Bai Fumei in the ’70s

Chapter 14


He Songbai frowned when he heard the words, raised his head and glanced at her.

Those dark and silent eyes were like those of a lone wolf, and the crystal beads of sweat flowed down his face, allowing Zhao Lanxiang to clearly see his deep outline, high raised cheekbones, and wheat-colored skin tanned by the sun. Black, black and thin.

But the appearance of working shirtless is undoubtedly full of man's taste.

This is the young He Songbai... The muscles are firm and powerful.

Zhao Lanxiang's face couldn't help heating up, and her heart also became hot, thumping wildly.

He Songbai wiped his face with the palm of his hand indiscriminately, and looked at the gradually disappearing back before he continued to put his light gaze into the pile of firewood, chopping wood silently and forcefully, repeating the boring action over and over again.

Although he is thin, he has the same energy as a young man. In addition, he finally sees some oil stars in his stomach during this time, and some flesh grows quietly under his dark skin.

What Zhao Lanxiang didn't know was that when she walked to the firewood room, the two people in the firewood room seemed to have never had enough to eat, and they ate happily one by one.

Tang Qing was well educated, so he could restrain himself a little, even if he devoured elephants, it would not be ugly.

And Jiang Li seems to have abandoned the shyness and shyness of the girl's family, and also forgot that the boy who eats at the same table with her is the object of her secret pleasure.

well! She finally understood why Zhou Jiazhen deliberately sucked the noodles so loudly that day, as if she had never eaten noodles in her life.

Because... so, so delicious!

When I met Jiang Li, who had not eaten well for a month, the eight points of deliciousness turned into ten points. Zhao Lanxiang's noodles are 12 points delicious to Jiang Li. The soup is rich and delicious, the noodles are smooth and crispy, and the chewing teeth seem to feel the tenacity of the moment when they are bitten off. The pork belly hanging on the surface is even more mesmerizing. It is fragrant, and the more you chew, the stronger it is, and the aftertaste in your mouth is endless. Holding this bowl of hot noodles to eat, Jiang Li was thinking that fortunately, she had followed Zhao Lanxiang, otherwise, where would she be able to eat such delicious food.

At this time, she completely left the steamed buns behind, and the quilt completely captured her heart.

Jiang Li sucked the noodles, finished a big bowl with lightning speed, and hiccupped.

She glanced at the noodles left in the pot and said to Zhao Lanxiang, "I want another bowl."

Zhao Lanxiang also sat down at this time, and slowly ate the bowl of noodles that belonged to him.

Seeing that Zhao Lanxiang ignored her, Jiang Li gritted her teeth, but she was not angry. Because at this time, her mind was full of the fragrant noodles, so she went to the pot head and filled half a bowl on her own.

Zhao Lanxiang swallowed a mouthful of noodles and said to Jiang Li, "Eldest sister of the He family and Sanya haven't come back for dinner, so don't pretend too much."

Jiang Li hummed and said, "It's rare for you to invite me to eat noodles, and you're still so stingy, okay, okay, I know."

Thanks to Zhao Lanxiang, thinking that the two had not eaten anything good since they came to the country, I am afraid they are quite edible, so she kneaded an extra dough and went in. Otherwise, due to the appetite of Miss Jiang and Young Master Tang, the eldest sister and the younger sister's lunch would have been long gone.

Tang Qing ate the bowl of noodles and slowly sipped the soup. He said, "The most nutritious thing in the whole bowl of noodles is the soup. Comrade Zhao, your soup is delicious."

Zhao Lanxiang smiled, "Thank you for your compliment."

Zhao Lanxiang accompanies the old man to many receptions and banquets, and the way he speaks is more American. Ordinary people will say where they are when they are praised, and when it is her turn, they will accept it directly and generously.

Tang Qing originally wanted to follow the trend of "where" and ask Tang how to do it, but now he also laughed.

Zhao Lanxiang saw the curiosity in his eyes and said with a smile: "Actually, there is nothing unusual about this soup. After you make it according to my method, you can eat it yourself on weekends when you are greedy. You can go to the store to pick up some meatless pigs when you have time. Don't worry, it doesn't need meat tickets, you can buy a lot for a dime, and it's very cheap. Stew the soup base with pork bones for two or three hours, and the taste is just like what you drink. "

Of course, she also added some other ingredients, which should not be outsiders. Although this pork belly noodles looks simple, the soup base is the secret recipe of a certain chain store, and it is worth a thousand dollars in future generations.

For now, its significance can only be to make people eat more happily.

Tang Qing said: "It turns out that it is like this. You lesbians have a really clever mind. You have a lot of knowledge in making bowls of noodles."

Jiang Li filled half a bowl of noodles and sucked the noodles. In all fairness, the bowl of noodles is really hard to say, and the little nanny she hired at home doesn't have this skill. But because of face, Jiang Li would not praise Zhao Lanxiang's craftsmanship from the bottom of his heart, but just sucked the noodles silently.

Tang Qing solved a problem and asked enthusiastically: "But the noodles I make have always been soft and sticky, and after rubbing against you, you can eat decent noodles. How can you do this kind of noodles? shot?"

Zhao Lanxiang didn't intend to answer Tang Qing's question.

However, when she saw Jiang Li raise her curious eyes, she looked eager, and her heart was clear, and the eldest wanted to learn. It's no wonder that I haven't interrupted to speak just now, but I dared to put up my ears and record it silently.

Zhao Lanxiang didn't hide anything, these little tricks were trivial.

She ate the noodles clean, took another sip of the soup and said, "When kneading the noodles, just knock an egg into it, and add a little bit of lye water. The noodles made with Fuqiang flour are more gluten, which is not the case with other flours. it is good."

