Ban All Singles

Chapter 43


The successive bombings made Wen Qiuxing feel guilty to the peak, but after thinking about it carefully, how should I put it, this matter is really not a matter of who is right and who is wrong.

To be precise, everyone has infinite grievances in their hearts.

Will could hold him and cry when he was wronged, but he was wronged, um, he couldn't cry, he could only knock out his bloody teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

Men, the most important thing is to be able to resist things.

The old man from Inner Mongolia, who can handle things, hugged his ex who was out of control in front of him, oh no, to be precise, this guy is still his target.

However, Will seems to be very repulsed by the real identity, and would rather use a poor and white fake identity than admit that he is a king.


Wen Qiuxing was full of doubts, but now is not a good time to explore.

At present, there is only one topic that can relieve the entangled atmosphere.

Sure enough, when the man's hand was pulled to his belly by the kid, his sad mood was relieved a lot in an instant.

"Look." If Wen Qiuxing had a comforting personality, he wouldn't have been single on earth for more than twenty years.

Fortunately, the slightly bulging abdomen itself is the greatest comfort to the man.

"Sorry..." Feng Ting stroked the young man's abdomen back and forth with trembling fingers, his face was full of gratitude and care, as long as he thought that this was a baby conceived by him and his little friend, he would get excited.

Wen Qiuxing took advantage of Feng Ting's opportunity to step back a little, and quickly glanced at the other party's eyes, as expected, there was a little sign of losing his composure.

What a fuck.

"Is this for me?" Wen Qiuxing looked at the bouquet of flowers that could no longer be called bright.

"Yes." Feng Ting tidied up the bouquet and sent it out silently: "Here you are."

Wen Qiuxing took it over: "Thank you."

Then there was a period of silence.

"Sit down." The gentlemanly man pulled out a seat for the young man.

"Thank you." Wen Qiuxing said again.

Seeing Feng Ting's eyes were gloomy, he mocked himself and protested: "Why do you say thank you to me?"

The words killed him.

After all, his memory was still in the small rental house, and the children were always rude to him.

But this really wronged Wen Qiuxing. You must know that he was in a chaotic mood at the time, and he couldn't accept the reality for a while. It's a ghost to have a good attitude towards Will.

Now, after half a year of adaptation, not only has he accepted the idea of being in love with a man, he has also become the queen of the empire, and he can still beat your mother with his mouth open and closed like before... Uh, that's impossible.

"What are you doing with so many brains?" Wen Qiuxing dragged him to his side and sat down: "You're a fucking bitch, I'm being more polite to you, you're being hypocritical!"

After being scolded for a long time, Feng Ting's mood finally lifted from the bottom.

With a little smile.

"Damn it..." The earthling suddenly turned his face away and didn't see it.

One and two are all shaking M!

It's the same as liking to be beaten and scolded by him!

"Let's have a good talk." The convinced earthling put the received flowers on the table: "What's the matter with you waking up early?"

The man was stunned again, then sat down next to his little partner, and recalled in a low voice: "Before I fully woke up, I seemed to have a dream..."

He was on the verge of disappearing several times in the dream, and that feeling frightened him...

Thinking of this, Feng Ting frowned.

I don't want to go through the fear of feeling like I'm going to disappear completely.

In the dream, relying on his obsession with wanting to survive in this world, he stubbornly fought against the opponent for a long time.

When he woke up, he only felt that he had experienced a life-and-death struggle.

After listening to the narration, Wen Qiuxing knew clearly. Needless to say, the situation is likely to be that His Majesty Sand Sculpture stole the chicken and lost money. He wanted to kill Will but ended up overturning the car himself.

OK, it deserves it!

Wen Qiuxing gritted his teeth and thought.

But I still couldn't help worrying: "He wanted to kill you, but you resisted and woke up, so is he still there?"

Feng Ting's face was hurt.

"Okay, okay, I won't ask anymore." Wen Qiuxing was afraid of him: "Then have you eaten yet? I'll have a meal with you, and then..."

Hearing this, Feng Ting looked at him quietly, as if waiting for the verdict.

"I'll give you two choices." Wen Qiuxing pointed to the disguise on his head and face: "Return the original appearance and follow me back to the palace."

For the second choice, he shut his mouth and didn't rush to say it. He first saw what the other party had to say.

Then Feng Ting shook his head, obviously not accepting it.

"Why do you hate him so much?" Wen Qiuxing couldn't bear to ask.

"It's impossible for me to accept everything about him." Feng Ting straightened his lips.

"But you are him!" Wen Qiuxing yelled while holding that handsome face: "You may not know that he split his beautiful emotions not because he dislikes you! It's because he wants you to be clean! I've been to myself. want life!"

What kind of self-pity and self-love can do such a stupid thing

Feng Ting: "..."

"Also." Wen Qiuxing met his eyes: "He leaves all the bad things to himself, including the headaches that torment him every day. You don't understand these, do you?"

Wen Qiuxing was not speaking for His Majesty Sha Sculpture, but telling the truth.

Without that man, there would be no kind and innocent Will in front of him.

That cruel guy has indeed done many things that people criticize and fear.

But whether it was Will who was split off or him, there was no reason to blame the other party.

"Do you think he really fell in love with me at first sight?" Wen Qiuxing put his eyes firmly on the forehead of the mouth: "You are him, and you love me, so he loves me too. If there is no story about you and me, there will be no love." There is no story about me and him."

"Will," the young man said, "you are one and affect each other. It's not the best way to separate each other. After all, you can't be willing to stay with us for only three months a year. It's good for you and us. Neither is good."

