Ban All Singles

Chapter 10


Given that Feng Ting has always been such a taciturn character, the two sides basically didn't gossip too much except for the necessary communication on weekdays, so Wen Qiuxing didn't realize that there was anything wrong with him.

What's more, this kind of thing happened today, no one is in the mood to do that kind of thing.

Naturally, he fell asleep when he got home.

Until the sun was setting and the sun was setting, the young man who woke up full of energy lifted his sleep-stained face and kicked the man beside him: "Will, do you eat after eating or do you do it after eating?"

This is shameless enough to ask, he is indeed a rough man.

The man who had already woken up trembled from the young man's teasing, but lay there motionless and did not say a word: "..."

Thinking that Will hadn't woken up yet, Wen Qiuxing quickly raised his foot again, and magically ticked the other side's unspeakable place: "Brother, wake up."

Almost at the same time, a strong hand grasped Wen Qiuxing's treacherous ankle, held it patiently for a few seconds, and finally put it back carefully on the side of the bed.

Then Feng Ting's slightly hoarse and mature male voice sounded in the room: "You're hungry."

This is the meaning of cooking after eating, Wen Qiuxing easily got it, and agreed with no exception: "Okay, then let's eat first."

Sure enough, I feel good when I'm full of sleep!

Even the thought of making a human with Will in a while is not rejected!

During this period, Wen Qiuxing turned over and got out of bed, and went outside to pour a glass of water.

The young man with disheveled hair was holding a water glass while drinking water, while standing in the living room with a remote control and frequently changing channels. The faint blue light emitted from the light screen reflected on his delicate face, making him look very attractive.

Especially wearing soft and comfortable home clothes, and because of his rough temper, he didn't care about the mermaid line leaking from his exposed half of his shoulders and too low trousers.

"Tsk tsk, why is it all news broadcasts?" Wen Qiuxing said unhappy, then threw the remote control, took off his shirt and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

He didn't know that the man who lived with him was always staring at him silently, and there was an indescribable loneliness in his eyes.

"Damn..." Wen Qiuxing stood under the shower to wash his body, and while washing, he suddenly thought, it can't be an oolong that he is the third gender, right

Obviously he looks like a normal pure man on the outside.

If you make a mistake, let alone three months of bed sheets, you won't be able to conceive after three years!

The young man with a beating heart quickly called up the light screen and searched online. Will the hospital mistake the gender of the newborn

As a result, Wen Qiuxing saw that there were some cases where the hospital mistook the sex of the newborn...

But the chances are very small, he should not be the lucky one who was mistaken for the blind cat and the dead mouse.

The young man who came up with a whim put away the light screen resentfully and continued to take a bath.

Rather than praying for a miracle from the heavens, it would be more practical to have a full meal and have Wildo roll the sheets twice.

As the other party said, maybe today is a good day.

When Wen Qiuxing had this idea in his head, he laughed at himself, heh, I am really a civet cat with super adaptability like Xiaoqiang.

Fortunately, he didn't actually hate Will.

After all, Will is so honest and honest, if I have to add one more sentence, he has a good job.

The young man covered in moisture, wearing a towel to wipe his hair, staggered out of the bathroom door.

Moisturized by warm water, the fair skin was exposed to the air carelessly, unreservedly showing their delicacy and smoothness to the men living together.

It can be said that Wen Qiuxing's personality is really completely different from his thin skin and tender flesh, and they are very different.

Together, they really have such a cute and strange attraction.

Just like in his previous life, he had an extremely neutral face, and his waist was so thin that it could break if the wind blows, but he was the number one person who fought and caused trouble...

Today's heroes don't mention the courage of the past. People under the eaves have to bow their heads. Young people don't work hard. Society teaches people to behave.

In short, when you are older and mature, don't always think of yourself as the hero.

It's time to pan, it's time to squat.

What's more, Wen Qiuxing didn't become a dragon or a tiger at his peak, at most he was the little boss of their crappy school.

After only one semester, he was told by his grandma to study hard. Since then, he has washed his hands in the golden basin, which seems to have been said before.


Anyway, at that time Wen Qiuxing would never have imagined that one day he would be tortured, oh no, he would be tortured over and over again.

"Dinner is here?" He lazily walked over and sat opposite Feng Ting.

"Huh?" Wen Qiuxing saw a table of overly sumptuous dinners, all of which he liked, so he made a surprised voice: "This dish..."

Didn't he and Will go to the restaurant for dinner that night

This is very strange, Wen Qiuxing thought that he would not taste these bloody expensive dishes in a short time, but he didn't expect someone to buy them back without saying a word.

"You..." Wen Qiuxing thought for a while, then cast a meaningful glance at the serious man, and said, "I have a heart."

