Ban All Singles

Chapter 40


Wen Qiuxing twitched the corners of his mouth, this style of painting was quite familiar, for a moment he thought he was opening a certain post.

Closer to home.

The main building of the broken post only said the word "anti-swallowing", and the surrounding interstellar netizens first had a self-orgasm.

Floor 123456 is full of booing. It is said that the people of the first main star are cautious and dignified, but in fact they are not. It is the nature of the people to love to watch the excitement.

The elder brother in Inner Mongolia has an impatient personality and has no patience to climb the stairs. Just click on the original poster to view the so-called deep pick.

The first sentence that came into view, the tiger landed on his knees and wished the two majesties a happy wedding. What I want to say next, if you think it’s okay, you can watch the fun, if you think it’s not, please treat me as a fart and let me go 555~

Seeing this, Wen Qiuxing's expression paused, a little subtle.

Building in Building 1: I thought it was a fighter when I saw the title, but I didn't expect it to be a licking dog

Building in Building 2: The above is from the external network, right? Tut tut! The host said as if the two majesties would see it, PS: I wish the two majesties a happy wedding, I am your most loyal citizen XXX!

Wen Qiuxing didn't look at more buildings in the building, so he just pulled it down. If the third landlord's speech still didn't make sense, he was going to abandon the building and leave.

Fortunately, the other party should have already edited, pasted and copied.

The first few sentences are quite satisfactory, popular science, his information background, age and origin, etc., it can be seen that he has done his homework and is quite detailed.

At first glance, people would think that this is an ordinary young man who is extremely ordinary. Nowadays, authors who write novels do not use this kind of character as the protagonist, because it is too ordinary, and it is not exciting to write.

This is the original words of the post.

Brother Inner Mongolia curled his lips, ordinary? Lao Tzu will be reborn through time travel and will give birth to children. It's not ordinary at all, okay

It just depends on the host's change of topic, audiences, but with such an unhappy character, Her Majesty the Queen has played the ending of the sweet heroine!

Wen·Tianwen heroine·Qiu Xing:? ?

I declare that you, the landlord, are cold, completely cold!

The host continued to beep: Her Majesty the 21-year-old Queen, who was born in poverty, was a poor boy who couldn't even pay the single tax before meeting His Majesty the King!

One well-known thing is that if you can't pay the tax, you will face being assigned by the state, so Her Majesty the Queen actually had a spouse before this.

It is known that the relationship between him and his spouse is not bad, if his spouse has not disappeared later, they should be together for a long time!

You read that right, Her Majesty's first consort disappeared later.

Imagine a newly married young man who is just pregnant with his spouse's child and is about to face the blow of his spouse's disappearance. How tragic is that

If it hadn't been for the help of our respected Highness Princess Kouyin who left him in Elliot Manor, I am afraid he would not have had the chance to meet his second spring—His Majesty the King.

Okay, I know the above paragraph is a huge amount of information, and it may take you a long time to digest it.

But the fact is that Her Majesty the Queen, who was disheartened at the time, fell in love at first sight with the handsome and stalwart His Majesty the King at Elliot Manor on a sunny afternoon in early winter...


Whole bullshit.

People on Earth saw the clues, who the hell paid someone to write a soft article

The whole romantic interstellar love story has nothing to do with reality.

Sitting behind the screen, the handsome star hunter, crossing his legs and inputting the end of the "interstellar romantic love story" by voice.

Originally, Star Hunter didn't want to take this job, because it would kill him if he didn't do it well.

But the employer gave him a lot of money and promised him no risk, so he wrote this post in Malaysia.

The content is true or false, it seems to be a revelation, but smart people can see that this is not a tearful post.

The old man from Inner Mongolia is not smart even if he is exhausted, but he has no doubts that this is not a marketing post.

It shows that this post is really poorly written.

"Just make it up." Wen Qiuxing snorted and laughed, ready to see how the netizens scolded the poster for being a marketing dog.

However, he was surprised to see that the interstellar people's posture of eating melons was a real feeling.

Not only did no one scold the landlord for being a marketing dog, but he also told the landlord to be careful about getting his head off. After all, the king has a bad reputation for entrusting the court, and if he angers the other party, his life may be in danger.

