Bai Fumei in the ’70s

Chapter 16


When Zhao Lanxiang brought out the rice, He Songbai didn't come to eat it right away.

He squatted by the well to wash his face and wipe his sweat, the clear well water poured down from his head, and the cold water flowed down his forehead all the way to the undershirt under his neck, bringing a touch of coolness. The wet cloth was clinging to his skin, outlining his thin upper body, his rough palms wiped his face, shook his head and threw out a circle of water stains, and walked back to the room silently.

The grain seller put away a condescending look, squinted his eyes and walked to Zhao Lanxiang's side, and suddenly asked, "Why are you looking at my brother Bo?"

This sentence was like a thunderbolt, which shocked Zhao Lanxiang, who was looking at people intently.

She turned her head and saw that it was the young man who was selling grain on the black market.

Fortunately, the focus of the youth is not on this, he said happily:

"I didn't expect to meet you here. It turns out that you live in Brother Bai's house. It's really a flood that washed the Dragon King Temple. Hey! I came to Brother Bai's house before, but I never saw you."

Zhao Lanxiang said: "I am an educated youth in the brigade. The dormitory collapsed and I am temporarily living in the He family."

The food seller looked at her.

"You made the mung bean cakes that Brother Bo sold this morning, right? I knew it as soon as I saw you... Where does he have this kind of craftsmanship? I used to persuade him to join the industry and do it with me, but he refused, maybe he thought It’s not like us, who are opportunistic bad elements! You are quite capable, and you can inspire my brother to be willing to sell things for you.”

Zhao Lanxiang was a little surprised. When this young man mentioned He Songbai, he always said "Brother Bai" one by one in a natural and respectful tone. Unlike the villagers in Hezi Village, when he was mentioned, he looked contemptuous.

It made Zhao Lanxiang feel more favorable towards the young man who sold food.

"The guests who bought duck meat from you last time came to my food stall every day to ask about your news. People have been waiting for you with their necks stretched out for so long, so please give me an accurate word, when will I do another one? Can you sell it? What a hell, is this stuff so delicious?"

Zhao Lanxiang couldn't help laughing. She has no plans to make duck food for a long time. "If you don't, I will order something else to sell next time."

It's not that she doesn't want to make money, because the last time she sold duck food, she didn't pay attention and showed her face. For the sake of personal safety, she did not make ducks for sale this time.

And buying duck meat is not easy. People bought a couple of pieces of meat to satisfy their cravings, and she bought a dozen pounds in one go. It's hard not to be conspicuous. In addition, queuing is also a problem. It depends on luck whether you can buy it or not. In this era of planned economy, where can there be so much meat for everyone to eat

To sum up, the duck food business is not easy to do, and Zhao Lanxiang will not make duck food again in a short time.

Zhao Lanxiang asked with a smile, "Have you eaten yet?"

She led the food seller to the kitchen, and the young man stared at the fragrant braised pork rice in the pot and swallowed, "Your craftsmanship is pretty good, no wonder the duck meat sold out so quickly that day. Fragrant rice, can you give me a bowl?"

The food seller is very conscious. Even if he calls He Songbai brothers and sisters, he never thinks of eating food for nothing. Before coming to He's house, he had already prepared to eat wild vegetables, but he didn't expect such a surprise! The situation of the He family has improved, the food has been completely changed, and they can eat meat richly!

This kind of fried rice with meat and vegetables is already a luxurious meal in the eyes of food sellers.

Zhao Lanxiang also packed a bowl for the food seller. Fortunately, the labor force in the family is a big eater. When she cooks, she is used to cooking large portions.

The food seller said, "Brother Bo and I hurried back all the way, and he didn't eat anything. Give me the rice, and I'll bring it to him."

Zhao Lanxiang smiled and said, "Okay."

The young man scratched his head and said, "Actually... my name is Liang Tie Zhu, you can just call me Tie Zhu."