At this moment, the man sitting on the chair was silent and dignified, and only when he heard Wen Qiuxing's praise did he return his gaze with a smile.

This calm appearance made Wen Qiuxing feel that the other party had a sense of abstinence rushing towards his face, which was extremely unscientific.

Isn't it, Will, he is abstinent, he is clearly a hungry wolf.

"Oh, there's still wine?" Wen Qiuxing swept the wine on the table.

"En." Feng Ting nodded, picked up the wine bottle, and poured him a glass.

"Why so suddenly?" Wen Qiuxing said.

I can't... Is it to get rid of bad luck

He snapped his tongue, aliens still believe this

"Why do you ask that?" Feng Ting also poured himself a glass: "These are all your favorite food, I should remember correctly."

That's right.

But Wen Qiuxing stared at the table, fidgeting, feeling a strange feeling in his heart.

He thinks... Today's meal is weird, and Will who invited him to dinner is even weirder.

How should I put it, it's a bit similar to the Hongmen Banquet, oh no, or... practice

But did he think too much? Didn't that fellow Will say that he will leave after more than a month

Wen Qiuxing couldn't figure it out, and looked at Feng Ting with proving eyes.

Feng Ting saw the little friend's reaction in his eyes, and thought in a daze, the other party is still so sensitive that it is surprising.

But in fact, he planned to finish the meal happily, and then talk about business with Wen Qiuxing.

"What's the matter, don't you like it?" Feng Ting smiled, raised his wine glass and carefully invited the young man who was still his little friend to have a drink together.

"No." Wen Qiuxing shook his head, shook off those weird feelings, returned to his usual appearance, and raised his glass to clink with the other party: "Okay, I hope we will go smoothly and our wish will come true."

Then he brought it to his mouth and took a sip!

Very bold and unrestrained.

Feng Ting was taken aback by seeing this drinking method that he had never seen before. After being surprised, he took it for granted. If this young man was ordinary and looked like most people, he would not miss it.

It's just that the delicate and small sprouts that have just been born were born at the wrong time, and they withered before they could thrive.

"Well, I got my wish..." Feng Ting agreed, and also drank the wine in the glass.

But I feel that the wine tonight is not as sweet as that night.

"I'm starting it." Wen Qiuxing said, the delicious food on the table had already attracted his attention.

It wasn't until he was three or four minutes full that he realized that Will seemed to have a loss of appetite: "What's wrong with you?" He said while eating, "Is it because you are still thinking about today's things?"

Although, Wen Qiuxing felt that an adult man should not have such a poor mental capacity, but he could understand that everyone has their own weaknesses, and I am the world is the worst thought.

"It's okay." Feng Ting shook his head at him.

"Oh...then I'll continue eating." Wen Qiuxing said, complaining about Will's fuss in his heart, while showing concern in his eyes, and looking at the other party from time to time.

After the meal, each drank two more glasses of wine.

It's not that he said, the atmosphere tonight is really inexplicably fucked up, and it's just very unpleasant for some reason.

Maybe it's because there are some jabbering things that men can't say.

And Wen Qiuxing was always one, one, two, two, he knew that he was stupid and couldn't say comforting words, so he kept his mouth shut to save the bb's effort, and directly did it.

I saw him standing up suddenly, holding the red wine glass in one hand, raising his foot to sit on Feng Ting, hooking him with the other hand, and leaning towards him with his breath full of alcohol...

He remembered that Will liked to kiss him.

"Do you like it this way?" The young man's deliberately lowered voice came to his ears like a melodious voice.

When the other party approached, Feng Ting's mind went blank, and then he lost his mind after being kissed.


After ten minutes of drowning sweetness...

"How is it? Is this better?" Wen Qiuxing pressed Feng Ting's forehead and asked condescendingly.

Being so tenderly comforted by the rebellious young man, Feng Ting only felt that he had lost his breath, and also lost his life-supporting heartbeat.

He stretched out his hand and answered this question with a suffocating hug. At the same time, he closed his eyes that were too revealing, and buried his face deeply into Wen Qiuxing's neck, tightly.

"You..." Feng Ting's heart was beating wildly, wanting to ask the young man who showed his kindness to him, if he also liked him a little bit.

"Huh?" Wen Qiuxing hummed.

"No." Feng Ting thought for a while, and decided to keep a fantasy for himself.

He took a deep breath, picked up the young man who put away the thorns all over his body and deliberately comforted him, and put him on the sofa.

Yo... Wen Qiuxing raised his eyebrows, what's the matter, could it be that the place of work today is the sofa

That's a good idea, try another trick.

However, in the next second, the other party let him go, stood one meter away from him, and unexpectedly lowered down on one knee.

"What are you doing?" Wen Qiuxing really couldn't understand.

Generally, when a man kneels on one knee, he only thinks of a marriage proposal.

