Bai Fumei in the ’70s

Chapter 32


Pan Yu did not entangle with his brother and sister-in-law, but directly appealed to his parents. Father Pan was an honest and honest rural man, and he readily agreed upon hearing his daughter's request.

He said, "Second sister, you can study hard. After graduating from high school, you will work as a regular worker in the county town and eat commercial food. Don't shave food in the fields like your parents, you will be useless in your life."

Pan Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

The next day, Pan Yu went to grind millet with his mother. She put the strap of the stone mill on the donkey, and led the little donkey all the way. But soon the little donkey was led to another place. Pan Yu and Pan Ma worked together to put the stone grinding belt on his shoulders, and moved with difficulty and difficulty...

At noon every day, Pan Ma went home to cook, and everyone scattered home or hid under the shade of a tree to eat. Pan Yu walked straight to Yangguchang.

Soon, she saw the man she was looking for.

He was still so diligent, everyone else had dispersed, and he was still working hard. The lean waist showed raw strength, and sweat flowed down his sturdy face. The man occasionally stopped to wipe it with the rotten towel hanging around his neck, and then continued to dry.

The scorching sun was like broken gold and mercury, and his whole body was reddened, and every time his well-textured arms waved, there was a quiver of strength. usually. He is tall and powerful, and makes people feel full of security. This kind of man is exactly what Pan Yu yearns for.

Pan Yu and the others were almost gone before they walked over.

He Songbai heard the light footsteps behind him, his eyes fell on the shadow of the woman on the ground, and he felt relieved.

At this usual time, the eldest sister would have come to deliver food for him, and he would have filled his stomach and dozed lazily under the shade of the tree. However-

Not today.

He endured countless times of hungry stomach, waited patiently, and waited a little longer. If the eldest sister does not come, he will go home. well! I would rather offend a villain than a woman. This old saying is true.

He Songbai was thinking that he must have made the object angry, and she would not bring him any more meals.

He Songbai stared at the thin figure projected on the concrete floor, his heart was full of disgust, and it was extremely hot.

Just when he suppressed all the chaotic thoughts in his mind and was about to turn around, the other party spoke first.

"Did you have lunch?"

He Songbai's complex emotions were all gone in an instant.

He looked at Pan Yu unexpectedly, "Why are you here?"

Pan Yu said, "I have something important to tell you."

He Songbai found that there were already glances around him, so he put down the farm tools and followed Pan Yu into the woods.

He had a headache and was helpless, "Comrade Pan, I thought I had made it clear to you last time."

Pan Yu's eyes suddenly became wet, "Why haven't you asked a matchmaker for so long to come to my parents and tell me, I only want you, and we will definitely make life more prosperous when we live together. A good piece of land, life will not be so poor in the future, and now go ask my parents, we may not fail... Why are you... "

"I understand you, and you also understand me. We are the right people."

Where has He Songbai encountered such a straightforward "marriage proposal".

Even his beloved object had never said so boldly as to be his wife.

He Songbai fell into a terrifying calm, he could even say hurtful words with a blank face, his thin lips opened and closed, and the knife clearly fell.

After finishing the call, the girl's face suddenly turned pale, the expectation in her eyes was completely shattered, and she turned her head and fled in despair.

He Songbai breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly felt relaxed.

However, when he turned his eyes, his eyes landed somewhere, and his temples began to throb in pain.

His belated object was staring at him with a smile not far away.

He Songbai coughed violently, his heart panicked and he felt that he had done nothing wrong, but at this moment, he had a subtle feeling of being caught and raped.

He hesitated, and finally, seeing that she seemed very angry, he chased after her.

He Songbai is tall and has long legs. He pulls his legs up to chase people in three steps and two steps. How can Zhao Lanxiang outrun him

Soon she was caught up.

He Songbai blushed, panting slightly and said, "Why are you running?"

Zhao Lanxiang pushed away the man who was standing in front of him, and said sarcastically, "I think you didn't come last night, so it turned out to be a change of partner?"

"I take the initiative to send it to your mouth, you must be very proud of it."

When He Songbai heard this, he felt that he couldn't speak clearly, and his head hurt as if he had been cracked.

Where has he encountered such a posture, he explained awkwardly: "I didn't change objects."

"Not happy either."

Zhao Lanxiang continued: "It's just me who came up and humiliated you."

He Songbai listened, the rosy lips faded in an instant, pursed tightly and trembling so much that he could not speak.

Zhao Lanxiang fixedly looked at the honest man and sighed: "Forget it, I'm going back. Fan... Fan, you—"

Suddenly she was hugged tightly by him.

Zhao Lanxiang pushed the man in front of him hard, his body was hot, heavy and tense.

He Songbai felt helpless and had a headache, and hugged the object of his anger.

"I know you're angry about what happened yesterday, but it's the same thing. I never did anything wrong to you just now."