One sound, one sentence, sonorously and forcefully passed into the ears of Mr. Alien, which had a great impact on his heart.

Wen Qiuxing: "That kind of life is fine for one year, two years, but for a lifetime?"

In fact, Feng Ting didn't know that he was like a garden in the sky, with no shores on all sides, no past, no future, only the struggling present.

If you insist on your own opinion all the time, you will become an extremely selfish man.

How could he have the heart to let his friends and children face everything in the outside world while he was asleep.

"I still find it incredible." Feng Ting took a deep breath and asked, "He really loves you? Is he treating you well?"

Wen Qiuxing nodded quickly: "Yeah, just like you, he was so cowardly in front of me that he trembled when I slapped him! Do you dare to say that this is not influenced by you?"

Feng Ting blinked: "I..." Didn't he act like this

"My idea is this, baby." Wen Qiuxing gave him a slap in the face: "Since he can split you, he can fuse you back, and when your consciousness still exists, you can completely Live according to your ideas, don't you?"

The more they talked, the more excited they became, and the youth of the earth came up with a plan: "Or you can directly complete the steps of integration?"

"No." Feng Ting pierced through the child's whimsy, had to admit a fact, and explained in a deep voice: "He is the master personality, I can't."

"I see." Wen Qiuxing was slightly disappointed.

As he thought about it seriously, he didn't realize that the mouth was sullen, and the blue eyes in the past were always full of unhappiness today.

"Then we can only discuss it with him." The earth youth pondered.

The elegant aristocratic gentleman didn't want to pour cold water on his little friend, but he had to remind: "Qiuqiu, he's not as easy-talking as you think."

"Hey." Wen Qiuxing scratched his head: "He is really much more cowardly than you."

But Will obviously didn't believe it.

Yes, how can it be believed.

The tyrannical king who frightens the entire universe leads troops to attack even the planets that are not pleasing to the eye, and even blatantly buys nuclear weapons raw materials in disregard of the cosmic treaty. He has never stopped researching nuclear weapons and biochemical weapons.

Leaving aside, let's talk about Lan Xing who recently provoked him.

Going there with nuclear weapons this time, needless to say, will end the creatures on the entire planet...

Regarding this, Wen Qiuxing didn't know what to say.

One can only hope that after the fusion of the two personalities, the status quo can be changed.

"Don't think about that first." Wen Qiuxing said, "Don't be like Sister Lin, I'm annoyed."

Then take the smart menu and order a few dishes that the other party likes.

"Who is Sister Lin?" Feng Ting asked.

"A beautiful young lady who likes to cry." Wen Qiuxing replied.

Feng Ting stopped talking.

After a while, I had a meal with my child. He didn't have much appetite, so he ate very little.

"There are still people watching me outside." Wen Qiuxing looked at the time: "They will suspect me if I don't go out for too long."

"Are you leaving?" Feng Ting asked pretending to be calm.

"..." Wen Qiuxing sighed quietly: "I won't leave, I want to accompany you to the end of the world."

Feng Ting laughed out loud, and the corners of his mouth finally curled into a joyful arc: "Okay."

Although His Majesty Sand Sculpture has a handsome face like a god, but he has to admit that when Will smiles, the world pales, and it is hard for people on earth to resist this pure beauty.

"You're so pretty." Wen Qiuxing leaned forward for the first time today, squeezed the man's chin and kissed him hard.

And this elegant man who always put on a good pose and let him do whatever he wants, this time is no exception, he gently closed his thin eyelids, and opened his lips slightly to let you pick him.

The little friend's kiss finally came after a long delay, and the lips of the man who had been anxiously waiting overflowed with satisfaction.

"Trust me..." Wen Qiuxing plundered hard, not too gently, and went deep: "No matter what I do, it is to be with you, really."

Brother Inner Mongolia: This sounds like a scumbag!

"Yeah." The man he kissed had full trust in him and said affectionately, "As long as you still like me..."

"Nonsense!" Wen Qiuxing said immediately, "Of course I like you. Listen, he has nothing to do with us. Without us, he's nothing!"

Feng Ting's heart was warm, and he finally nodded.

If the little partner just loves the house and wants to be with him forever, he will not be so difficult to accept.

"Then do you know when he will wake up?" Wen Qiuxing said, "We have to be careful."

The little friend's worry was understandable, so Feng Ting told him honestly: "Every time he wakes up, I get a headache."

That is, there was no exact time, Wen Qiuxing was quite disappointed, he really wanted to get this matter settled as soon as possible.

"That's good." Wen Qiuxing glanced at the window with sly eyes: "Are you ready to fly away with me?"

Feng Ting was taken aback, his eyes were astonishingly bright: "Yes?"

"Hmm!" Wen Qiuxing raised his voice: "You were you before he woke up, why should I make you sad?"

Feng Ting: "..."

Feng Ting has no way to resist this throbbing of being cherished, he can only feel the tide of emotion surging in his heart: "Okay."

He didn't agree with the little friend who said that he was a crying and beautiful young lady, so he couldn't help turning away his handsome face slightly.

Five minutes later, the paralyzed soldier guarding the door received a greeting from Morris: "Captain Yi Yang, has Her Majesty the Queen come out yet?"

Brother Bing with a paralyzed face looked at the time, and it was true that Her Majesty the Queen had been in for more than an hour.

"Let me ask." Captain Yi Yang raised his hand and knocked on the door after replying to Morris.

After knocking for about two minutes, there was no response from inside.

The paralyzed Bingge frowned, immediately raised his foot without hesitation, and kicked open the door of the private room of the hotel.

"Maurice, Her Majesty has escaped."