This is not possible, but certain.

Wen Qiuxing thought to himself, but 99.99% of this landlord will not be cold.

What is the specific reason, he has to ask to know.

"Dog." The young man with a face full of curiosity pushed Feng Ting: "Is the gun you are looking for the number one hot search?"

The awakened dog unconsciously rubbed his partner's hand before asking, "What gun?"

"Hot search." Wen Qiuxing said.

"I don't know." Feng Ting closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

"Pig." Wen Qiuxing touched the bridge of his nose and continued to look.

Due to the official announcement today, the whole star network is now swiping the news that His Majesty the King married a second-married young man with a child in a civilian area.

Netizen A: There is a Hong Kong saying that second marriage is not a problem! Origin is not a problem either! But it is too much for this Queen to marry into the royal family with someone else's baby!

Netizen B: There is a Hong Kong saying, second marriage is a problem, and birth is also a problem. There are so many outstanding handsome men and beautiful women in the whole empire, how can such a grassroots become a queen

Netizen C: There is a Hong Kong saying that His Majesty the King has not married for many years. Is it because the empire has no outstanding talents? no!

Netizen D: There is a Hong Kong saying that His Majesty the King has not married for many years. Is it because the empire has no outstanding talents? no!

The entire empire, and even the entire universe, are well known that the king of the first main star is bloodthirsty and brutal, and is not easy to serve.

As long as there are powerful nobles, no one will send their children to the palace as hob meat.

The remaining third-rate families who cling to power are not strong enough, and they have ulterior motives.

As long as the king is not stupid, he will not hand over the position of queen to such a thing.

It was a bit unexpected that a second-married man with a child was suddenly selected from a civilian area for a show operation.

Kuoneng is love.

In this regard, the public upholds the attitude that the youth in the civilian areas are out of luck, and the rest is fine.

I'm just worried about whether the baby in the queen's belly will grow up smoothly in the future.

Celebrity families with a slightly higher circle have a little more complicated emotions than the people who eat melons.

At the beginning, they really thought that His Majesty the King was a meat grinder, and their children were sent in as hob meat.

However, at this moment, seeing the grassroots queen rising all the way up is like being tied to a sky monkey, and the mood is complicated.

If I had known that this meat grinder was so good for my partner, I would have let it go.


After watching the young people in the morning, I summed up a few labels for myself: grassroots queen, second marriage with children, and burp at some point.

In this regard, the people on earth have no waves in their hearts.

I even ate two extra bowls of rice at noon.

The good mood continued until an unfamiliar communication number sent him a call request.

Wen Qiuxing didn't want to answer at first, but what if the other party really has something to do

"Hello." Wen Qiuxing answered the phone.

"Qiu Xing?" A slightly excited male voice came: "Are you Qiu Xing?"

Although Wen Qiuxing had the memory of the original owner, he really couldn't recognize who this was, so he asked, "I am, who are you?"

"I'm your father!" said the other side immediately.

"You made a mistake." Wen Qiuxing hung up the phone.

After a while, the same communication number came in.

Wen Qiuxing was a little annoyed.

The owner on the other end of the number is the original owner's father, he knows it, but he doesn't want to answer it.

I don't usually look for him, but now I want to know why I am looking for him with my toes.

"What do you want to say?" Wen Qiuxing still picked it up. In the original owner's memory, this father had no relationship with him, and even swallowed a lot of living expenses from his empire subsidy.

From the moment Wen Qiuxing hung up the phone, he already knew that Wen Qiuxing didn't want to see him, so he said directly with a shy face, "You're doing well now, and I know you don't want to recognize me as a father."

Wen Qiuxing listened to him patiently.

"So I'm not here to ask you to recognize me." The other end said: "You send me a sum of money, and I promise I won't find you in the future."

Wen Qiuxing was not surprised, he didn't even want to give this kind of person any emotion.

"What if I don't give it?"

The young man's voice stunned the man over there.

In his memory, this son is easy to deal with, even if he is wronged, he will only sulk himself.

The man thought for a while: "Why are you so stubborn?"

