her whole body was on alert.

Since he wanted to mention it, she dared to say: "You are not qualified to mention them, they have never been loved by you for a day, and they were not born in your expectation. They were wronged when they stayed in my belly. , even if they were born without a father, I will always remember that day I called and begged you to send me to the hospital, but what did you do?"

"You lied to me that you were very busy, and you made my girl leave without even seeing the world. If she could be born, she would definitely be a smart girl, wearing clothes I made by myself, tasting what I gave her She cooks love meals, and she also sings, dances, reads poems, and reads…”

"Jiejie will be loved like a little tiger. Although he has an indifferent father, he also has a mother who loves him, an uncle who loves him, his grandparents, and I even have his clothes ready when he is five years old. Stitching stitch by stitch, thinking about what he'll look like when he grows up in these clothes, and he's dead—"

"On the day he was cremated, I burned his clothes piece by piece, cut them open and burned them underground for him. He died in winter, and I was afraid that he would be cold if buried underground—"

Jiang Jianjun, who has never shed blood and sweat but never shed tears, tears popped out of his eyes for the first time and splashed onto his woolen coat.

After Zhao Lanxiang finished speaking, she raised her head coldly, raised her neck and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, "You have never done anything for us, I just ask you one thing today."

"Vengeance for revenge, revenge for grievances. He Songbai retaliates against you to help me. Everything that takes revenge on you is from my own will. If you want to take revenge, you can take revenge on me."

"Where's Jiang Li? I sent a telegram to tell her to come back. Where is she? Now I need her very much."

Jiang Jianjun shook his head and said, "I hate that He Songbai is too late, how could he help him?"

"However, if you're willing to promise me one thing, I can fish him out right away..."

He gritted his teeth, the masseter muscles on his cheeks were looming, and blue veins appeared on his forehead.

The catkins of spring flew to the shoulders of people, dyed a white frost.

Li Zhong scolded Wu Yong as he walked, "This turtle grandson! It's not a good death to cut people's fortunes!"

"I'm going to fight him!"

He Songbai asked him again if he had arranged for the evacuation of the people from the pig farm. He was going to the hospital. He handed over all his money to Li Zhong. The money stored in Li Zhong's cellar was as thick as bricks. He Songbai entrusted all of it to Li Zhong.

He said lightly: "Take the money, if I go in one day, remember to give half of it to my grandma and the other half to Lanxiang. I'm not sure how much Wu Yong knows, I will leave it out if I can get rid of it. It's clear, if it still doesn't work, I'll take the rest, and try my best not to hurt you."

He left Li Zhong's house and went to Pan Yu's dormitory to pick up a few sets of her change of clothes and sent them to the hospital. He paid for her medical bills, and went to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy some wheat milk for Pan Yu. Jing and milk powder, stopped by the department store and bought a pen for her to use in school, because in the future, he may not be able to accompany her anymore.

After finishing these things, He Songbai rode a bicycle back to Hezitun. As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the village, he was arrested by several police officers.

At the police station, He Songbai carefully finished his confession, only admitting that he had a conflict with Wu Yong, and described Wu Yong's crimes in detail, and finally marked the last line of his name.

He handed the snow-white paper up, and the police quickly glanced at his name, then glanced at him again.

"Yoah, I caught you speculating and didn't recognize it. You are not too timid, He Songbai... I asked you to write about speculation. What did you write?"

"Rewrite a copy, be lenient in confession and strict in resistance."

The police threw the confession on He Songbai's face, when a tall and lean leader suddenly appeared in the office.

The leader glanced at He Songbai's confession and said, "Is He Song... go back first."

The author has something to say: *

small theater:

Pingshengjun: You need to calm down when you see this

Paige won't go to jail

The killer is already online, and Wu Yong is ready to move.