Ban All Singles

Chapter 47


In Wen Qiuxing's two short lives, he never had a job.

This time I will start a small business at a critical moment, firstly to satisfy my appetite, and secondly to find something to do.

Otherwise, if you are full, you will do it, and the meaning of life seems to be to have sex with that guy.

Fortunately, the famous snacks in the motherland are easy to operate.

As long as you decorate the shop, buy all the tools, and buy some navy online marketing, you can open the shop.

But Wen Qiuxing didn't do it himself, he spent money to hire three people.

The high-end decoration, fresh and friendly ingredients, never-before-seen cooking methods, and free tasting on the first day of opening have attracted many customers.

As a result, the line went straight to the street on the opening day.

However, people feel that if you don’t eat for nothing, you may not come or come after the free period.

Wen Qiuxing was rich and self-willed, and with the attitude of losing money, he extended the period of free food to three days.

Afterwards, customers who find it delicious will naturally come to the door one after another, saving Boss Wen's turnover.

After the free period ended, the business was so-so, but it was passable.

This is Wen Qiuxing's standard. After all, he had spent so much money on renovations, renting shops, etc., so he naturally looked down on the turnover in the past few days after opening.

But it's actually pretty awesome.

Even has people Amrita's store, which has the potential of an online celebrity store.

Wen Qiuxing knew that his face was eye-catching, so he rarely appeared in the store, unless he cut the ribbon on the first day of opening and showed his face with sunglasses.

There are more or less Reuters photos on the Starnet, all of which show him wearing sunglasses.

At this time, the weather in early spring was not too warm, and it was impossible to see his puffy stomach in thicker clothes.

However, people familiar with 'Wen Qiuxing' recognized his identity through the photos.

For example, Miller, who works in a nearby lawyer's office, immediately recognized the young man in the photo as his apprentice for half a year last year.

However, due to some misunderstandings, the other party left the lawyer's firm and blocked his contact information.

At this time, Miller didn't know about Wen Qiuxing's marriage to the royal family. After all, even though the royal family had made an official announcement, no clear photos were released.

With such a large population in the entire empire, there are quite a few people with the same name.

After Miller got off work, he bought a bouquet of white gladiolus downstairs, and took a hover car to the address published on Starnet.

Inside the glass window, a young man was sitting boldly, with one foot on the chair next door, one hand resting on his knees, and he ate hard.

"Well... this is delicious." The young man sitting boldly is Wen Qiuxing.

Hungry, come and eat.

The elder brother from Inner Mongolia, who loves her husband, picked up a piece of sheep belly and sent it to the mouth of Feng Ting, who was so gentle.

Regarding the fact that the child likes to eat animal offal, Feng Ting's attitude has gone from incredible to normal: "Thank you." The man opened his mouth, ate the good things the child gave him, and said something delicious.

"Then eat more." Wen Qiuxing said, suddenly stunned, followed his line of sight, and there was a handsome professional man standing outside the glass window.

Wearing business attire, with a briefcase in his right hand and a bouquet in his left.

Wen Qiuxing felt that this person looked familiar, when he saw that person smiling at him, very handsome and fresh.

Sure enough, it was an acquaintance of the original owner, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Miller opened the door and came in, walked up to Wen Qiuxing, and bowed straightly: "I'm sorry." After getting up, he sent flowers over: "I'm here to apologize, I hope you can forgive my offense that night."

At this point, Wen Qiuxing suddenly remembered who this guy was, his eyes suddenly became serious, and he subconsciously glanced at Feng Ting.

Feng Ting looked back, his expression full of doubts.

If you look closely, there is also a little bit of worry mixed in.

Wen Qiuxing, who was quite guilty at first, thought that this was not his business, so he let go of his attitude: "You wait here, I will go out and talk to him for a while."

"I'm with you." Feng Ting said.

The man who had just stood up was stopped by Wen Qiuxing's impatient eyes: "Sit down."

Then he greeted the man who came to him to apologize: "Go, let's go out and talk."

Miller, who was half a head taller than Wen Qiuxing, held a bouquet of white gladiolus, first nodded politely to Feng Ting, and then walked out with Wen Qiuxing.

A very fine man.

"I have something to ask you." Wen Qiuxing and the other party stood outside the glass door, and went straight to the point with a little irritability: "What did you do to me that night?"

Miller was slightly stunned: "Actually, I didn't do anything." He thought that both parties drank extra wine that night, and it was understandable that the other party didn't remember: "I remember only some not-so-excessive contacts..."