Tang Qing was finally satisfied now, he happily enjoyed the soup in his bowl, drinking not a drop of it.

He thought to himself that Comrade Zhao should borrow him a few more bicycles, because if he borrowed more, he might not know what to do next.

At this time, Tang Qing was still thinking about the steamed buns made by Zhao Lanxiang. The last time he smelled the fragrant meat in the farm tool room, the greedy worms in his stomach had long been hooked out. When I am fortunate enough to eat it once, I will forget my wish.

Zhao Lanxiang said, "Are you full? Just keep your dishes and chopsticks. I'll clean them up later."

After Tang Qing finished eating, he handed a food stamp to Zhao Lanxiang. After all, he also ate a meal of fine grains solidly. It is not a good style to waste food.

Jiang Li felt that Zhao Lanxiang was trying to please her brother and then to please her, and she never thought of giving Zhao Lanxiang food stamps. But seeing Tang Qing took out the food stamp, she was too embarrassed to leave her hands empty, so she gritted her teeth and took out a food stamp.

Jiang Li is not used to the sweet potato and bean rice that has no oil and water in the countryside. She often goes to restaurants in the county to eat. The food stamps and money are spent quickly, and it will not last until the end of the month. Fortunately, the letter sent by Jiang Jianjun contained twenty catties of food stamps, otherwise she would not be able to open the pot.

Zhao Lanxiang saw the pain in Jiang Li's eyes, and refused with a smile, "I told you that I would invite you to eat, but if I have a food stamp, I won't dare to invite someone to eat next time."

"Go back to work and rest well."

After listening, the two of them left the He's house with shame (satisfaction), washed the tableware and chopsticks on the table before leaving, and thanked Zhao Lanxiang repeatedly. Of course, here mainly refers to Tang Qing.

After sending the two away, Zhao Lanxiang breathed a sigh of relief.

The half-year-old boy eats the poor girl is really not rough at all. If she hadn't fiddled with the black market trade, her food stamps would soon be stretched out. How could she be so "rich" to invite people to dinner

Zhao Lanxiang was thinking about the next black market transaction, thinking about what to do to sell it.

After a few days, Zhao Lanxiang had an idea. She received three catties of mung beans from the farmers.

The next day she woke up early in the dark, soaked the fresh mung beans in water for three hours, then steamed them in a steamer, steamed them until soft and glutinous, and took them out and kneaded them into mung bean puree. She sprinkled the snow-white rock candy she just bought, and mixed the mung bean flour with the noodles. The tender and soft noodles were shaped into various patterns by her. She made three baskets of mung bean cakes totaling ten kilograms. The fresh mung beans were mixed with a sweet fragrance. Zhao Lanxiang tasted the sweet, fragrant and glutinous, as delicious as she imagined.

She carefully put the hot mung bean cake into her schoolbag. She was afraid that the mountain road would be too rough and damage this delicate thing. She also stuffed a handful of sun-dried grass into the schoolbag to prevent shocks. Before dawn, she rode a bicycle to the city to sell these fragrant mung bean cakes.

However, before she could walk out of the door, someone stopped in front of her.

The tall, thin man stood silently in front of her, his face grim. In the dark night, his deep and cold eyes looked straight at her, and his voice was hoarse and low: "What do you want to do, where are you going so early?"

Zhao Lanxiang touched the hot mung bean cake in her bag, and said in a low voice confidently, "I'm going to sell mung bean cake!"

He Songbai said, "Don't go."

Zhao Lanxiang clenched the strap of her schoolbag, suddenly raised her head, a trace of teasing flashed in Xing's eyes, "You care about me?"

"I've only been subject to the discipline of my family in my life, my parents, my mother, my grandparents, who are you... You want to take care of me, eh?"

She raised her head and hummed, her tail raised slightly, and she looked at He Songbai with burning eyes.

The night was hazy, and the dim morning light couldn't make out the expression on the man's face.

He was silent for a while, took off the strap on her shoulder with his hand, and said lightly, "I'll sell it for you."

Saying that, he put his schoolbag on his shoulders, got on a bicycle in the blink of an eye, and quickly rode a dozen meters away.

Zhao Lanxiang watched in horror as He Songbai "robbed" her with agility.

She followed, out of breath and said, "Wait—"

He Songbai stopped the car and saw that the woman took out a large conical hat from somewhere, put it on his head, and said angrily:

"There is a bag of stove ash in your schoolbag. When you go into the city to sell things, remember to wipe a little on your face. Also... mung bean cake sells for 60 cents per catty, and requires a pound of food stamps. Meat stamps, cloth stamps, industrial stamps, soap stamps These, look at them, don't let me lose too much, I got up at four o'clock to make this mung bean cake."

Don't underestimate the price of mung bean cake at only 60 cents a pound, it is definitely not worth 151 taels when selling duck food. But first of all, it is not meat, and secondly, when the mung bean cake is steamed, it absorbs some water, and the net weight is heavier than the raw material. The more than 30 kinds of spices and seasonings that duck eat is expensive and labor-intensive, and the more expensive mung bean cake is white sugar. After careful calculation, the profit margin is not much worse than that of selling duck food.

He Songbai frowned.

Zhao Lanxiang said: "Let's go, go early and sell out early."

He Songbai stepped on the bicycle and disappeared as far as Zhao Lanxiang could see. At this time, the sky gradually became bright, and a few faint rays of morning light were scattered. Zhao Lanxiang was stuck in the grass with a thin layer of dew on his shoes and socks. .

After He Songbai disappeared, Zhao Lanxiang couldn't help raising the corners of his lips.

Although this man is a little less talkative and his mouth is not sweet, he is not so uninteresting.