Wen Qiuxing thought to himself, I am stubborn on you, uncle, so let's go to you.

Then hung up the phone again.

By the way, it's done in one go.

About two minutes later, Wen Qiuxing received another call request from an unfamiliar number.

To be honest, he finds it annoying.

While hesitating, the page showed that the call was connected.

Wen Qiuxing was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized that the person who answered the call was His Majesty Sand Sculpture, who was associated with his terminal account, but that guy was tossing the mecha at the training ground, so how could he have time to take care of his mess.

"Who?" His Majesty's voice was a little unsteady, obviously just finished exercising, or was exercising.

"Eh..." The man who hit Qiufeng was stunned: "Where is Qiuxing?"

The king in the battle with the warriors completed a difficult move, his long legs paused in the air, Qiu Xing? Isn't it his Wen Qiuqiu: "Who are you and why do you want him?"

Wen Qiuxing was also idle, just holding a snack jar on the sofa and listening to the two of them arguing.

"I'm his father." The man who hit Qiufeng said, "Who are you?"

"His father?" Feng Ting frowned, remembering that Wen Qiuqiu seemed to have said that his parents treated him like this: "What do you want him for?"

Wen Qiuqiu interrupted: "He asked me for money."

The conversation between two people suddenly turned into a conversation between three people, and the most confused person was none other than Yuanshen's father.

"Want money?" Feng Ting said, "How much?"

Wen Qiuxing immediately threw away the food and sat up on the sofa: "Is there anything wrong with you? You will give it if you want it? Do I agree?"

The man playing Qiufeng said: "Not much, I only need 10 million credits."

"Shut up!" Wen Qiuxing exploded in anger, what kind of thick-skinned scumbag father is, and he said ten million: "You can give up, I won't give you a dime."

After finishing speaking, he warned His Majesty Sand Sculpture in a serious tone: "Your Majesty, you cannot give him money."

The man who hit the autumn wind: "..." The man who spoke to him is the one who is said to be able to cure children from crying at night... the king seals the court...

"Are you afraid that I won't be able to pay 10 million?" Feng Ting finally found an opportunity to spend money for Little Sweetheart, but he didn't think too much about it.

The partner's father is just a symbol to him.

"No." Wen Qiuxing kicked out the original owner's scumbag's communication number first, and the two remaining people talked on the phone: "I don't want to spend a penny for someone like him."

Feng Ting regretted not being able to spend money for the little sweetheart: "Okay." Then he nodded arrogantly: "If you need something, don't worry about my financial resources."

"Hmm." Wen Qiuxing said, "Isn't it true that you asked someone to write the number one most searched post?"

His stinky baby pursed his lips and said nothing.

"It's not fair." Wen Qiuxing pointed out with reason: "Why do you know my every move, but I don't know when you contact others behind my back."

His Majesty: "..."

His Majesty: "I want to concentrate on practicing."

Wen Qiuxing: "You hang one up and try."

The blond man in the mecha immediately withdrew the hang up command that was about to blurt out.

"Give me the permission." Wen Qiuxing said.

"Isn't it going?" said His Majesty the King.

"No." The earth youth whispered: "Go now, or you will be killed if you don't."

His Majesty the King was fighting. Hearing this, he thumped the mech he was fighting with, and then reluctantly responded: "Mmm..."

After three seconds, the king's personal terminal fully opened its authority to Wen Qiuxing.

"Very good." Wen Qiuxing only wanted an attitude, even if he took over full authority, he didn't rush to explore the other party's privacy.

"No more training." Feng Ting showed up at the training ground on time every day, rain or shine, to exercise his physical fitness, fighter planes, and mechs.

Sometimes Wen Qiuxing would go over to accompany him, but sometimes she really didn't want to go.

For example, if he didn't go today, Feng Ting didn't want to stay longer.

"How long have you been practicing?" Wen Qiuxing found out that he always cut corners when he didn't go.

"One and a half hours." Feng Ting replied.

"You think I'm stupid?" Wen Qiuxing looked at the time: "1:30 to 2:20, it's an hour and a half. Was your math taught by your physical education teacher?"