Zhao Lanxiang was a little angry that she waited for him all night last night, but he didn't come.

She knew that maybe he didn't negotiate with Pan Yu beyond normal just now, but seeing them coming out of the woods one after the other, she couldn't help but feel angry.

This rambunctious man!

Zhao Lanxiang felt the tight stiffness under his young body, and he hugged her so hard. The man's unprecedented "initiative" made her angry slightly.

She beat him several times, "If they let you go into the woods, just go obediently. Yesterday I told you to go and you were still awkward."

"Who is your target?"

"You are." He Songbai said helplessly.

Zhao Lanxiang was hugged tightly by him, her chin pressed against his shoulder, she said unsatisfactorily: "Why do I think she is more like? I tell you, it's not that I don't trust you, you count your bad deeds. "

"I heard Jiazhen say that you went through the cornfields with her, tsk tsk tsk... You can endure you, and you even drilled into the cornfields! Kiss you, the real object of mine, you can run faster than a rabbit."

He Songbai felt so aggrieved that he couldn't speak. He felt uncomfortable with his hunched waist, so he hugged the subject and whispered in her ear, "This is just a rumor."

"I just made it clear to her and told her not to come to me again."

Zhao Lanxiang gave a suspicious "um", and the ending sounded upward, extremely dissatisfied.

He Songbai said vaguely again hesitantly: "I am so innocent that I have nothing to do with her at all. Don't listen to the rumors. Seeing is believing."

Zhao Lanxiang was still not satisfied enough, she said, "But my 'seeing' is that you don't have me in your heart at all, otherwise you wouldn't take the initiative to get close to me?"

He Songbai was choked to the point of being speechless, and after a while he said helplessly, "Silly lady."

"If I take the initiative to get close to you, you will not be able to bear it."

Zhao Lanxiang heard the words, her eyes suddenly flashed, and her heart was scorching hot, she said eagerly, "Try to see if I can stand it?"

She put her arms around his neck and looked at him with clear eyes. Those sly and bright eyes were like stars falling into the black sea, and they were scorchingly bright.

He Songbai let go of his hand, touched her head helplessly and shook his head. Zhao Lanxiang glared at him fiercely, looking at each other, and after a long silence...

The man suddenly covered the back of her head and kissed her fiercely and hard.

He held her in his arms, and his hard chest squeezed her soft body, so that all the sweetness she had left came into his mouth. He was like a traveler who had been thirsty for days in the desert, tired and restless, squeezing her sweetness with all his might.

He is like a hungry and ferocious wolf, who can never get enough to feed or eat. The overwhelming aura seemed to eat her whole.

Zhao Lanxiang's mouth hurt from his kiss, it was swollen...

She whimpered in discomfort, and began to struggle indistinctly. But it was undeniable that the man's ruthless and hungry attitude greatly pleased her, burning her whole heart to the point where it was almost hot enough to iron an iron.

No, as expected... He's a young and enhanced version of an old man, ahem, ahem.

Zhao Lanxiang was satisfied and pushed him impatiently.

The aggression in He Songbai's dark eyes only diminished slightly. He left her lips and licked it with his tongue.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry."

Zhao Lanxiang couldn't even breathe, her face was covered with pink clouds, and her hair was messy on his shoulders. She didn't dislike his rudeness at all. Her whole body seemed to be lit with blood.

It took her a while to say: "I will kiss you in the future, and you will be like this today, and I will feel that you love me from the bottom of my heart!"

He Songbai couldn't help twitching the corners of his eyes. He touched the subject's swollen mouth with his rough thumb, and said helplessly, "Silly woman."

"Don't say anything like that again."

Those words would break the fragile and precarious rational string in his heart.

He Songbai pulled the man up, "Take care of your clothes yourself, it's messy, and so is your hair. I'm about to go to work, you go back obediently, and I'll accompany you to watch the night tonight."

Zhao Lanxiang hurriedly arranged her clothes, parted her hair and re-tied it into a fresh ponytail. She suddenly thought of He Songbai's lunch, patted her head and said, "You haven't eaten lunch, what are you doing!"

She turned her head and looked at the cold rice that had been knocked over on the ground.

The words "Let's go after eating" choked in his throat and couldn't spit out. Just now, I was just thinking about being distracted, how can I still care about He Songbai's lunch. Zhao Lanxiang was a little ashamed, and was about to say that he would go home and repack it for him to eat.

He Songbai carelessly picked up the rice that had been splattered on the ground, used chopsticks to pick out the part that was stained with sand, and ate the meal with big mouthfuls.

The author has something to say: write a part first, to relieve your cravings~

There is one more thing I will continue to write~~~

You may want to say: The heroine is really stinky. Rogue!

The content behind is completed, everyone go to sleep, good night.

Small theatre tonight:

Q: Why does the heroine have to arrange her own clothes every time

Bakugo: Thank you.

Because I can't control my hands, I feel it myself :)