Tie Zhu walked to He Songbai's room with a bowl of rice in one hand. He used to be an idle gangster in the Qinggu Brigade, owed a lot of debt, and his family's situation was not as good as that of the He family.

A few years ago, he was beaten by a gang of gangsters and almost killed, but He Songbai saved his life. He Songbai was like descending from the sky, beating all those who bullied Tie Zhu to the ground with his bare hands, causing the gangsters to cry and kneel to beg for mercy. Tie Zhu's heart was shaken, and he was so grateful that he only cried while holding the person's thigh.

A man's friendship is made by fighting. Whoever has the toughest fist is the boss.

The local ruffian who was beaten to death that day, including his weak chicken, recognized He Songbai as his eldest brother ever since.

Tie Zhu brought the meal to He Songbai's room. He Songbai was changing his clothes. His only decent clothes were dirty and torn.

He Songbai has only ridden a bicycle twice, once with his brother's light, he rode it like an experience. The second time was this morning. With only one poor and pitiful riding experience, how did he know how to drive this "foreign car"? However, in front of Zhao Lanxiang, he couldn't, and he took the risk and rode on it.

Unexpectedly, before reaching the main road, He Songbai stumbled from a small turn, and the delicate mung bean cake was tightly protected by him in his arms, without scratching the skin at all. He had scraped off a piece of skin all over his body, and blood was gushing out.

He Songbai was glad that he didn't break Jin Gui's car. This kind of flesh wound was nothing to a man. He chewed a handful of stinky grass on the side of the road and applied it to the wound, and then rode a foreign car to the county seat.

Tie Zhu happily held the rice and shouted, "Brother Bai, come to eat, there is fat pork, it's delicious!"

He was shocked and ashamed when he saw that He Songbai's leg was rubbed with a piece of skin, "What's the matter? You've been riding all the way back. Does it matter?"

When Tie Zhu saw the bloody legs, he admired He Songbai very much. Although he also sold food next to him, he didn't see anything wrong.

He Songbai was bleeding and selling things and riding a bicycle all the way back without saying a word. He was an iron man.

But Tie Zhu couldn't help sighing in the end, and said a little indignantly, "If I want to know, I'll take you back, and you still treat your brother as an outsider!"

Because Tie Zhu did the black market transaction early, his family's situation had already doubled. Not only did he become the first person in the village to ride a bicycle, but he also bought his mother another "one turn" of the three turns: a sewing machine. His mother is doing some sewing and mending work in the village now. The eldest sister is learning to cut clothes, and the life of the family is getting better and better. He has the ability to restore He Songbai's ability to step back, and he is particularly disgusting with the people who ruined him.

He Songbai ignored him, continued to apply stinky grass, and finally cut a tattered cloth to wrap his legs.

Stink grass is a good remedy for all kinds of diseases. It can be used for fever and fever. It can be used for falls and injuries. It can be used for nosebleeds and constipation. Ascaris grows in the stomach. The land is flooded, and it is cheap and easy to support. It is He Songbai's most loyal "doctor".

He Songbai lifted his eyelids, and his eyes fell on the rice that Tie Zhu was holding.

He could see at a glance that the woman in the family asked Tie Zhu to bring it over. He Songbai didn't like to eat women's soft rice all the time, but today he shed so much blood for her that eating a few mouthfuls of her rice was not a benefit.

He Songbai took chopsticks, put his legs aside, and ate quietly.

The rice was delicious, he knew that the woman's craftsmanship had always been very good, and things that were willing to put oil and salt were always delicious!

Tie Zhu ate with a bang, his mouth was full of fragrance, he looked enviously at the braised pork slices lying in He Songbai's bowl of rice, and intuitively there was obviously more meat in his bowl of rice than his.

Tie Zhu picked up the meat and ate it all, satisfied and happy.

He frowned at He Songbai, "It's delicious, Brother Bai, you said... Is that girl interested in you?"

The author has something to say: Poor little puppy~~