"You don't want me to go back?" Feng Ting withdrew his left foot that was immediately on the ground.

"Your Chinese was also taught by the physical education teacher, right?" Wen Qiuxing said, "When did I say that I would not let you come back? I was just stating the facts objectively."

There was silence.

"Okay, okay, I miss you so much, come back soon." The elder brother of Inner Mongolia was impressed by this frightening emperor of the empire.

Only then did Feng Ting get off the mecha, and hurried away under everyone's cautious eyes.

Knowing that the other party was a little awkward, Wen Qiuxing wanted to coax the other party more or less, it was not out of desire to survive, he really didn't care about that stuff.

To put it bluntly, he is willing to coax him patiently only because he has feelings for Feng Ting.

Otherwise, he wouldn't bother to care.

So Wen Qiuxing got up, went into the bathroom and filled a jar of water.

Then take off your clothes.

Feng Ting rushed back, but didn't see the person he wanted to see immediately, he frowned and pushed open the bathroom door.

Suddenly, a faint mist of water rushed towards him, disturbing his sight.

A moment later, a slender shadow loomed in the mist.

"Come here." Wen Qiuxing saw the tall figure at the door, and greeted him while lying in the bathtub.

Hearing this sound, Feng Ting immediately relaxed all the tense muscles on his body.

"Hmm..." The man with an overly deep voice unbuttoned his neckline with his heart beating fast, and let out a sigh of relief.

Only then did he walk towards the young man who summoned him.

Usually, the royal couple do not take a bath together.

Lying in the bathtub together has never been done before!

So the king stopped moving when he walked to the bathtub, and asked condescendingly, "What's the matter?"

Wen Qiuxing was taken aback by the question, and suddenly realized that the other party was still an old virgin before meeting him, and he still had such a charming personality, there was no concept of a mandarin duck bath in his life, right

"Come in." He hooked his fingers.

The young man soaked in hot water has a handsome body, fair skin, and the corners of his eyes are red from the heat.

The king rolled his Adam's apple: "What?"

The young man stepped aside, a kind of silent invitation.

"Wait a moment." The arrogant king accepted this kind of invitation for the first time, and his fingers were a little out of rhythm.

Soon after, the hot water opened every pore on his body, making him feel that this is the life that human beings should enjoy.

"Kiss?" His Majesty quietly fixed his eyes on the young man's lips.

"Do you want to?" Wen Qiuxing flirts with men every day.

"Yeah." Feng Ting didn't mind being slipped away at this time, and he was even active.

"Then come." The young man said.

Feng Ting leaned towards him.

It didn't take long before Wen Qiuxing turned against the guest and kissed her satisfied.

"Smelly baby." Wen Qiuxing teased him.

"..." The blond fallen angel with both evil and milk looked expectant.

"Stinky dog." The young man teased again.

"Then what are you?" Feng Ting leaned close to his partner's ear and called sweetheart in his heart.

"I'm your father." Wen Qiuxing smiled softly.

"..." Feng Ting was very puzzled, why was Little Sweetheart so keen on being his father

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this." Wen Qiuxing ended the topic, kissed His Majesty Sand Sculpture, and whispered: "How about discussing something with you?"

Feng Ting nodded: "You say."

Wen Qiuxing put what he wanted to say into his ears, and poked: "Can you?"

His Majesty's expression was brilliant, and he shook his head for a long time.

But the youth of the earth can see that this guy's rejection is not firm! Just saving face!

"Alright then." Wen Qiuxing really just wanted to tease him.

Speaking of which, he'd only done that to Will.

Shake your head.

I accidentally thought of Will again.

As the relationship with His Majesty Sand Sculpture became deeper and deeper, even though he knew that the two of them were alone and became like this only because of illness, Wen Qiuxing still felt a little uncomfortable.

If only the man recovered from his illness.

Thinking of this, the other party's lips came closer, and Wen Qiuxing responded quickly without distracting his attention.

"Come on, let's go outside." A few minutes later, the earth youth said while grabbing His Majesty's blond hair.

"Okay." The blond man's voice whispered from his lips.

The young man leaned in his heart, feeling that the voice was so sexy that his head almost fell off...

