Ban All Singles

Chapter 12


After a few short minutes like this, Wen Qiuxing finally realized how much trouble he had caused himself.

"Hey..." He sat up and shouted, "Will, what are you doing?"

The other party said a word: "You."

Returning to Feng Ting next to Wen Qiuxing, he was still the same person, but his whole aura had changed.

"Uh, what?" Wen Qiuxing sat on the bed with his eyes wide open, dumbfounded, since when did this person learn to be full of flirty words

And Feng Ting didn't answer, he was doing what he wanted to do now wholeheartedly, if he didn't do it, he would explode and die.

"Wait..." Wen Qiuxing said.

But Feng Ting ignored it.

At this moment, it enveloped the past like a mountain, with a unique aura...

Wen Qiuxing finally felt scared, because this Will exuded a trembling aura in every move.

But the other party was still so gentle.

The kiss on the face was no different from the past, but it made Wen Qiuxing feel horrified, as if he was being stared at by a gentle beast, ready to tear him apart.

"Eh..." What kind of sand sculpture is this? !

And this feeling was... particularly obvious during the kiss, and he felt more and more clearly... Will's unusual possessiveness.

The young man who has always been sensitive to danger frowned subconsciously, and shivered all over, feeling very uncomfortable, or it could be said that he possessed an ominous premonition.

It's not that Will hasn't been actively engaging with him in the past, but it feels different...

To use a metaphor, it used to be a small fight, which belonged to the play between partners, so stop.

But now...the other party really let go from the heart...fuck him.

"I... exactly..." I dug myself a kind of sinkhole.

Wen Qiuxing had blood on his face, oh no, he questioned his soul with tears on his face.

"What on earth do you mean?" The young man's palm brushed against Feng Ting's arm. He wanted to find a place to put his strength, but unexpectedly encountered a strange touch.

He froze for a moment, then remembered that this was the wound he had bitten before, and the blood on it had scabbed over, so it was uneven.

"Huh?" Feng Ting's voice was still low, with a very honest texture, but at this time it was a little more depressed.

"I let you live according to your own will." Wen Qiuxing said, "But I don't want you to mess with me."

Feng Ting paused.

Feng Ting laughed softly: "My heart is..."

He personally delivered those two unfinished words to Wen Qiuxing's ears.

"Wori..." The young man with wet eyes closed his eyes with complicated emotions.

A very chaotic night.

When the east was pale, Wen Qiuxing's shoulders finally leaned firmly on the bedding where he could rest, instead of staying in mid-air and swaying helplessly.

Of course, the last time was from four o'clock in the morning, and I slept for about an hour before, which was crazy and depraved.

In the past, even when sleeping together, the Mr. Alien would not wrap his arms around him possessively.

Now, Wen Qiuxing looked haggardly at the arms that were lying across his body... bound him like iron bars.

"Wori..." He wanted to commit suicide!

Or kill the idiot Will!


What went wrong? Wasn't it the expected situation that Will was poured down by him with a dose of chicken soup, and then he became more and more convinced of his character!

Then the two men who admired each other cherished each other and conquered the stars and the sea together, didn't they!

So, what went wrong

Wen Qiuxing thought irritably, even if Will was a gay guy, he wouldn't like someone like him who has nothing to do with love and nonsense.

isn't it

After only waking up for a few minutes and thinking about these things, Wen Qiuxing fell asleep again in Feng Ting's arms.

Because he is really short of sleep, seriously short of sleep!

"..." Feng Ting finally opened his eyes, his sober eyes were deep and moving, full of starlight.

The man painted enough of the sleeping face of the young man with his gaze, then bowed his head and kissed lightly... the bony shoulder of the other party.

When Wen Qiuxing woke up again, it was already 3 o'clock in the afternoon, a time that was neither embarrassing nor embarrassing.

He immediately glanced to the side, it was empty.

Knowing that the man was not there, Wen Qiuxing couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

And he finally had the strength and spirit to climb out of the big bed that made him wobble when he walked.

"Hiss... I'll go..."

The soreness from the bone crevices spread all over the body, especially the legs... roots... and unspeakable positions.

Is the other party reincarnated as a hungry ghost

Wen Qiuxing couldn't help cursing, then leaned on the bathroom wall with both hands, accidentally turned his head to glance at himself in the glasses, and was so frightened by the embarrassing description that his legs gave way... almost fell to the ground.

As for Feng Ting, he appeared silently in front of the bathroom door.

Wen Qiuxing almost fainted when he saw his appearance!

Because this girl is wearing a neat white shirt and black trousers, she is meticulous from head to toe, and even her expression is well managed...

If he had to use a few words to describe him, Wen Qiuxing only thought of nobles, gentlemen, abstinence...


It's all bullshit, very bullshit.

"Smell..." Feng Ting's blue eyes were turbulent and rippled because of seeing the unexpected scenery in the bathroom.