"Didn't go to bed?" Wen Qiuxing looked at him.

"Uh..." the young lawyer choked, then quickly shook his head: "You didn't agree."

That is to say, the other party wanted it, but the original owner did not agree.

"Oh." Wen Qiuxing's mood improved, he glanced at the flowers in the other party's hand, stretched out his hand and said, "Then give it to me, I accept your apology."

How cool is the attitude.

The young lawyer was stunned again, and hurriedly handed the flowers to the other party: "You were very angry at first, and you didn't give me a chance to explain, and you slapped me after you got up."

The blue-eyed man who walked to the glass door paused when he pushed the door...

"That's all in the past." Wen Qiuxing said, "Since I have accepted your apology, let's settle the matter from now on."

Miller nodded: "It seems that you already have a partner now, so I wish you happiness."

Wen Qiuxing couldn't hate this kind of reasonable person: "It's fine, and I hope you find your other half as soon as possible."

Miller smiled. From the corner of the eye, he saw the current partner of his former crush, nodded his head, and turned to Wen Qiuxing, "Goodbye."

The lawyer's back was crisp and unrestrained, as firm as he came to apologize.

Based on this, it can be seen that the peach blossoms attracted by the original owner are all good.

Wen Qiuxing scratched his head, why is the peach blossom that I attracted so strange? !

As soon as he turned his head, he saw a tall figure standing in front of the door, looking at him with faint eyes, and said, "You actually have an ex."

Wen Qiuxing folded his arms and rolled his eyes: "I still have an ex-husband? What's wrong?"

Then he walked over and bumped Feng Ting away with his shoulder: "Rang Rang, I'm not full yet."

The man with a sour heart stroked his unbearable chest with his fingers, and stood by the door to blow the cold wind for a while.

Three minutes later, Feng Ting returned to Wen Qiuxing with a chill all over, and ate as if nothing had happened.

As someone who can clearly feel the other party's temper, Wen Qiuxing put down his chopsticks: "I didn't have sex with him."

Feng Ting has done a good job of psychological preparation just now, accepting the fact that the other party has an ex.

In Empire, that sort of thing is normal.

Hearing the little friend's clarification suddenly, he froze for a moment, then nodded: "I see."

When he lowered his head to eat again, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"You're a fucking jealous." Wen Qiuxing picked up the chopsticks again, and gave him the delicious food.

"Because I like you so much." Feng Ting put down the tableware in his hand and hugged the little friend.

Wen Qiuxing smiled, thinking that's it.

Day by day, otherwise how far can we go

At the same time, Captain Yi Yang shared the shocking melon he had just found with Adjutant Morris: "Morris, are you asleep?"

Morris looked at the current time, two o'clock in the morning!

"I was already asleep, but I was woken up by your communication request." The sleepy adjutant's voice was hoarse with just waking up, and it sounded a bit reproachful: "Please pay more attention next time."

Brother Soldier with Facial Paralysis: "Okay."

Brother Soldier with a paralyzed face was actually stunned for a moment, shook his head and calmly reported: "Her Majesty's friend was once his ex-husband."

It was indeed a shocking melon, and Morris was shocked: "What?"

But thinking about it, it was expected.

If he guessed correctly, His Majesty must have used a fake identity when he travels every autumn.

Then he used this false identity to get acquainted with Her Majesty the Queen who was a young commoner, and married Her Majesty the Queen using the false identity.

... Anyway, they are a couple when they go around!

Suddenly, Morris said 'ah'.

Brother Soldier with Facial Paralysis twitched his brows: "What's wrong?"

Morris pursed his lips: "I discovered a secret."

And it's a big secret, if it is revealed, the guys in the cabinet will go crazy.

"What's the secret?" Captain Yi Yang, who never liked talking, chatted with the adjutant.

"I won't tell you." Morris didn't even tell Will or His Majesty Captain Yi Yang, so how could he tell him such an important secret.

"Okay, I'm going to bed, good night." Morris yawned, and hung up the subordinate's communication.

Brother Soldier with facial paralysis hid in the dark and empty room, and was dazed for a while.

After finishing the business of opening the store, the time has entered the middle of March.

The weather jumps back and forth between warming and sudden cold, challenging the patience of people on earth to dress and undress.

He stays indoors with a constant temperature and never goes out. He often wears wide T-shirts and big underpants, which makes his belly more obvious.

This morning, my elder brother from Inner Mongolia felt sick to his stomach after eating a full meal, so he thought his stomach was full, so he stood up and walked around.