And different from the composure that Will is used to, His Majesty the Sand Sculpture is more pretentious, and every word is gorgeous.

Call him stinky baby!

It really deserves its name.

Because of the intimacy with Feng Ting, Wen Qiuxing temporarily forgot the troubles that had been troubling him, and spent the whole afternoon happily.

The smoothness of the process can only be described as depravity.

When he woke up, night fell and the lights came on.

The young man sat up lazily, scratched his fluffy hair, and found that the man who had sex with him in the afternoon was not there. Maybe he was called to a meeting again. The problem comes out.

Wen Qiuxing didn't know how long Feng Ting had been away, and he was a little worried that the other party had been in a meeting for too long, and the headache was unbearable.

Just as I was about to send a message to say hello, I saw a message from the associated account.

Wen Qiuxing was indeed a little curious, who usually contacted Feng Ting.

So his finger hesitated in the air, and then he clicked in. After all, Feng Ting always reads his account, and even accepts his communications... everything should be fair, right

You look at me and I look at you as king.

After a while, the interface switched to the account of His Majesty Sand Sculpture.

Wen Qiuxing moved his fingers to open the latest news received.

—Mr. F, Wen XX, whom you asked me to pay close attention to, seems ready to move and wants to use the power of public opinion for his own benefit. Now he is looking for someone to help him write materials.

Wen XX

Wen Qiuxing raised his eyebrows, isn't that the original owner's father

Why is Feng Ting following him

Just as he was thinking, the second message came in.

—About the last mission, I have a friend who is good at tracking and assassinating, maybe he can help. I wonder if you still need it



Wen Qiuxing felt that these words were so eye-catching, it aroused his physical disgust every minute.

However, these words appeared on the notorious Feng Ting, and it seems reasonable...

— Ask him to contact me.

When Wen Qiuxing was in a daze, Feng Ting replied.


Seeing this, Wen Qiuxing immediately scrolled up the records.

As arrogant as Feng Ting, he didn't even bother to delete the records, so he still kept records of all the tasks he gave to the Star Hunters before.

When Wen Qiuxing saw that Feng Ting hired someone to arrest Will, he was a little dazed.


Even though he had known for a long time that Feng Ting's rumors were not groundless, but real facts, he was still full of shock when he directly saw the other party giving such an order, and a layer of chills stood up all over his body.

Feng Ting is really not as beautiful as you see, Wen Qiuxing clenched his fist and said to himself.

As for why Feng Ting ordered Will to be killed, it was very simple, because Will was his former partner.

Will's existence made the king unhappy, so Will had to die.

In other words, if Feng Ting knew that Will was his other personality, he would not hesitate to find a way to kill Will, right

Wen Qiuxing broke out in a cold sweat from the shock of his brain.

That won't work.

But how to do it, he doesn't know yet.

While Wen Qiuxing was in a daze, Feng Ting gave an order to the person hired by him to continue picking up the original family of Her Majesty the Queen in the previous popular posts.

—Okay, this trick does work.

That person returns.

Damn, it's true that love desires its life, and evil desires its death.

Brother Inner Mongolia was very upset.

It cannot be denied that Feng Ting really thought a lot about him, otherwise Feng Ting would not bother to deal with a scum like the original owner's father.

All the effort now is to protect his reputation, he knows.

A tyrannical king who doesn't even care about his own reputation, but goes out of his way to protect his partner's reputation, this is either brain twitch or true love.

Wen Qiuxing's balance, which had just swayed, inevitably returned slightly to His Majesty Sha Sculpture's side.

"Damn." Earthlings felt a headache.

Others fall in love smoothly, why does he fall in love with swords and swords.

After quitting Fengting's personal terminal, Wen Qiuxing used his own account to send a message to the other party: "When will the meeting be over?"

Feng Ting replied quickly: "It's not a meeting."

Wen Qiuxing asked, "What is that?"

Feng Ting replied: "On another planet."

"What are you doing?" the young man asked.

"Deal." His Majesty the King cherishes words like gold today.

"Oh." The young man said indifferently.

This is not good in the era of advanced technology. When you wake up, your man will flee to another planet.