"..." Wen Qiuxing immediately rolled his eyes.

I don't bother to swear because my throat is uncomfortable.

"I'll help you." Feng Ting rolled up his sleeves and walked over with long legs.

"You..." Wen Qiuxing asked, "What's the matter with you?" His voice was hoarse, and it seemed that his voice hadn't recovered recently.

"I'm sorry." Feng Ting moved gently, carried the miserable young man to the edge of the bathtub, and carefully placed it in, full of distress: "It's all my fault."

Then he lifted his trousers and knelt down indifferently, picked up the shower next to him, and turned on the two switches.

Wen Qiuxing could only feel warm water splashing under his feet, and the shower held by Will was also pouring a comfortable stream of water to soothe him.

"Eh..." Wen Qiuxing finally felt that he had come alive.

Then I asked, "Why are you dressed like this?"

Feng Ting, who took good care of his little friend, caressed the other's skin caressingly, and then replied: "I'm out for a while."

As she said that, she smiled lowly, using this method to cover up the unnaturalness: "Go and buy some medicine."

It's for children, Feng Ting doesn't want to use it for other people.

Thinking of Wen Qiuxing's current situation, Feng Ting revealed guilt: "Sorry for making you feel so uncomfortable."

Wen Qiuxing directly picked up a handful of water and splashed it on Feng Ting's face: "I'm sorry, if it's useful, what do you want the police to do?"

Feng Ting didn't mind this little prank at all, and even smiled warmly, letting the water splash from his face all the way to his snow-white shirt.

Hey, like a stupid dick among stupid dicks, Wen Qiuxing sighed when he saw it, and was too lazy to waste energy to find fault, so he said: "You give me a little bit."

"Okay." Feng Ting nodded.

With such a meticulous attitude, I spent more than half an hour with Wen Qiuxing.

Speaking of the shameful drug application, I couldn't bear it.

During this process, Wen Qiuxing had the idea of killing Will more than ten times.

However, the medicines of the interstellar era are really useful. Spray the bruise treatment spray on the skin and rub it, and soon you can see the mottled hickeys fade away at a flying speed.

But there were so many traces, almost all over his body, Wen Qiuxing didn't have the patience to wait for Will to rub his whole body, so he only dealt with a few prominent places, such as the neck.

It has to be said that Will served him carefully and tenderly, and at the same time he could feel that he was in a very good mood.

The blue eyes are always filled with a warm gleam today.

Wen Qiuxing didn't bother to scold people, and even cared: "I bit you yesterday, you should give yourself some medicine."

The man was slightly stunned, then turned his head to look at that arm, and said with a smile: "No need."

Well, it would be nice to leave a mark.

"That's up to you." Wen Qiuxing said.

After sleeping for almost a whole day, he sat on the sofa and drank hot corn juice, feeling comfortable and comfortable.

"I'm going to change a set of clothes." Feng Ting looked down at the shirt that was wet by the child, got up and went into the bedroom.

The man who took off his formal attire and put on home clothes is no longer as dignified and imposing as before.

But it is still very conspicuous and eye-catching.

It's no wonder that when he goes in and out of crowded places, he hides his brilliance with a dusty windbreaker.

After changing, Feng Ting sat next to Wen Qiuxing again, staying with his little friend.

I saw Wen Qiuxing sitting in the indulgent and unrestrained posture of young and old, eating and watching lively Star Wars movies at the same time.


The special effects movies of this era have grand scenes and realistic pictures. Even flat movies seem to make people feel immersive.

I heard that in the nutrition cabin, you can also experience the feeling of actually joining the movie scene. Just the sound makes people yearn for it.

It's a pity that a nutrition cabin is very expensive.

As far as Wen Qiuxing's current economic situation is concerned, he would rather save the money for milk powder.

... I have to say here that Wen came to this extremely strange interstellar era alone, and he was not at all hesitant in his heart.

Wrong, he was more than hesitant, he was simply lonely and cold.

I feel like my current life doesn't belong at all, and it doesn't feel real at all.

As a traveler of this world, Wen Qiuxing thinks that he still needs to establish a little bond with this world in order to live for a long time.

That's why a young man sacrifices entertainment and enjoyment, and tightens his belt to save money on milk powder.

Otherwise he will be finished sooner or later.

After all, everything is inseparable from money.

Mr. Alien hid information and went to the Colosseum for money, and also to accommodate his outer room, he understands.

"Then what..." Wen Qiuxing touched the man's knee with his own knee: "Give me back my money."

Feng Ting was taken aback for a moment, then turned on the terminal and began to operate, transferring all the money in the account to the child: "Well, I'll give you all the money."

Within a few seconds, Wen Qiuxing's account received a large amount of credit points, much more than what he had given to the other party before.