This greasy and terrifying association made Wen Qiuxing laugh out loud.

But he didn't say anything, just lay there quietly waiting for Will's coquettish operation.

Feng Ting knelt down on one knee, not to propose marriage, but just to look at Wen Qiuxing at the same level, or even look up.

This kind of angle told Wen Qiu to wake up... very fresh and fun.

"Smell." After a while he heard Will say, "There's something I need to tell you."

Hearing such a serious tone, Wen Qiuxing's heart skipped a beat.

"What's the matter?" He didn't show his face, just asked.

"I said I hope you don't get angry." Feng Ting said.

"Then don't say it, I'm afraid it's too disgusting to me." Wen Qiuxing raised his foot to warn, as if you dare to disgust me, and I will kick you in the face.

Meaning, if Will was going to share the affair with him, sorry, he'd rather not listen.

Feng Ting was stunned, this little guy's personality is too unique...

But the point is to say: "...I have other ways to keep you here without getting pregnant...and without going to the wasteland."

"What?" Wen Qiuxing still looked lazy.

"Use the rights I have." Feng Ting said, his voice full of sarcasm.

"What?" Wen Qiuxing had just had a full meal, and the rotation speed in his brain was slow.

"I'll go back tomorrow. If there are no accidents, you will receive the news of the freedom of marriage in two days." Feng Ting finished speaking in one breath, with a calm to numb expression on his face.

"Are you fooling me?" Wen Qiuxing said, "Who doesn't know that the marriage has to last for one year before they can file for divorce."

Even if Will's family has a backer, they can't do this, he checked.

Wait... Could it be that Will's family really has a backstage


Wen Qiuxing sat up straight from the sofa, and stepped on Feng Ting's shoulder: "What did you just say? Go back? Where?"

"Go back... home." Feng Ting thought, Wangcheng must be his home.

Although it was deserted there.

"What are you talking about?" Wen Qiuxing was dumbfounded.

He looked at Feng Ting with shocked eyes for a long time.

What kind of luck is it for him to get married so casually that he meets the rich second generation, oh no, he is the second generation of power.

In short, he accepts this probability.

But should he be happy

Isn't it obvious that Will is experiencing life? Now that he is tired of playing, he pats his ass and goes back to be a noble son.

"Tsk, it's really you." Wen Qiuxing said in a low voice.

I have already played the opponent's lawsuit clearly and thoroughly in my heart.

All that's left is a cold heart.

Very cool.

Feng Ting couldn't figure out what the little friend was thinking, anyway, he had made up his mind now: "All my credit points, and the house will be left to you."

"No need." Wen Qiuxing said with a cold face, "Since we are divorced, I will return everything to you."

"It's not a divorce..." Feng Ting blurted out.

"What is that?" Wen Qiuxing didn't hide his bad mouth at all: "Could it be widowed?"

At this time, Feng Ting was also stunned and moved his mouth, but he really didn't have the talent to lie.


When he encountered something he didn't want to say, he would just keep silent.

"I'm going to your can't be true, right?" Wen Qiuxing grabbed Feng Ting's collar and asked nervously.

"..." Feng Ting didn't say yes or no, but his expression was obvious.

"What are you thinking? Are you stupid!" Wen Qiuxing said loudly, shaking the man with a hole in his head vigorously.

"No." Feng Ting held the hand on the collar: "I can only tell you, I won't die..." Maybe: "But that's all, smell."

"That's all?" Wen Qiuxing was stunned.

He understands this sentence, and the translation in Chinese means that you, an asshole, are not qualified to know the truth.

"I'll fuck you!" Wen Qiuxing picked up the pillow and threw it at Feng Ting.

The eyes of the man who was hit in the face dropped slightly, as if being stabbed by thousands of needles.

But he didn't say anything, looking calm.

This is also what Wen Qiuxing has always hated him the most.

Pretend to be cool and noble.

"What was it before that?" Wen Qiuxing said, "Is going to Lao Tzu fun? Will?"

After a while, he clicked his tongue mockingly again: "Don't even Will be a fake name?"

Not to mention, according to the routines that Wen Qiuxing has been exposed to, it's really fucking possible that it's a pseudonym.

That would be even more ridiculous, his chest was so hot that he wanted to hit someone.

Feng Ting sat there on his knees, not daring to look Wen Qiuxing directly in the eyes, not because he didn't want to take the blame, but because he was afraid that he would waver in his determination and wanted to stay.

Not speaking is tantamount to acquiescing.

very nice.

"You lied to me about everything! You look like a dick, don't you?!" Wen Qiuxing yelled suddenly, and then kicked Feng Ting angrily.

Then he kept flipping off the sofa with bare feet, grabbed his shoes and rushed to the door.