"I'll go back soon." This was the last message Feng Ting gave him.

Recently, the other six regimes in the entire universe know that a subsidiary star of the first main star has been attacked.

This is strange news.

Only the tyrant of the first main star has ever sent troops to occupy other planets, but this is the first time that a planet under the jurisdiction of the first main star has been attacked.

Hearing that it was an uncivilized intelligent alien creature, everyone immediately felt that it was reasonable.

In this entire universe, apart from stupid and aggressive alien creatures, who else dares to provoke the behemoth of the first main star.

The item that Feng Ting personally went out to trade this time is a rare nuclear weapon raw material, which is very dangerous and precious.

To bring this kind of thing back to the first main star for synthesis, the process cannot be missed.

Otherwise, if the raw materials are robbed or leaked, irreversible losses will be caused.

If there is a leak in someone else's territory, that's all. No matter how many people die, they will not get the mercy of the king of the first star.

However, the raw materials have to be sent back to the first main planet, where there are people he cares about.

Except for himself, Feng Ting is worried about no one.

Not long after he and Wen Qiuqiu exchanged information, the transaction was successfully completed.

The other party invited them to entertain, but Feng Ting refused without hesitation.

"Your Majesty." On the way back to the airship, the accompanying adjutant Morris suggested to His Majesty anxiously: "The star shining stone of planet R is famous in the universe. I wonder if Her Majesty the Queen will like it?"

The blond man's footsteps paused: "Then go and have a look."

So His Majesty carried a box of nuclear weapons raw materials that could destroy a planet, and took his adjutants and soldiers for a walk.

Gai has everything, a wide variety of products, and a very lively atmosphere.

Let Feng Ting regret that Little Sweetheart was still sleeping when he left, otherwise it wouldn't be bad to bring her over to have a look.

Their team, all imperial non-commissioned officers in neat military uniforms, firmly attracted the attention of the entire street as soon as they appeared.

Especially the blond man surrounded by non-commissioned officers, his stalwart body wrapped in military uniform, and his face so perfect as to descend from a god, made everyone forget to breathe.

The man standing in a Xingyaoshi shop choosing a Xingyaoshi bracelet, the look on his face when he was choosing a gift for his partner, made the hearts of the passers-by who were lucky enough to watch him burst, and they knew at a glance that this was something they would never get anyway. man.

After choosing the gift for the little sweetheart, Feng Ting left the Gemstone Street on Planet R with his people.

The airship did not fly directly back to the palace.

His Majesty the King personally sent the raw materials to the laboratory made of special materials before rushing back to his partner.

It was almost night by now.

It was very cold outside.

Wen Qiuxing had already finished dinner by himself, and was sitting on the sofa while reading current affairs news and thinking about things.

Seeing the man in military uniform and overcoat coming in with a cold air, he lazily raised his eyes, lowered his head and continued to look.

Feng Ting took off the coat on his shoulders, standing there a little unhappy, remembering the last time he came back like this, Wen Qiuqiu would come over to help him undress, kiss him on the mouth, and softly say you come back up.

Nothing tonight.

His Majesty the King is not happy.

The first reaction is to pout and think about what I did wrong.

Didn't you take Wen Qiuqiu with you when you left in the afternoon

Or is it that the information was not affectionate enough during the transaction

"What are you doing there?" Wen Qiuxing asked after seeing that Ya had stood still for a full minute.

His Majesty the King looked at him: "I will take you with me next time I go out."

The question is not answered.

The young man gave a dull 'oh', and then said, "Aren't you cold? Go take a shower, I have something to tell you."

"Okay." Feng Ting's eyes flashed.

Although he didn't know what Wen Qiuxing was going to tell him, a man who never knew what pressure was suddenly felt a little pressure in his heart.

It took Feng Ting more than ten minutes to take a quick shower, and immediately after he came out, his partner pointed to a place: "You sit there."

Feng Ting took a look, it was not by his partner's side.

The man with big trotters sat down next to the young man disobediently.

Wen Qiuxing: "..."

What's wrong with this

Then think about it and forget it, it's just a seat, and it doesn't affect his negotiation.