It turned out that my stomach was moving...

"..." Brother Inner Mongolia frowned, realizing that things were not simple.

Pause to put your hands on it and feel it.

Ouch, it moved again.

He knew that his stomach upset wasn't from being full, but from the cub turning over in his belly.

It's okay, Wen Qiuxing thought, after five months in Dad's womb, Lao Tzu's cub finally learned how to turn over.

But this sense of comfort only lasted for one day.

Recently, because the child's stomach is getting bigger and bigger, Feng Ting consciously abstained from sexual intercourse, and Wen Qiuxing stopped the real intimacy, and changed to occasionally using his hands and mouth to relieve each other.

The man who hadn't been close to his child for several days, carefully put his arms around his bucket waist and fell asleep.

"Good night Qiuqiu."

"Yeah." The drowsy young man was about to fall asleep, but was suddenly kicked in the stomach by a small foot in his stomach, and suddenly regained consciousness, unable to fall asleep.

The man who put his hand gently on his stomach: "..." His eyes were wide open, and he didn't even dare to breathe too hard to wait for the next time...

"Damn it..." His stomach was kicked again, and the trapped young man opened his eyes depressedly: "Little brother, what's the matter with you?"

I'm a little too active today!

The stupid dad who was also kicked, stepped back after being shocked, and pressed his face against the child's belly: "Qiuqiu, he is kicking you..."

"Isn't it?" Wen Qiuxing said angrily, "This little bastard has been tossing around all day."

Hearing this, Feng Ting felt sorry for the little friend, but also looked at the little friend's belly with doting eyes.

"Let me rub it for you." Feng Ting stretched out his hand to Wen Qiuxing to caress, while chuckling softly: "Maybe he is a lively child, just like you."

Wen Qiuxing thought to himself, brother is not only lively, but also a scumbag.

Fry at one point.

After a while, perhaps because the cub was comforted by his father, he finally calmed down in his stomach.

The sleepy-eyed young man finally got a good night's sleep.

Hearing the child's steady breathing, Feng Ting withdrew his hand, unable to fall asleep for a long time.

During these days, the tyrant lurking in the depths of his consciousness seemed to have disappeared, never coming out to test him.

That's fine.

Feng Ting prayed in his heart, at least let him see the birth of the baby with his own eyes.

That night, probably because of the baby kicking his stomach, Feng Ting, who was relaxed, fell into a deep sleep.

He, who was originally stable, suddenly regained consciousness and found himself in an empty and dark place around him.

He swore he had never been to such a place before, but felt that it gave him a strong sense of familiarity.

While Feng Ting was meditating, his keen five senses made him aware that there was danger approaching, but the other party was obviously evenly matched with him, and had already rushed towards him before he realized it.

The back of his head fell heavily to the ground with a bang, and the dizzy Feng Ting stared wide-eyed in astonishment after seeing his attacker clearly.

"What a vulnerable guy." Standing in front of Feng Ting was a blond, blue-eyed, tall and wicked man.

At this moment, he was looking at Feng Ting on the ground with the eyes of looking at trash.

"It's you?" Feng Ting experienced a brief moment of astonishment, then jumped up and looked at the other party with cold eyes.

"Tsk." The king didn't want to talk to the idiot personality that split from him and said, "I'm here to inform you that you don't need to show up again after today."

Feng Ting seemed not surprised, and tugged at the corner of his mouth that was punched just now: "Notification?"

After all, I have been "guarding" the truth, goodness and beauty for more than ten years. The king was satisfied with his actions in the first few years, but then he gradually felt that the other party is the other party, he is him, and the other party's happiness is none of his business

Why can the other party enjoy life wantonly, but he has to be exposed to endless darkness and pain

Without a man with a kind personality, it is impossible for him to think of a good place.

So, he came to reclaim his missing three months.

"You shouldn't have existed." Seeing that the other party was about to disappear, the king whispered: "You are just an illusory garden in the sky."

Suddenly, he smiled cruelly as if thinking of something: "Oh, by the way, you suddenly don't want to leave this world, is it because you have someone you like?"

Feng Ting continued to be silent

The difference is that he was able to do a job with ease just now, but now he has to be vigilant.

"What do you want to say?"

Two slightly different voices echoed in the darkness, because Feng Ting was unwilling to admit that he was the same person as the violent man in front of him.

"It's very simple." The king raised his lips: "For the sake of your lover, I hope you will disappear automatically, otherwise I will kill him." After a pause, he showed his white teeth, and added a devilish sentence: "Or they .”