Well, Wen Qiuxing did not refuse, after all, the more money the better, the current point is just a drop in the bucket.

So he asked Will: "You have more experience than me, do you know any projects that can make money quickly?"

At this moment, they are like two veterans who are discussing a project, exchanging favorable information with each other.

It's just that Feng Ting shook his head and said no.

Wen Qiuxing curled his lips: "You can just talk nonsense. I know you have it, but you don't tell me."

He knew that he knew almost exactly what was going on in Will's mind, but Zuo just felt that he couldn't do anything.

Although it was true, Wen Qiuxing was not happy.

"Qiuqiu." Feng Ting suddenly called out.

"..." Wen Qiuxing almost fell off the sofa: "What are you calling me?"

"Qiuqiu." Feng Ting shouted again desperately.

"No, you should continue to call me by my last name!" He felt very disgusting!

"That's very unfamiliar." Feng Ting pursed his lips, and suddenly leaned over and kissed the little friend's forehead lightly: "We are partners, and I don't want to divorce you."

It's over, Wen Qiuxing thought to himself, this alien really fell in love with the earthlings.

"Will, are you really sleeping nine months of the year?" he asked.

The light in Feng Ting's originally warm eyes dimmed, and he nodded towards Wen Qiuxing: "... yes."

Few people can accept that their partner is not around for a long time, and he knows: "But as soon as I wake up... I will rush to you as soon as possible."

This promise...was so feeble that even Feng Ting himself couldn't convince himself.

"That's good."

Wen Qiuxing's brain circuit is like this, maintaining a marriage relationship with the other party can save a lot of taxes and fees.

It's not too late to end the marriage until the other party wants to marry someone else or you meet true love in a hell.

Therefore, Wen Qiuxing took measures to reserve opinions on what Will said that he did not want a divorce.

The man immersed in guilt was stunned: "Okay?" He had imagined what Wen Qiuxing might say countless times, but he never expected that the other party would readily accept it.

And at this moment, the other party actually answered him, that's good, this...

"I don't like you being too clingy, this is just right." Wen Qiuxing patted Will on the shoulder: "Just make enough money for me to spend."

This way everyone is happy.

Feng Ting: "..."

After being silent for a moment, Feng Ting moved his lips to refute his clinginess, but he couldn't find any strong evidence to prove it.

"Okay, don't babble, think about where you can make quick money." Wen Qiuxing said, after all, the other party only had more than a month.

If Will really left, it would be really inconvenient for him to stay alone in this unfamiliar place.

"Money is not the problem." The man pondered: "Getting you pregnant quickly is the problem..."

Wen Qiu woke up and burst a plastic cup containing corn juice in an instant.

Then he said coldly: "Aren't these two problems both of you?"

"..." Feng Ting fell silent dumbstruck.

There was an expression on his face that he didn't dare to say more, but his heart was already too cute.

He felt... the kid who was pretending to be ruthless in front of him was so cute that it exploded.

Next, Wen Qiuxing continued to watch the Star Wars drama that the local people were already tired of watching, while Feng Ting sat beside him to check the information.

"What are you looking at?" Wen Qiuxing was curious.

"Search for reliable energy stone mining bases." Feng Ting paused, and popularized science: "Do you know energy stones?"

Before Wen Qiuxing could answer, he said, "The energy stone contains special energy, which can be used in mechas and weapons. It is the most special and expensive kind of gemstone, so it is very rare."

Nowadays, several mines rich in energy stones are in the hands of the empire, so energy stones are almost equal to an industry monopolized by the empire.

After all, this thing can run weapons and mechs, which can become dangerous if it falls into the hands of private organizations.

But it doesn't mean that there are no privately traded energy stones on the market.

Except for one or two companies licensed by the empire to mine energy stones, energy stones actually account for the bulk of the transaction amount in the black market, and they can pay a large amount every year when they send people to clean them.

Although Feng Ting doesn't care about political affairs, he occasionally glances at him.

If making money in the Colosseum is just a small matter, then stepping into the business of energy stones is like fishing for fish in the sea. There is a chance to catch big fish, but there is also the possibility of overturning at any time.

Feng Ting also didn't want to take this risk, but apart from this line of business, he couldn't think of any other way to make a huge amount of money quickly.

Wen Qiuxing is not qualified to comment on these things in the interstellar land: "I don't understand, but if the risk is too high, I don't agree with you."

"Why?" Feng Ting got to the bottom of it.

"Because I don't want to be widowed." Wen replied quickly: "If you are gone, what will we do?"

Because of these words, Feng Ting couldn't help but look at Wen Qiuxing's stomach, which was still flat just after eating.

"Go! Not yet." Wen Qiuxing pushed Feng Ting's face away, full of unease.

After all, it was the first time a man gave birth to a child.

No matter how rough his personality is, he is not so rough that he doesn't care about it.