"Okay." Wen Qiuxing said, "I checked your account today and found that you hired someone to arrest my ex-partner. What do you say about this?"

Feng Ting raised his eyebrows: "The person hasn't been found yet."

Wen Qiuxing was furious immediately, wasn't he! If someone found you, you would have killed him, right

"Do you know that I feel chilled when you do this?" Wen Qiuxing clenched his fists and hung on his knees, enduring it very hard: "I don't want anyone to be hurt by you because of me."

But he knew that Feng Ting was bad in his bones, and he didn't care about other people's lives at all.

"Then I won't look for him anymore." Feng Ting's expression was also not good.

The partner who was still making out with him this afternoon, murdered him for another man in the blink of an eye.

The atmosphere fell silent.

It's not that Wen Qiuxing didn't have anything to say, he was so suffocated that he couldn't say it: "I like you very much."

The sudden confession made His Majesty very confused, but he nodded happily and said, "I know."

It was this person who chased him first.

Hmph, if you think about it this way, you won't be so angry.

"..." Wen Qiuxing gritted his teeth, feeling that the situation was really fucked up, two people who obviously liked each other, why did they both hide their little secrets, and no one told the other

The truth is, it's not that he didn't want to say it, but he really didn't dare to say it.

At present, the only way is to fool the other party to speak first.

"Is there any secret you haven't told me?" Wen Qiuxing asked.

"What secret?" Feng Ting asked back.

"How do I know this?" The irritable old man couldn't bear the suffering, and wanted to jump every minute: "Do you have any secrets that you don't know?"

Feng Ting raised his noble chin in another direction: "How do you know that I have a secret?"

How could this idiot be so smart at this time!

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

"The words are flickering, talk about him from left to right," Wen Qiuxing stood up from the sofa, stepped on the sofa, and pointed to the blond man's nose: "You just have it!"

Feng Ting slapped his eyelashes and crossed his arms: "I think you have it too."

Wen Qiuxing almost vomited blood, talking about why two people who love each other hurt each other!

But this is not the time to be sad. He calmed down and gritted his teeth: "My heart is so tired, I feel like you don't love me at all."

Facing Little Sweetheart's sudden accusation, the emperor of the empire finally looked directly at the other party, somewhat angry in his gray-blue eyes.

Seems hurt by the accusation.

"Just say what you want!" The young man put his hips on his hips: "Don't look at me with such white lotus eyes!"

He doesn't eat this set!

"Hmph." The sad man stared for a long time and choked out a sentence: "Each to each other."

Wen Qiu was stunned, and after thinking for a long time, he finally understood what she meant!

Wen Qiuxing was really tired this time.

Oh my god, a thunderbolt struck him, oh no, struck this dog man!

"Let me take it easy." The earth youth took a sip of water, his complexion improved a little, but his chest was still heaving up and down, and he was emotional: "Since you think I don't love you, and I don't think you love me, then let's break up." .”

The blond man sat there, unresponsive.

But if you look closely, the knuckles of his hands are white, obviously not without emotion.

Wen Qiuxing really had this plan. If he really cut it and made it messy, he really didn't want to do it anymore. He couldn't stand this tangled relationship.

It has nothing to do with him to let him go and kill whoever he likes.

Thinking of this, Wen Qiuxing raised his foot and kicked his hot chicken partner who seemed to be in meditation: "Quickly tell your secret."

It's that simple and rude.

"No." Feng Ting insisted.

He didn't think it would be possible for him to dissect those silly and juicy mental journeys when he was young in front of his partner.

"Then I thank you." Wen Qiuxing turned around and left.

But it's not going outside the door, nonsense, it's so cold outside, if he wants to leave, he will only leave tomorrow morning when he is full and wears thick clothes.

Feng Ting found out that Little Sweetheart was not walking out the door, and he was slightly relieved.

But even if the other party wants to leave, they can't leave.

The airships and entry and exit checkpoints in the entire palace need to be released. Without his consent, no one can smuggle Her Majesty the Queen out.

But this is not the reason for His Majesty the King.

He turned on the light screen and carefully recalled the whole process of doing that stupid thing when he was in his thirties...

About half an hour later, Wen Qiu woke up on the bed and received a long message.

—Since you think I'm hiding a secret, well, there's something I should tell you...

Wen Qiuxing finished reading the content sent by Feng Ting, and took a deep breath. The situation was about the same as he imagined. Feng Ting and Will were indeed the same person with different personalities.

The only thing he didn't expect was, how could Will be the personality that Fengting took the initiative to split out

He didn't know, of course, because Feng Ting wanted face, so he didn't write it.

The second point that I don't understand is that when Will's personality woke up, why did he pretend to be a false identity and leave the palace immediately

Also, why is it that only Feng Ting's head is in constant pain

Just as he was thinking about it, His Majesty the King suddenly appeared beside Wen Qiuxing, and looked at Wen Qiuxing with a look that I have confessed everything and is about to praise me.

People on earth are in a mess, how can they have the time to praise His Majesty the King.

"You don't have to worry." Feng Ting promised: "I will definitely find a way to erase him before this autumn."

"What?" Wen Qiuxing was so stimulated that he sat up from the bed all of a sudden: "Erase?"

"Yeah." Feng Ting approached his startled partner with a serious face: "Don't worry, it won't hurt me."

Since he had Wen Qiuqiu, that part of his beautiful positive personality was no longer needed.

Wen Qiuxing: "!!!"

It doesn't hurt you but it hurts others!

God! You must be so cruel! So rough!

Wait, Wen Qiuxing suddenly thought, since the other party can split Will, can they also fuse Will back together

Wen Qiuxing's eyes brightened for a while, but they dimmed dejectedly at the thought of a possibility.

Because he was not sure whether he would lose two people at the same time after the fusion.

"Wen Qiuqiu?" Feng Ting noticed that his partner was suddenly depressed.

To be honest, he really didn't know why Little Sweetheart cared so much about this matter, so he could only promise tirelessly: "If you think it's too late before autumn..."

"Shut up." Wen Qiuxing hugged him suddenly.

With a posture of about to collapse, heat swirls in the eye sockets.

Damn, even though the ruthless words were easy to come by during the quarrel, some kind of lightning struck him, killed him with a knife, nonsense, but the youth on earth suddenly realized that when something really happened, he couldn't even think about it.

"Don't bother with that anymore..." Wen Qiuxing took a deep breath: "Just take care of yourself like this."

To be honest, as long as life can go on well, no one will divide themselves into two properly.

What happened to Feng Ting at that time, Wen Qiuxing couldn't imagine, he just felt sorry for the three of them, it was obviously the love of two people, but it turned into three.

"It's all your fault." Wen Qiuxing said and slapped the man.

Play yourself like a duo!

Isn't this mentally handicapped

His Majesty the King cannot fight back.

His Majesty took out... a dark blue jewelry box from his pocket: "I went to planet R today."

So did you bring souvenirs

The youth on earth turned his eyes away, he was dying, his nose was sore, what kind of sadomasochistic love spans the universe.

"I thought it was a diamond." Wen Qiuxing opened the jewelry box and was disappointed when he found it wasn't a diamond.

"Star stones are more expensive than diamonds."

His Majesty's words immediately brightened the eyes of the shallow-sighted people on earth, and immediately felt that this black and black bracelet was very stylish.

"Hey, thank you." The old man from Inner Mongolia happily kissed his partner.

As for those troublesome things, let him be happy before thinking about them.

Feng Ting didn't want it to end here, stretched his neck to chase after the little sweetheart's lips: "Wen Qiuqiu, I don't love you."

In the universe, sending Star Shine Stones is a promise of love.

"En." Wen Qiu woke up and said.

He, who has never felt that he is a scum, felt a slight pain in his heart when he heard these words.

After all, Feng Ting just wanted to monopolize him.

Strictly speaking there is nothing wrong with that.

Selfishness is originally the companion of love, just like Feng Ting, just like him.

In the kiss between ears and temples, the blond man who fell in love put the star shining stone, which represents the promise of love, on the white wrist of his partner, and then clasped his fingers and palms together.

I feel like my life has reached its peak.